A Quote by Eric Cantona

It is enjoyable to make things visible which are invisible. — © Eric Cantona
It is enjoyable to make things visible which are invisible.
Visible things can be invisible. However, our powers of thought grasp both the visible and the invisible – and I make use of painting to render thoughts visible.
Grey. It makes no statement whatever; it evokes neither feelings nor associations: it is really neither visible nor invisible. Its inconspicuousness gives it the capacity to mediate, to make visible, in a positively illusionistic way, like a photograph. It has the capacity that no other colour has, to make 'nothing' visible.
He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
Also, rights are not things that are given in the heavens. Rather, they are levers for political articulations, which enables what was previously invisible to become visible.
Mime makes the invisible, visible and the visible, invisible.
The severe schools shall never laugh me out of the philosophy of Hermes, that this visible world is but a picture of the invisible, wherein as in a portrait, things are not truly, but in equivocal shapes, and as they counterfeit some real substance in that invisible fabric.
I am the visible part of the invisible Christ. He is the invisible part of the visible me.
Study, therefore, to withdraw the love of your soul from all things that are visible, and turn it to things that are invisible.
In naming that which is right before me, that which I'd otherwise miss, the invisible becomes visible.
We are the bees of the invisible. We madly gather the honey of the visible to store it in the great golden hive of the invisible.
Vessels expose the invisible Zeitgeist, the visible formed by the invisible.
Nature is a light, and by looking at Nature in her own light we will understand her. Visible Nature may be seen in her visible light; invisible Nature may become visible if we acquire the power to perceive her invisible light.
We must make the invisible kingdom visible in our midst.
there is a law of retribution in all things, direct or indirect, visible or invisible.
For me, the poetry in a work is that which makes visible the invisible.
Prayer is an invisible tool which is wielded in a visible world.
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