Top 88 Inhumane Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Inhumane quotes.
Last updated on October 6, 2024.
The U.S.' refusal to acknowledge the plight of displaced Haitians and maintaining inhumane practices of neglect, disrespect, and violence amounts to a gross violation of human rights.
the prison system, inherently unjust and inhumane, is the ultimate expression of injustice and inhumanity in the society at large.
The most identifying trait of humanity is our abilty to be inhumane to one another. — © Dean Koontz
The most identifying trait of humanity is our abilty to be inhumane to one another.
I gather a repulsive nobody writing in a paper no one of any decency would be seen dead with has written something loathesome and inhumane.
It's not only inhumane to treat Puerto Ricans as second-class citizens. It's deeply un-American.
Bombing is not especially inhumane. War itself is inhumane and the bombing plane, which is used to paralyse industry and transport, is a relatively civilised weapon. 'Normal' or 'legitimate' warfare is just as destructive of inanimate objects and enormously so of human lives.
The reality is that baby boomers are turning senior citizens and not only is it inhumane, but the system will go broke. There needs to be wholesale change.
The death penalty is inhumane... whether that person is in a [jail] or it's bin Laden.
I hate going into the audition room. I find it the most nerve-wracking, inhumane experience, and I think it's such an inhospitable environment to give an honest account of the character and, I guess, your ability.
So I am deeply saddened and shocked over the current legislation that is now in place against the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community here in Russia. In my opinion, it is inhumane and it is isolating.
The inhumane treatment of families turned an immigration issue into an immigration crisis.
In movies, it's so easy to have this 'boom,' to kill, and I think that's inhumane.
Americans have been taught that their nation is civilized and humane. But, too often, U.S. actions have been uncivilized and inhumane. — © Howard Zinn
Americans have been taught that their nation is civilized and humane. But, too often, U.S. actions have been uncivilized and inhumane.
The benefits of a healthier diet are far-reaching because they also equate to fewer animals being bred into inhumane factory farm conditions and fewer greenhouse gas emissions.
As a means of motivating people to be cruel or inhumane-as a means of inciting evil, to borrow the vocabulary of the devout-there may be no more potent force than religion.
People who think God is on their side are capable of the most inhumane acts. (Petrov)
Slavery was incredibly prosperous for some people, at that time. It was not a bad business plan, but it was terrible and inhumane. But as a business it worked.
The destruction of the environment, its improper or selfish use, and the violent hoarding of the Earth's resources cause grievances, conflicts and wars, precisely because they are the consequences of an inhumane concept of development.
In the beginning, in 2003, there was the Iraqi resistance, which didn't want the US occupation, then they developed Al Qaeda, but even then it was never this monstrous, this inhumane and as misogynistic as what we're seeing now under ISIS.
The conditions in the prisons operated by the Mississippi Department of Corrections are absolutely inhumane and unconstitutional.
If we fight our enemy using the same inhumane and morally bankrupt techniques that we are trying to stop, we will simply become what we have beheld.
Funding for women's healthcare must actually go to fund women's healthcare, not to line the coffers of an organization under increased scrutiny for reprehensible, inhumane behavior.
Sadistic literature is not only inhumane. It is anti-human.
It is inhumane to put sole responsibility on one athlete.
Generally speaking, it is inhumane to detain a fleeting insight.
Laws against things like drugs are inhumane, and create an inhumane society and inhumane law enforcement. I know whats causing violence in America - the damn drug laws.
You can never just write off a person as crazy. I think that is the most inhumane thing you can do to someone without physically abusing them.
Losing your home is one of the most destabilizing, inhumane things a person can experience.
If you think about $7.25 an hour, that's $290 a week. It's inhumane to have that kind of wage.
If pro-abortionists want to commit intellectual suicide and deny scientific facts, that's their problem. But there's no reason a civilized society should fund their anti-scientific outlook - or accept its inhumane consequences.
When I became aware of how inhumane it is to test on animals, I made a commitment not to buy anything that was.
Human creativity and innovation is going to make the exploitation of animals look not only inhumane but obsolete and cumbersome.
Too many managers and executives try to reduce programming to a low-level assembly-line activity. That's inefficient, wasteful, costly in the long run, and inhumane to programmers.
...choose to deal with inhumane situations in a humane way, we can turn the world around and create positive lessons for ourselves and for others.
Experience shows that the reliance on illegal, immoral, and inhumane interrogation techniques is universally a very poor choice.
I'm a Jewish boy from Jersey. I was born with a strong sense of right and wrong, and a strong sense that the world can be a ludicrous, unfair, inhumane place.
However, the Department of Defense treats these detainees in accord with the Geneva Convention, even though that is not required because of the inhumane methods used by these killers.
Why are vegans made fun of while the inhumane factory farming process regards animals and the natural world merely as commodities to be exploited for profit? — © Ellen Page
Why are vegans made fun of while the inhumane factory farming process regards animals and the natural world merely as commodities to be exploited for profit?
A number of states are starting to strengthen their anti-abortion laws because the more we learn of abortion tactics the harder it is for Americans to support these inhumane procedures.
When people ask me why I don't eat meat or any other animal products, I say, 'Because they are unhealthy and they are the product of a violent and inhumane industry.'
For far too long we've allowed the other side to paint us as racist, as sexist, inhumane war mongers - well, today as a conservative black Republican and former solider, I'm here to set that record straight.
There is no shortage of ways that people profit indirectly from the misery and cruelty in other places. Even now, the shirts we wear and the tomatoes we eat. There are unfortunately unfair and inhumane conditions - including literal slavery - all over the world.
For far too long we've allowed the other side to paint us as racist, as sexist, inhumane war mongers - well, today as a conservative black Republican and former soldier, I'm here to set that record straight.
The risk that people pose to wolfdogs is far greater, statistically, than the risk that wolfdogs pose to people. Many are bred in miserable, inhumane conditions, and kept in equally miserable, inhumane conditions.
It comes with age. I can't watch movies that are inhumane.
Telling people not to have children is unthinkable and inhumane.
The death penalty is an inhumane punishment that disproportionately violates the human rights of Black, brown, indigenous, and other marginalized people.
Many Americans are unaware that discarded electronics often contain lead, mercury, and other toxins and end up being salvaged under inhumane conditions in the developing world.
Homelessness, open air drug use and mental illness - which we all see in this city - are things we've been relying on the DA's office and the jails to deal with. That's really expensive, inhumane and ineffective.
Patriotism is a superstition, one far more injurious, brutal and inhumane than religion. — © Gustave Herve
Patriotism is a superstition, one far more injurious, brutal and inhumane than religion.
It is inhumane, in my opinion, to force people who have a genuine medical need for coffee to wait in line behind people who apparently view it as some kind of recreational activity.
I became a vegetarian after I became aware of factory farming and slaughterhouses and the torture and inhumane handling of all these animals.
I think [audiences are] more aware now of the contradictions in mainstream culture, the phony piety that permeates society, the inhumane hypocrisy.
States should have the right to enact laws... particularly to end the inhumane practice of ending a life that otherwise could live.
I was surrounded by nature and trying to come to terms with this blissful nature versus the inhumane mentality of war. People were being deluded by someone using the word peace
Laws against things like drugs are inhumane, and create an inhumane society and inhumane law enforcement. I know what's causing violence in America - the damn drug laws.
Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane.
I was surrounded by nature and trying to come to terms with this blissful nature versus the inhumane mentality of war. People were being deluded by someone using the word peace.
Actually... I'm starting a new thing and rebelling against ridiculously high heels. It's inhumane.
We can't arrest and incarcerate addiction out of people. Not only do I think it's really inhumane, but it's ineffective and it cost us billions upon billions of dollars to keep doing this.
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