Top 1200 Grateful Heart Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Grateful Heart quotes.
Last updated on October 7, 2024.
The Universe loves grateful people. The more grateful you are, the more you get to be grateful about. It's that simple. Life is really that simple. We make it enormously complicated, but it doesn't have to be.
Only a fulfilled heart can pray, because only a fulfilled heart can be grateful and can feel the grace descending.
I'm grateful for Donald Trump's pro-life views. And I'm grateful that he's expressed those views so publicly and openly. And, look, the American people know that there are issues that divide us very quickly, and they're issues that are often matters of the heart for every American.
Abundance flourishes in a grateful heart; gratitude is the secret of love. — © Harold Klemp
Abundance flourishes in a grateful heart; gratitude is the secret of love.
A joyful spirit is evidence of a grateful heart.
Breathing in, I am aware of my heart. Breathing out, I smile to my heart and know that my heart still functions normally. I feel grateful for my heart.
I am grateful for my father's legacy. I am grateful to have found out who my real friends are. I am grateful for God's guidance.
With an undefended heart, we can fall in love with life over and over every day. We can become children of wonder, grateful to be walking on earth, grateful to belong with each other and to all of creation. We can find our true refuge in every moment, in every breath.
He’s very close to his family His parents have been married 40 years. He’s got a pure heart. That’s all that matters—he’s got the purest heart. I feel grateful because I have a lot of love in my life. I found the person I’m sharing my life with. I have a good man.
Among the things you can give and still keep are your word, a smile, and a grateful heart.
The grateful heart is not developed in a single moment; it is the result of a thousand choices.
I'm grateful for everything I have. I'm grateful for it all. I'm grateful for love most of all because I have a lot of it in my life.
A grateful heart is like a sponge that soaks up God's goodness.
As a believer, the Lord is growing me every single day. I'm married and I'm really grateful for my wife. The Lord has been using her to make me more like Jesus. I have a son and I'm really grateful for that. I'm grateful for what the Lord is doing in my life.
Nobody wants to be on food stamps, but when my family lost everything, we were grateful for it. I was grateful the program was there so I could concentrate on my schoolwork and not on my empty belly. We were grateful that we had the support we needed to roll up our sleeves and rebuild our lives.
That which you have received, you should be grateful for it. And the most beautiful phenomenon is that when you are grateful, existence starts pouring more and more over you. It becomes a circle: the more you get, the more you become grateful; the more you become grateful, the more you get... And there is no end to it, it is an infinite process.
End your day with a smile, a happy thought, and a grateful heart. — © Clint Walker
End your day with a smile, a happy thought, and a grateful heart.
Courtesies of a small and trivial character are the ones which strike deepest in the grateful and appreciating heart.
Only when we're thoroughly convinced that the Christian life is entirely of grace are we able to serve God out of a grateful and loving heart.
Have a grateful heart to be happy.
Thou that hast given so much to me give me one thing more, a grateful heart: not thankful when it pleaseth me, as if Thy blessings had spare days, but such a heart whose pulse may be Thy praise.
The bible tells us to be grateful in every situation. I am grateful for mine.
I guess I would be most grateful for my family and my friends and my dogs, my boyfriend. I'm grateful for a lot. I'm grateful to be healthy.
To become grateful, I must learn that I can handle disappointment and delayed gratification with grace and perseverance. This is why practices such as fasting and simplicity are such powerful tools for transformation. The experience of frustration and disappointment is irreplaceable in the development of a grateful heart.
I'm feeling really grateful. I'm feeling grateful that I've been able to participate in this game for as long as I have. I'm feeling grateful that I've been able to tell my stories. I don't know that my mom and dad are that grateful, or Carey [Hart, Pink's husband], but it's been good for me. I'm grateful if I've kept one girl from feeling different or ugly or unempowered.
A grateful heart is not one that is very selective and choosy about what to be grateful for.
I have to be grateful to our society here in China, grateful to the economic reforms for letting me get rich, and grateful for the efforts of my staff. If there had been no reforms, I would have been a farmer.
I feel that the industry can be sliced into two categories - grateful actors and non-grateful actors. I'm always so appreciative that this has happened for me - and against all odds - as a middle child from Canada. I'm very grateful.
As actors, we're all encouraged to feel that each job is the last job. They plant some little electrode in your head at an early stage and you think, 'Be grateful, be grateful, be grateful.'
Remember, if you are criticising, you are not being grateful. If you are blaming, you are not being grateful. If you are complaining, you are not being grateful.
There shall be an eternal summer in the grateful heart.
Gratitude is the key that opens up the gateway of your heart that allows the untapped and inspiring potential of love to radiate out and cleanse your mind of any clouding uncertainties that could block you from living your most amazing and extraordinary life and dream. When you are grateful for what you have you get more to be grateful for. You life is fulfilled to the degree of your gratitude.
It's no wonder, that God's anxiety therapy includes a large, delightful dollop of gratitude. The anxious heart says, "Lord, if only I had this, that, or the other, I'd be okay." The grateful heart says, "Oh, look! You've already given me this, that, and the other. Thank you, God."
Be grateful that you only see the outward man. Be grateful that you never see the passions, the hatreds, the jealousies, the malice, the sicknesses... Be grateful you rarely see the frightening truth in people.
Nothing is more honorable than a grateful heart.
A richer present I design, A finished form, of work divine, Surpassing all the power of art; A thinking head, a grateful heart.
The grateful heart will always find opportunities to show its gratitude.
After all, the seeds of depression cannot take root in a grateful heart.
Let the GRATEFUL HEART sweep through the day that it may recognize in every hour some sweet blessing. — © Henry Ward Beecher
Let the GRATEFUL HEART sweep through the day that it may recognize in every hour some sweet blessing.
We are never more than one grateful thought away from peace of heart.
As an exercise in appreciation, try for one hour to feel grateful for every single thing you find yourself doing. When you read, be grateful you can see and read. When you walk, be grateful for the use of your feet. When you talk, be grateful for the ability to communicate with others. For a full hour do not take even the smallest action for granted. Be aware of every detail of what you can do. Anyone who does this daily for even a short time will have a much greater appreciation for everything he does.
Only unconditional grace can transform a hardened heart into a grateful heart. Only a free gift can demolish any notion of quid pro quo. Only an utterly merciful act of love can fashion a new creation capable of love. As theologian Karl Barth puts it, 'As the beloved of God, we have no alternative but to love him in return.
Unless we believe the gospel, we will be driven in all we do-whether obeying or disobeying-by pride ('self-love') or fear ('of damnation'). Apart from 'grateful remembering' of the gospel, all good works are done then for sinful motives. Mere moral effort may restrain the heart, but does not truly change the heart. Moral effort merely 'jury rigs' the evil of the heart to produce moral behavior out of self-interest. It is only a matter of time before such a thin tissue collapses.
Discipline yourself to start each day identifying something to be grateful about. The world opens to those who approach it with a grateful heart.
I'm just grateful. I'm grateful for my family, my wife, and our health. I'm grateful to be in a band of brothers that I love so, so, so much. I'm grateful that this magical combination of dudes makes music that people like and moves them.
A grateful and generous heart is like a magnet. When you take the time to acknowledge the abundance in your life and share the wealth, you attract even more blessings and reasons to feel grateful. In this way, receiving and giving creates a circle of energy that serves us all.
Seeds of discouragement cannot take root in a grateful heart.
Count your blessings. A grateful heart attracts more joy, love and prosperity.
A grateful heart, then, comes through expressing gratitude to our Heavenly Father for His blessings and to those around us for all that they bring into our lives. This requires conscious effort-at least until we have truly learned and cultivated an attitude of gratitude. Often we feel grateful and intend to express our thanks but forget to do so or just don't get around to it. Someone has said that "feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it."
I am very grateful for my life. I think one of the keys to not being depressed is to find gratitude and to be grateful for what you have. So I am grateful for what I have.
For me, prayer means launching out of the heart towards God; it means lifting up one's eyes, quite simply, to heaven, a cry of grateful love, from the crest of joy or the trough of despair; it's a vast, supernatural force which opens out my heart, and binds me close to Jesus.
I will forever be grateful for 'Strictly' and put my heart into each routine. — © Emma Weymouth
I will forever be grateful for 'Strictly' and put my heart into each routine.
I can't say no to my girls. They melt my heart. I'm very grateful for my family.
A grateful heart is a beginning of greatness. It is an expression of humility.
I'm grateful for my health, glad I'm making people laugh, glad my wife still likes me after a lotta years, grateful my daughter is growing, glad I don't take myself too seriously, glad L.A. has Astro Burger, grateful to be coming home to Harlem soon. It's a gratitude list. It works.
The question is grateful to who? You would think grateful to Allah, but Allah didn’t mention Himself. So it could be grateful to Allah, grateful to your parents, grateful to your teachers, grateful for your health, grateful to friends. Grateful to anyone who’s done anything for you. Grateful to your employer for giving you a job. Appreciative. Grateful is not just an act of saying Alhamdulilah. Grateful is an attitude, it’s a lifestyle, it’s a way of thinking. You’re constantly grateful.
I'm grateful for everything. I'm grateful for my health, and I'm so grateful for the love in my life.
As we become curators of our own contentment on the Simple Abundance path... we learn to savor the small with a grateful heart.
Be grateful for what you have now. As you begin to think about all the things in your life you are grateful for, you will be amazed at the never ending thoughts that come back to you of more things to be grateful for. You have to make a start, and then the law of attraction will receive those grateful thoughts and give you more just like them.
There is nothing we should be quite so grateful for as the last line of the poem that goes, 'When your own heart asks.
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