A Quote by Epictetus

Exceed due measure, and the most delightful things become the least delightful. — © Epictetus
Exceed due measure, and the most delightful things become the least delightful.
It's not even that finding laundry pleasurable or delightful should be our goal rather than finding television delightful. It's that both laundry and television can be delightful.
It is delightful to kiss the eyelashes of the beloved--is it not? But never so delightful as when fresh tears are on them.
Girls are simply wonderful. Just to stand on a corner and watch them going past is delightful. They don't walk. At least not what we do when we walk. I don't know how to describe it, but it's much more complex and utterly delightful. They don't move just their feet; everything moves and in different directions . . . and all of it graceful.
God seems to reward us with good, delightful experiences when we move with joy through the less-than-delightful times.
All in all, it was a never-to-be-forgotten summer — one of those summers which come seldom into any life, but leave a rich heritage of beautiful memories in their going — one of those summers which, in a fortunate combination of delightful weather, delightful friends and delightful doing, come as near to perfection as anything can come in this world.
Don't say it was "delightful"; make us say "delightful" when we've read the description.
One of the most delightful things about a garden is the anticipation it provides.
Don't say it was delightful; make us say delightful when we've read the description. You see, all those words (horrifying, wonderful, hideous, exquisite) are only like saying to your readers Please will you do the job for me.
It is true that He does sometimes require of us things that to others seem hard. But when the will is once surrendered, the revolutionized life plans become just the plans that are most pleasant, and the things that to others seem hard, are just the things that are easiest and most delightful. Do not let Satan deceive you into being afraid of God's plans for your life.
How delightful it is to see a friend after a length of absence! How delightful to chide him for that length of absence to which we owe such delight.
And, by the way, one of the most delightful things I find in America is meeting a people without prejudice -- everywhere open to the truth.
Nothing makes people so worthy of compliments as receiving them. One is more delightful for being told one is delightful-just as one is more angry for being told one is angry.
How little we realize things till they come upon us personally. I believe I have been a perfect fiend of indifference, even intolerance, of deaf people, and now it's me. Well, I am determined to become the most Delightful Deaf Old Lady that ever existed and I am practicing to that end.
Life is most delightful on the downward slope.
Of all the senses, sight must be the most delightful.
Material things are delightful, but they're not important.
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