Top 133 Batteries Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Batteries quotes.
Last updated on September 20, 2024.
Every great device, gadget, electric car, and robot would be even greater if batteries didn't suck so badly.
Our books still do not require batteries. But I am no fool. It is a slender advantage.
I bought some batteries, but they weren't included. — © Steven Wright
I bought some batteries, but they weren't included.
Next to the confrontation between two highly honed batteries of lawyers, jungle warfare is a stately minuet.
An hour or two of learning from the masters is usually enough to recharge my artistic batteries.
Batteries are the most dramatic object. Other things stop working or they break, But Batteries... They Die.
That's the great thing about doing good: Anyone can do it, any time, no waiting periods or batteries required.
Books dont need batteries
The batteries are gradually becoming charged, and if the prudence of the government does not provide an outlet for the currents that are accumulating, some day the spark will be generated.
Travel is like a tonic to me. It's more than just getting away from the studio for a brief rest. I need it to recharge my batteries.
He just got in the car, but the batteries dead. So he asks to use the phone and she gives him some head.
You have to recharge your batteries.
I read a lot of books. So, usually when I go home I try to re-charge my batteries and absorb new stories to become inspired again. — © Mia Wasikowska
I read a lot of books. So, usually when I go home I try to re-charge my batteries and absorb new stories to become inspired again.
What monstrous absurdities and paradoxes have resisted whole batteries of serious arguments, and then crumbled swiftly into dust before the ringing death-knell of a laugh!
For Christmas the just came out with a battery-operated battery. But the batteries aren't included.
If you don't stay in some days, you can't recharge your batteries.
The Hardy Boys burned me out. I was recharging my batteries. It was time to return to work, but it was tough because my visibility was low.
In fact I try to spend at least one, if not two days without ever leaving my room. Because if I didn't, when would I recharge my batteries?
A Kindle returns us to the inconvenience of the scroll, except with batteries and electronic glitches. It's as handy as bringing Homer along to recite the 'Iliad' while playing a lyre.
My friends always joke that I run on batteries.
As for the age of electronics, Selena, I really don't want to get personal with something that comes with a warning label and batteries. (Grace)
When I'm off the road, my husband and I recharge our batteries. It's a day of deep rest and connection with the spiritual, and that can be anything - going for a walk in nature, being in silence, burning incense.
What do batteries run on?
My wife, like many women, actually LIKES wrapping things. If she gives you a gift that requires batteries, she wraps the batteries separately, which to me is very close to being a symptom of mental illness.
It comes up over and over and over again that a ten times increase in the weight-oriented density of batteries or the volume metric, the space-oriented density of batteries, would enable so many other moonshots that that's one that just constantly comes up over and over again, and we will start that moonshot if we can find a great idea.
Women, in order to recharge their batteries, gather in groups. They can recharge their batteries with their sisters. I tend to recharge my batteries in solitude, therefore the motorcycle trips. I need to be alone. As a matter of fact, I have to be careful. I could turn into a hermit.
I moved to London when I was 18 to develop my acting career, but I still love going home to Ireland to recharge my batteries.
How come everything I need always comes with batteries?
Give children toys that are powered by their imagination, not by batteries.
I would ditch school if my CD was scratched up or I couldnt get batteries. I wasnt trying to get on the bus and not be listening to music.
I took the batteries out my mysticism / ?And put them in my thinking cap
I got a vibrator that needed two nine volt batteries. What am I - R2D2? I don't know what to do with that.
The Hardy Boys burned me out. I was recharging my batteries. It was time to return to work, but it was tough because my visibility was low
It feels good when you come to a place like Oklahoma to charge up the batteries. I need that.
Coming back to theatre is something I'm keen to do for the rest of my life. It recharges my batteries, so to speak.
Toys are made in heaven, batteries are made in hell.
From my point of view, it is better to take the chance, having had nine jobs in 10 years, to recharge my batteries
The fuel cell is just a fundamentally inferior way of delivering electrical energy to an electric motor than batteries. — © Elon Musk
The fuel cell is just a fundamentally inferior way of delivering electrical energy to an electric motor than batteries.
Comparing Jesus with history's greatest of human leaders is like comparing the sun to a flashlight with no batteries.
Waking up to you is like... presents on Christmas morning." His mouth curved. "For your convenience, I'm already unwrapped. Batteries not required.
A ten-times increase in the weight-oriented density of batteries would enable so many other moonshots, if we can find a great idea. We just haven't found one yet.
Bora Bora is peaceful and quiet, but fun, so full of cool activities and more; spiritual to the core, and you leave with fully recharged batteries.
I would ditch school if my CD was scratched up or I couldn't get batteries. I wasn't trying to get on the bus and not be listening to music.
They run off eckeltricity, do they?" he said knowledgeably. "Ah yes, I can see the plugs. I collect plugs," he added to Uncle Vernon. "And batteries. Got a large collection of batteries.
I'm sure we've all had that annoying experience when we desperately need a flashlight, we find one, and the batteries are out. Imagine how much money we would save and the amount of toxins leached into the soil, etc., reduced if we didn't use any batteries in flashlights!
For example, a breakthrough in better batteries could supplant hydrogen. Better solar cells could replace or win out in this race to the fuel of the future. Those, I see, as the three big competitors: hydrogen, solar cells and then better batteries.
It’s like your batteries get low, and you need to charge them on someone else’s story.
Call me crazy but I imagine a world where we smile when we have low batteries, because that will mean we’re one bar closer to humanity. — © Prince Ea
Call me crazy but I imagine a world where we smile when we have low batteries, because that will mean we’re one bar closer to humanity.
I started in theater, and I love to go back to theater, just to have the experience and recharge my batteries, creatively.
You can't take my batteries out; I'm always on the go.
Some enterprising youth should go from door to door on Christmas morning peddling batteries.
People would like better batteries but they are wary of making investments. What is required is both a technology push and a market pull.
I invest in anything that Bernanke can't destroy, including gold, canned beans, bottled water and flashlight batteries.
I once bought my kids a set of batteries for Christmas with a note on it saying, toys not included.
Ewan McGregor and I had very similar first-time light sabre experiences. We both burned ourselves! These things are hot - they're full of batteries!
I noticed that there are no B batteries. I think that's to avoid confusion, cause if there were you wouldn't know if someone was stuttering. 'Yes, hello I'd like some b-batteries.' 'What kind?' 'B-batteries.' 'What kind?' 'B-batteries!' and D-batteries that's hard for foreigners. 'Yes, I would like de batteries.'
Reading allows me to recharge my batteries.
At least once a week, I try to have one day where I have nothing planned so I can get up and just go back to bed and lay around and recharge my batteries.
I'm extremely happy the lithium-ion batteries helped communications around the world.
I went to the hardware store to buy some batteries, but they weren't included, so I had to buy them again.
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