A Quote by Anthony Scaramucci

If you're asking me do we want clean air and clean water? Yes. Do we want a safer climate for future generations of the world? Of course we want that. We're working super hard here in Trump Tower to make sure that happens.
Trump is a very common-sense-oriented guy and basically, what he said is if we reduce carbon emissions, the air is going to get cleaner. That is a positive thing. Whether you believe in climate change or not, we want clean air. We want clean water for the American people.
Whether you believe in climate change or not, we want clean air. We want clean water for the American people.
Californians want to have clean air, clean water - not like the Trump Administration is trying to do with its rollback of environmental regulations, like the reversal of the Clean Power Plan.
It's better for the United States and better for the world to have the U.S. be energy independent. Have us have clean air and clean water and protect the environment for future generations of Americans. All of that makes sense.
You come before me this morning with clean hands and clean collars. I want you to have clean tongues, clean manners, clean morals and clean characters.
I'm going to guess Republicans and Democrats, liberals and conservatives, all want clean air to breathe and clean water to drink. I'm sure most people think women should be paid the same as men if they're doing the same job. I think we all want good schools for our kids. If we made that list, we actually are in agreement on more things.
I want to get the economy going again. It's not just enough about what we're against, as important as that is. I have a plan to create new jobs, manufacturing, infrastructure, clean energy jobs that will make us the 21st century clean energy super power. I also want to make sure small businesses can start and grow again.
I want people to have clean water. People in this country take it for granted, the ability to drink clean water whenever they want. There are millions of people far less fortunate in this world, and it's my duty to do as much as I can to change that. I don't see that as insurmountable at all.
I want clean water and clean air and conservation... that's not what extreme environmentalists are all about. For them, it is a religion. They believe in trees and animals, not God.
When you go into a person's house, and you smell that wash of cat smell, it's the human's fault, not the cat's. Cats want everything to be clean around them. They want where they live to be clean, they clean themselves, they want a clean litter box.
I want to do the right things - I want to plant trees, I want to make sure that the indigenous forests are protected because I know, whatever happens, these are the forests that contain biodiversity, these are the forests that help us retain water when it rains and keep our rivers flowing, these are the forests that many future generations will need.
Comprehensive climate legislation must be passed so that we can ensure a world where this and future generations can experience the bliss of breathing clean crisp air, while fishing in the Adirondacks... and being able to eat the fish afterwards.
I want my children and my grandchildren to live in a world with clean air, pure drinking water, and an abundance of wildlife, so I've chosen to dedicate my life to wildlife conservation so I can make the world just a little bit better.
Exxon, one of the companies that has spent tens of millions of dollars denying climate change, denying any responsibility to deal with, taking government subsidies on a massive scale, now their ads are all about, 'Oh, we want a clean future. We're looking at clean energy and all that stuff.'
I want a different world. One where I don't wake up thinking I'm so lucky to be able to feed my daughter, and able to give people a clean drink of water. I don't want images of starving babies at the breast in my mind. I want that to change. And if I want that, I had better do something about it.
Illinoisans know that we need to protect our environment, to invest in our future, to make sure that our children have clean air, fresh water, and a good, healthy future.
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