Top 1200 Pointless Things Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Pointless Things quotes.
Last updated on October 21, 2024.
But it was pointless, it was stupid; he thought about thoughtless things. If I were a seabird . . . but how could you be a seabird? If you were a seabird your brain would be tiny and stupid and you would love half-rotted fish guts and tweaking the eyes out of little grazing animals; you would know no poetry and you could never appreciate flying as fully as the human on the ground yearning to be you. If you wanted to be a seabird you deserved to be one.
I could never put anything into a picture that wasn't actually there in front of me. That would be a pointless lie, a mere bit of artfulness.
I hate online bullying. Those little comment boxes can brim with the most vicious, acidic, and pointless remarks. — © Alexa Chung
I hate online bullying. Those little comment boxes can brim with the most vicious, acidic, and pointless remarks.
Then, without any warning, we both straightened up, turned towards each other, and began to kiss. After that, it is difficult for me to speak of what happened. Such things have little to do with words, so little, in fact, that it seems almost pointless to try to express them. If anything, I would say that we were falling into each other, that we were falling so fast and so far that nothing could catch us.
It is pointless trying to know where the way leads. Think only about your first step, the rest will come.
In social matters, pointless conventions are not merely the bee sting of etiquette, but the snake bite of moral order.
There's no reason to trade insults. We have our way of life and they have theirs. I wouldn't live as they do, but disrespect seems pointless. I'm sure there are good people among them.
Philanthropy is all about sharing. If there's an opportunity to collaborate, we will. Collaborating just for finance is pointless. It has to be like a business collaboration.
A witty saying proves nothing, but saying something pointless gets people's attention.
Our diversity is our strength. What a dull and pointless life it would be if everyone was the same.
Ties in the NFL absolutely suck. Trust me, I was involved with a tie against the San Francisco 49ers when I was with the Rams in 2012 and it felt pointless.
In another time and place, she might have felt differently, but thinking along those lines was pointless now.
I like lime-flavoured yoghurt. The end. There is no religion. It’s a man-made fabrication. Once you understand that, you’ll be a happier individual. Atheism is as pointless as satanism.
Pointless, needless suffering and pain? I don’t suppose it would help if I told you that was the way life is. The good suffer, the evil flourish, and all that is mortal passes away.
Hating politics was like hating the weather. Pointless, since both were inevitable. — © Eileen Wilks
Hating politics was like hating the weather. Pointless, since both were inevitable.
Forget about musical credibility. I think, unless you're Radiohead or whatever, it's pointless striving for that. What I would like is some respect.
It seems pointless to be quoted if one isn't going to be quotable ... it's better to be quotable than honest.
If its not done ethically, advertising won't be trusted. If consumers don't trust it, advertising is pointless.
Worrying about how you'll be remembered is pointless. Better to try to live your life in such a way that people will respect you while you're still alive.
Trying to talk somebody out of the stuff that they enjoy in life is like trying to talk them out of their faith or their sexuality. It’s a pointless exercise that can never be anything but acrimonious and will only highlight unnecessary amounts of difference about things that ultimately don’t really matter. Buy the steak you like, worship the god you love, neck with the people that you treasure and don’t worry about the numbers.
Running my hands really fast up and down the fretboard... I mean, anybody can do that. It's the Guitar Olympics, and I can't think of anything more pointless.
I find it pointless sitting in my house not working, though I like to go on extended vacations from time to time.
I would guess that the typical profile of a 'follower' is someone who is young and who feels marginalised, empty and pointless. They don't have an inner life.
The act of bell ringing is symbolic of all proselytizing religions. It implies the pointless interference with the quiet of other people.
A change of heart or of values without a practice is only another pointless luxury of a passively consumptive way of life.
I once believed in causes, too. Had my pointless point of view. Life went on no matter who was wrong or right.
It would be, for me, mere pointless pleasure, an illusion of order for this one frail, foolish, flicker-flash in the long dull fall of eternity.
I think it's pretty pointless, my children learning to use a keyboard - we will just talk to our computers. Why would we not?
The Fundamental Principle that governs - or ought to govern -human affairs if we wish to avoid misunderstandings, conflicts, or pointless utopias, is negotiation.
I like to work fast. I despise not having the right tool or, worse, knowing I have it but not being able to find it. It's a pointless delay that wrecks my pace - and mood.
I can see a version of my life where it all becomes meaningless. On a good day, writing seems noble. Other times, it's narcissistic and pointless.
You get [something] in your body that is the suffering or the problem, and then you [add] a second one, which is worry. In both cases, [it is] pointless.
It was an addiction. A pointless, self-destructive addiction. But really, is there any other kind?
With current technology it is possible to put four floppy disk drives in a personal computer. It is just that doing so would be pointless.
The Beatles tried to do some tours and found it to be completely pointless and became a non-touring band after that, and with very good reason.
The landscape is best described as 'pedestrian hostile.' It's pointless to try to take a walk, so I generally just stay in the room and think about shooting myself in the head.
it is in the oral traditions of the villages that the arts of India are really alive. The brief Western immortality of museums is pointless to people who have seen eternity in their earth.
Entrepreneurs do not try and create new types of smartphone technologies now because they know it's pointless: They're going to get sued almost immediately. — © Charles Duhigg
Entrepreneurs do not try and create new types of smartphone technologies now because they know it's pointless: They're going to get sued almost immediately.
The shoddy work of despair, the pointless work of pride, equally betray Creation. They are wastes of life.
It's often discouraging sitting working at home, wondering whether to put the heating on, answering the doorbell to the gas board, feeling it's all utterly pointless.
I just don't care about popular culture. It looks to me pointless and superficial. If I had free time I'd rather read a 19th century novel.
This is England," he explained. "Tell someone it's a procedure, and they'll believe you. The pointless procedure is one of our great natural resources.
The situation of the Old Left was the theory of Socialist Realism, etc. It seemed pointless to argue. We stayed carefully away from people who wrote for the New Masses.
I play along with 'Pointless' and I love 'The Chase.' I'm not bad either - geography, biology and history are my strong points.
It is pointless to say that this or that night was the worst of my life. I have so many bad nights to choose from that I've made none the champion.
Reducing consumption is imperative, but it's pointless to cut out meat and cars while having lots of children.
I had let want in, opened the door ever so slightly. But want without the belief you can get what you want is pointless. You have to hope, so I let that in too. You have to. To want things and go for them and believe, even in impossible situations...Hope was what you had when you had nothing else. Hope was the perfect shiny top on the Christmas tree, the glowing halo of every wish, the endless beacon of a lighthouse bringing tormented ships home at last.
Kinda pointless to fight for what you want when what you want continues to break your heart
Telling someone something he does not understand is pointless, even if you add that he will not be able to understand it.
It doesn't matter how bad things are, something good could happen always. And it doesn't matter how many excuses you have for behaving in an unkind manner towards others. There's never any excuse for not being kind and it's always better to be kind even if it seems pointless and that in fact is the highest wisdom - being kind. It sounds like a very noble, ethereal, simplistic idea but it's true.
The more we refine our understanding of God to make the concept plausible, the more it seems pointless. — © Steven Weinberg
The more we refine our understanding of God to make the concept plausible, the more it seems pointless.
The suit is the polite taming, the socialising, the neutering, of riding and military kit. Those pointless buttons on the cuff were moved from lateral to vertical.
T.V. has made going to the theatre seem pointless, photography has pretty much killed painting but graffiti has remained gloriously unspoilt by progress.
In sum, thought and reflection have been rendered thoroughly pointless by the circumstances in which modern men and women live and act.
There is nothing glamorous or romantic about war. It's mostly about random pointless death and misery.
The bounties of space, of infinite outwardness, were three: empty heroics, low comedy, and pointless death.
My rule of writing is that no one can do what you can do, so jealousy or competitiveness are pointless. I am always happy when one of my sisters has a book published that I get to read.
The more comprehensible the universe becomes the more pointless it seems.
Top-down authority structures turn employees into bootlickers, breed pointless struggles for political advantage, and discourage dissent.
When you want to have entertainment, it must be a waste of time. I don't like that. I don't like improvisation being pointless.
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