Top 1200 Without Makeup Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Without Makeup quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
Technically, a makeup artist's canvas is the face and body. The difference is that my painting of makeup is integrated into the painting of the flesh and not on top of it. I think in some ways it is more difficult to expressively deploy makeup.
My mom actually arranged for all my friends and I to have a makeup tutorial when we first started wearing makeup. That way, we learned how not to do our makeup.
All women need makeup. Don't let anybody tell you different. The only woman who was pretty enough to go without makeup was Elizabeth Taylor and she wore a ton. — © Tracy Letts
All women need makeup. Don't let anybody tell you different. The only woman who was pretty enough to go without makeup was Elizabeth Taylor and she wore a ton.
A man without makeup is like a cake without icing.
My favorite would have to be concealer, which I don't think anyone can live without these days. I use the CK One concealer as well as their One color face makeup. It's brilliant. It's super natural, and it makes it look like you don't have any makeup on.
My idea of no makeup on actors is really no makeup. I mean, they can be wearing makeup. I don't care what they're wearing as long as it looks like they're not wearing makeup. But an actress will suddenly appear with some lipstick on. And that's makeup. Keener's character wears makeup. Her character would wear makeup. I try to stay true to whoever that person is. I hate that kind of thing where you're waking up in the morning with makeup on in a movie. I just think it pulls you out of the movie.
Honestly, I think I'm really good at taking off makeup. I cannot fall asleep with my makeup on. And I have makeup wipes beside my bed and all of that so there's like no excuse. I think that's extremely important.
People value makeup differently. Some people see makeup as an artistic expression, some people use makeup as a boost of confidence. I just think makeup is so beautiful and that it really is art. That's why I do makeup.
You should see me without makeup.
Being confident without makeup is sexy.
When you have a cute outfit on and your makeup looks amazing, the first thing people comment on is your image. When you don't wear makeup, you hear things like, 'Oh wow, you look tired,' or, 'You're so brave for not wearing makeup!'
My actual desire is to be able to comfortably walk out of my house without any makeup on and feel as beautiful as I do when my makeup artist beats my face.
I don't care how many followers you have, but if you're executing amazing makeup, and you're working day to day in the makeup world and really changing the makeup world, to me that qualifies as a pro.
I don't need to rely on my concealer to have a sense of myself. I should be able to go out without my concealer, without my makeup, and still be able to be joyful.
I don't dye my hair and I can go without makeup.
I believe that all women are pretty without makeup- but with the right makeup can be pretty powerful. — © Bobbi Brown
I believe that all women are pretty without makeup- but with the right makeup can be pretty powerful.
I'm a bit of a contrarian, so I like the idea of going on stage without makeup, without the hair being done, in the jeans and shirt I've been wearing all day. At first that was an issue, because I didn't want to be disrespectful.
No matter if you wear a small amount of makeup, no makeup, or heavy makeup, as long as you feel beautiful internally and you're doing beautiful things for other people, and not just focusing on the exterior to make yourself happy, I think you should do what works for you. You should rock on.
You can always use a toilet seat cover from the stall. It will absorb excess oil, and if you add powder on top, your makeup will be completely refreshed - even if you've been wearing makeup for 6 hours. It's a cool trick to get your makeup looking perfect all over again.
I was trying to maintain a facade of infallibility, which is exhausting. Like, I used to wear tons of makeup because I had bad skin. I couldn't go out in public without makeup on.
The difference between Philippine makeup and U.S. makeup is that Filipinos don't really like foundation or really thick makeup.
I don't think I could live without hair, makeup and styling.
Not every girl who wears makeup feels like, 'Oh, I'm so ugly without it.' I wear makeup because it's fun to put on, and I feel pretty with it on.
I feel beautiful without makeup on, but when I do put makeup on, it just gives me this extra pop.
When you look cakey, or you have too much on, and you actually see the makeup, the makeup isn't doing its job. When you use the makeup in a way where the people aren't thinking about the makeup, and they're looking at you, that's what we want.
I love strong looks, so to me, no makeup is strong. As long as it makes a statement, that's what I like. The girls look very real, and I'm probably the only makeup artist who will say that I love a woman without makeup.
Makeup does a lot for your confidence. When I put makeup on, I walk taller. I smile more. I feel good. I know I look prettier. Even if I just put day makeup on.
I grew up learning from numerous makeup artists how to put on makeup, different ways you can put on makeup, what type of makeup to use, what type of makeup not to use.
I go to the gym in the morning without any makeup on. Sorry, guys, if you think I'm ugly, but I don't know anybody who goes to the gym with makeup on.
I never go bed without taking my makeup off.
I don't wear that much makeup. I'll do a little concealer here and there and apply some mascara. It just depends on how I'm feeling that day, but I try and go days without makeup just because I think it's healthier for skin to breathe.
I was never into makeup when I was younger, and I still love not piling on the makeup every day, but as I've gotten older I've actually found makeup to be fun.
Well, as I got older and started using makeup, I wanted to use something lightweight under my makeup that wouldn't clog my pores. So I get up in the morning, brush my teeth, wash my face, and do my whole routine. Sunscreen is the first thing I put on before I put on my makeup.
The only way I'd be caught without makeup is if my radio fell in the bathtub while I was taking a bath and electrocuted me and I was in between makeup at home. I hope my husband would slap a little lipstick on me before he took me to the morgue.
I have been watching Youtube makeup tutorials since I was born. I did my own prom makeup and used to do peoples' makeup in high school for money.
I think I might prefer women without makeup. Though I don't really know, because I am not good at identifying makeup. I once wrote in the chat, a long time ago, that my wife wore no mascara. She later informed me dryly that she has worn mascara every day that I ever knew her. Or maybe eye liner. I forget. Which is the one you always wear, girls.
To be honest with you, my mom never really wore makeup when I was growing up. She wasn't really my makeup muse. It was my grandma. The biggest thing that she taught me is that it doesn't matter how your makeup comes out, it's really just how you wear it. If you carry it like you killed your makeup, then that's all that matters.
It's important to leave your face without makeup for a while after waking up...Let your skin breathe a while before applying your makeup, even if it means waking up a bit earlier.
My daughter is just as obsessed with playing in my makeup as everyone's daughter is. She paints our walls and herself and clothes and me. So I have to do makeup in 30 seconds or my whole house is covered in my makeup, because she'll just take it and run.
Drag for me is costume, and what I'm trying to do is, sometimes I'll go around and wear makeup in the streets, turn up to the gig, take the makeup off, do the show, and then put the makeup back on. It's the inverse of drag. It's not about artifice. It's about me just expressing myself. So when I'm campaigning in London for politics, I campaign with makeup on and the nails. It's just what I have on, like any woman.
This man can make a horror movie without makeup. — © Jerry Lawler
This man can make a horror movie without makeup.
All the makeup in the world won't make a difference without great skincare.
Even without makeup on, I want my eyes to pop.
Makeup transforms me. I feel like I'm in disguise when I walk my dog without makeup on.
The biggest beauty myth is that everyone looks better without makeup. That's not true. Makeup is important.
I don't feel comfortable without my makeup on. I've got to have my lipstick! I just don't feel like the same person, and I don't like the way I look without makeup.
I prefer wearing no makeup anyway, because I like the contrast when you go out at night and you look different. I actually feel more confident with less makeup than I do with makeup on.
For dance recitals, my mom would do my makeup all extravagant because obviously I was really little and where else would I be wearing makeup? We would always be in her bathroom before the dance recital, and she'd do our hair and makeup.
I wash and moisturize my face in the morning and at night. If I have a show, I may even wash before and after the show. I never go to sleep with makeup on my face. At the minimum, I'm at least going to use makeup wipes to take my makeup off.
I personally think my sister is so stunning without makeup. And she doesn't wear that much makeup because she has the best skin color.
I love makeup so much, but I'm very bad at doing my own makeup. Italian girls don't wear very much, so when I do put on makeup it's just very, very natural. — © Chiara Ferragni
I love makeup so much, but I'm very bad at doing my own makeup. Italian girls don't wear very much, so when I do put on makeup it's just very, very natural.
When I'm working I wear so much makeup, and when I'm out with my friends I wear makeup, so sometimes at school I'm just like, 'Today is not much of a makeup day - foundation, chapstick - done.'
French girls still have the Jane Birkin culture. You can go just like that, without makeup, without managing your hair.
Oh, what the hell did I know? I went to the set the first day in full makeup and the director told me to take it off. So I did the film without makeup. I had nothing to do with anything I did. I never understood why I was so famous.
I started out with makeup in 1963, 1964. And in 1965, I was coming out more, and I was still wearing makeup, but I was still going to jail just for wearing makeup.
You see those magazines, 'Oh, look at so-and-so without makeup, Halle Berry without makeup.' It's so crazy to wake up in the morning and have that thought - 'Do I need to put makeup on? Do I need to do something because I know people are going to know who I am?'
I never let people see me without makeup. And it's not an insecurity thing. The perk of being a girl is being able to wear makeup and dress up. It's another artistic outlet. And the 45 minutes it takes me to get ready... is very therapeutic for me. It's hard to start my day without that.
Once the makeup is on, it's a collaborative process but it's pretty neat to have the makeup sort of speak to you when you look in the mirror and see how the face moves. For me, the personality comes through that makeup and that exploration of how it all looks and moves. You try to make it more unique than just a human with a mask on.
I'm that person who takes a makeup wipe at the end of the night to take all my makeup off. I don't sleep in makeup; I think it's so bad.
Male makeup is men's titles, status and paying for dates. Makeup is what both sexes use to bridge the gap between the power they have and the power they'd like to have. Both male and female makeup are compensations for feelings of powerlessness.
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