A Quote by Yasmin Mogahed

This pain in your heart was created to make you yearn less for this life. And to yearn more for jennah. Allahu akbar — © Yasmin Mogahed
This pain in your heart was created to make you yearn less for this life. And to yearn more for jennah. Allahu akbar
In Christ, we become new creatures. His life becomes ours. Take that word 'life' and turn it over and over and press it and try to measure it, and see what it will yield. Eternal life is a magnificent idea which comprises everything the heart can yearn after. Do not your hearts yearn for this life, this blessed and eternal life, which the Son of God so freely offers?
The best antidote I have found is to yearn for something. As long as you yearn, you can't congeal: There is a forward motion to yearning.
In childhood, we yearn to be grown-ups. In old age, we yearn to be kids. It just seems that all would be wonderful if we didn't have to celebrate our birthdays in chronological order.
I don't think all people yearn for freedom, actually. I think they yearn for stability.
As long as Putin backs me up, I can do everything - Allahu akbar!
There is also an underlying, less specific fear - what some might call an ontological or existential anxiety - that shrouds our days and seeps into our dreams. We feel empty and seek meaning. We feel empty and seek meaning. We yearn and know not what we yearn for. There is a black hole at the center of our understanding that engulfs and crushes our every attempt to explore it. Something is missing.
I never hear terrorists say 'Merry Christmas,' only 'Allahu Akbar'.
I have no pity! I have no pity! The more worms writhe, the more I yearn to crush out their entrails! It is a moral teething, and I grind with greater energy, in proportion to the increase of pain.
Only I discern Infinite passion, and the pain Of finite hearts that yearn.
How foolish to yearn to ask the very person who'd caused the pain to heal it
To what extent does anybody control his destiny? Life is very much like falling of the edge of a cliff. You have complete freedom to make all the choices you want to take on your way down. My characters choose to yearn and not lose hope even when the odds are completely against them. It doesn't make the landing at the end of that fall any less painful but, somehow, it helps them keep a little dignity their bone broken body.
Stop trying to make this life into what it cannot and never was intended to be: jennah. Only then will it stop breaking your heart.
When traveling abroad if you see something you yearn for if you can afford it at all, buy it. If you don't you'll regret it all your life.
Be brave enough to never yearn For that you cannot hold close In your heart forever. Tread lightly, cherish compassion And live in the moment without fear.
While we yearn for peace, we live in a world burdened with hunger, pain, anguish, loneliness, sickness, and sorrow.
Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding... And could you keep your heart in wonder at the daily miracles of your life, your pain would not seem less wondrous than your joy
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