Top 1200 Adventurous Life Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Adventurous Life quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
To me, Steve was my Prince Charming. He was my happily ever after, and we got that. We got 14 years of marriage; we had the best, most fantastic, adventurous, wonderful life that you could imagine. And I was very happy with that.
Life after 50 or 60 is itself another country, as different as adolescence is from childhood, or as adulthood is from adolescence - and just as adventurous.
There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power. — © Alan Cohen
There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.
I'm honored and excited to bring Dora to life. I grew up watching the show, and for me, especially as a Latina, Dora was an amazing role model - she is a strong, adventurous, and fun-loving girl.
Wealth brings with it refinement, the spirit of conservation, while poverty inspires adventurous ideas, the desire to change things, and has little care for life.
The adventurous state of mind is a high house... The joy of adventure is unaccountable. This is the attractiveness of artwork. It is adventurous, strenuous and joyful.
To love playthings well as a child, to lead an adventurous and honorable youth, and to settle when the time arrives, into a green and smiling age, is to be a good artis en life and deserve well of yourself and your neighbor.
I just want to have a completely adventurous, passionate, weird life.
I'm becoming more adventurous.
We can easily become as much slaves to precaution as we can to fear. Although we can never rivet our fortune so tight as to make it impregnable, we may by our excessive prudence squeeze out of the life that we are guarding so anxiously all the adventurous quality that makes it worth living.
I think what I'm gonna do is keep being international and not being grounded to any one particular thing. As long as I'm entertaining people in one way or another and maintaining some sort of adventurous life with my family in tow, then I'll be happy.
Fill your life with tiny and large adventurous moments.
I like to be adventurous.
One should not be adventurous being a woman. — © Sheila Dikshit
One should not be adventurous being a woman.
No, I'm not at all adventurous. I'm terribly cowardly.
I am attracted to intelligence, a witty sense of humor, an adventurous outlook on life and spiritual awareness about one's self and the world.
Adventures are to the adventurous.
I don't know what any individual should do about crossing her own borders. I only know that I live a happier, more adventurous life, by crossing borders.
If you're not adventurous, you're not really living, I think... especially in college.
I encourage you to live with life. Be courageous, adventurous. Give us a tomorrow, more than we deserve.
Art, industry, and commerce, so long crushed and overborne, were stirring into renewed life, and a crowd of adventurous men, nurtured in war and incapable of repose, must seek employment for their restless energies in fields of peaceful enterprise.
It is always the adventurous who accomplish great things.
I like someone who embraces life; who wants to be on a long journey but has no particular plan or destination in mind. An adventurous man, open to the concept of living life in the moment.
Part of the reasons I have lived the life I have is because I wanted to have an adventurous life. But my best adventures are more literary than political.
I don't want an uneventful and safe life, I prefer an adventurous one.
The only life worth living is the adventurous life. Of such a life the dominant characteristic is that it is unafraid. If is unafraid of what other people think . . . It does not adapt either its pace or its objectives to the pace and objectives of its neighbors. It thinks its own thoughts, it reads its own books, it developed its own hobbies, and it is governed by its own conscience. The herd may graze where it pleases or stampede where it pleases, but he who lives the adventurous life will remain unafraid when he finds himself alone.
Gilbert darling, don't let's ever be afraid of things. It's such dreadful slavery. Let's be daring and adventurous and expectant. Let's dance to meet life and all it can bring to us, even if it brings scads of trouble and typhoid and twins!" (Anne to Gilbert)
I couldn't hold a candle to how adventurous Steve was. He found life intoxicating, and he was just in awe of every living creature.
If you don't talk to strangers, your life is so limited. If you're careful about what you eat, you'll never try anything adventurous.
No one but an adventurous traveler can know the luxury of sleep.
Past the village flowed the river, like time, like life itself, waiting for the swimmer to come again on his way to the climax of his adventurous life, and to the end for which he had been made.
The herd may graze where it pleases or stampede where it pleases, but he who lives the adventurous life will remain unafraid when he finds himself alone.
So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservation, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality, nothing is more damaging to the adventurous spirit.
Two words: Love leads. Listen to that ring of love within. If we follow that leading of love we'll be guaranteed an adventurous, positive, joyful life.
The adventurous life is not one exempt from fear, but on the contrary, one that is lived in full knowledge of fears of all kinds, one in which we go forward in spite of our fears.
She belonged to a different age, but being so entire, so complete, would always stand up on the horizon, stone-white, eminent, like a lighthouse marking some past stage on this adventurous, long, long voyage, this interminable --- this interminable life.
I like a boyish quality in a man, somebody who is still adventurous. But I have no rules. I do not care - within reason - about your chronological age. I care whether you have passion in your life.
I can think of no greater happiness than to be clear-sighted and know the miracle when it happens. And I can think of no more real life than the adventurous one of living and liking and exclaiming the things of one's own time.
I like squirrels. They're so adventurous. — © Gabby Douglas
I like squirrels. They're so adventurous.
The emotionally sound person should be able to take risks, to ask himself what he really would like to do in life, and then to try to do this, even though he has to risk defeat or failure. He should be adventurous (though not necessarily foolhardy); be willing to try almost anything once, just to see how he likes it; and look forward to some breaks in his usual life routines.
I'm not normally very adventurous with food.
Square meals, not adventurous ones, are what you should seek.
I like squirrels. Theyre so adventurous.
Sometimes you've just got to grab an apple - or grapes, or strawberries. Something that's healthy but maybe a little bit more adventurous, if you can see fruit as adventurous.
Quite often, the people who do leave their own nation and come to an unknown destination, like the United States, are inherently adventurous, so we've had that adventurous spirit that has embedded itself collectively in the American consciousness.
Life was a lot more adventurous before caller I.D.
My memory bank has overflowed out of control forever. I'm surprised my smile hasn't killed me yet. I have lived an indescribable joyful, adventurous, musical dream life and it just gets better every year.
Luckily inside, I feel like an 18-year-old, with the spirit inside me as adventurous and young as it ever was. I still have wide-eyed wonder about the amazing things I've seen, in an extraordinary life travelling all over the world for my career.
I am not that adventurous with clothes. — © Nandita Mahtani
I am not that adventurous with clothes.
Education is an adventurous quest for the meaning of life, involving an ability to think things through. --Z. Applewhite.
I wish I was more adventurous.
Marriage and deathless friendship, both should be inviolable and sacred: two great creative passions, separate, apart, but complementary: the one pivotal, the other adventurous: the one, marriage, the centre of human life; and the other, the leap ahead.
It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.
I've realized how precious life is. When I was younger, I was more adventurous. I felt invincible. I was game for everything. As a mom, I don't want to get injured because then I can't take care of my kids.
I must break out... ...start a new life... been here for years... might be getting into a rut... something a bit more exciting... more adventurous... something with more of a challenge... There's not much opportunity for self-advancement in toilets.
I have always wanted an adventurous life. It took a long time to realize that I was the only one who could make an adventurous life happen to me.
Aside from my work, in my everyday private life, I'm not a very adventurous person. I don't look for change.
Stay adventurous with that musical taste.
British cookbook author Elizabeth David led the most adventurous life but is widely credited with bringing to the fore the importance of home cooking.
I'm adventurous; I like change.
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