Top 453 Goddess Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Goddess quotes.
Last updated on September 20, 2024.
Love has the face of a goddess, but the talons of a lion.
You are a GODDESS when you leave the salon
Astronomers do not commonly use Venereal, in favor of the less contagious-sounding Venutian. Blame the medical community, who snatched the word long before astronomers had any good use for it. I suppose you can't blame the doctors. Venus is the goddess of beauty and love, so she ought to be the goddess of its medical consequences.
The Goddess is Alive. Magic is afoot. — © Zsuzsanna Budapest
The Goddess is Alive. Magic is afoot.
Has anybody ever told you you're an evil woman?" -Reece "Who, me?" -Erin "Yes, you." -Reece "Li'l ole me?" -Erin "Sadistic goddess you, yes." -Reece "Do you want me to stop?" -Erin "Do you want me to hold you down and bang you like a screen door?" -Reece "Don't threaten the sadistic goddess, Reece." -Erin
There are two goddesses in your heart,” he told them. “The Goddess of Wisdom and the Goddess of Wealth. Everyone thinks they need to get wealth first, and wisdom will come. So they concern themselves with chasing money. But they have it backwards. You have to give your heart to the Goddess of Wisdom, give her all your love and attention, and the Goddess of Wealth will become jealous, and follow you.” Ask nothing from your running, in other words, and you’ll get more than you ever imagined.
The present moment is a powerful goddess.
Could you please put this--could you all put these--could you get dressed, please?" The woman only bestowed a serene smile on me. "We are as the Goddess requires." "The Goddess requires you to be naked on my lawn?
Taste this, and be henceforth among the Gods thyself a Goddess.
Society has sacrificed its virtues to the Goddess of Getting Along.
Love Goddess in training. It could happen.
To Witches, the cosmos is the living body of the Goddess, in whose being we all partake, who encompasses us and is immanent within us. We call her Goddess not to narrowly define her gender, but as a continual reminder that what we value is life brought into the world ... She has infinite names and guises, many of them male.
Being brave enough to just be unapologetic for who you are‚ that's a goddess.
Jailbait," he declared, leaping up. "You're a saint. A goddess, even. — © Richelle Mead
Jailbait," he declared, leaping up. "You're a saint. A goddess, even.
I don't have the looks of angel, I don't have the body of a goddess, I'm kind of invisible.
The image of the Goddess inspires women to see ourselves as divine, our bodies as sacred, the changing phases of our lives as holy, our aggression as healthy, our anger as purifying, and our power to nurture and create, but also to limit and destroy when necessary, as the very force that sustains all life. Through the Goddess we can discover our strength, enlighten our minds, own our bodies, and celebrate our emotions. We can move beyond narrow, constricting roles and become whole.
Being brave enough to just be unapologetic for who you are, that's a goddess.
It's a good day when a goddess gets on the school-bus with you.
Let's not forget that in India the symbol of strength is a woman; the goddess Shakti.
Also known as May Eve, May Day, and Walpurgis Night, happens at the beginning of May. It celebrates the height of Spring and the flowering of life. The Goddess manifests as the May Queen and Flora. The God emerges as the May King and Jack in the Green. The danced Maypole represents Their unity, with the pole itself being the God and the ribbons that encompass it, the Goddess. Colors are the Rainbow spectrum. Beltane is a festival of flowers, fertility, sensuality, and delight.
I call myself a 'domestic goddess.
The NXT Universe is blessed to have The Golden Goddess of WWE, Mandy Rose.
You must be mistaken," Isabel said, unconcerned by the insult that the words carried. "I assure you i am not. Voluptas is nearly always portrayed wrapped in roses. If that were not enough, her faces confirms her identity." "You cannot tell a goddess from a face carved in marble," she scoffed. "You can tell Voluptas by her face." "I've never even heard of this goddess, and you know what she looks like?" "She is the goddess of sensual pleasure." Isabel's mouth fell open at the words. She could not think of a single thing to say in response. "Oh
I was born a Love Goddess. My parents, Caesar and Joanne, always told me that I was a little Goddess and Petite Flower. I was a Petite Flower, and I had all these brothers who were always trying to boss me around. I told them, "No. You must kiss my hand or kiss my feet". That's how I became the Goddess.
The fungi became, or is for some mysterious reason still to be discovered, a pipeline into a mind, an entelechy, which we can only image as feminine and can only associate somehow to the environment, to the ecosystem. This is the Gaian mind. This is what the goddess really is. The goddess is a network of connective intelligence that is operating on this planet.
What are you doing?" "Kneeling before a goddess." "I'm not a goddess." "You are. A goddess, a princess, a queen. As a soldier, I pledge myself to your service. As a prince, I grant you any boon within my power. As a man, I ask to sit at your feet and worship you. Ask me to do anything for you and I will do it.
A religion without a goddess is halfway to atheism.
To all my friends, readers, and students: I apologize for not being able to write you directly, however the God and Goddess have given me new challenges to face. Upon hearing of all the support you are giving me, I am unimaginably grateful. I have no doubt that while there will be challenges to come, the God and Goddess will not be bringing me to the Summerland anytime soon. In perfect love and in perfect trust, Donald Michael Kraig
The carved images on the early Minoan sealstones are tantalising, inscrutable. The Nature Goddess is yanked from the soil like a snake or a sheaf of barley; the Mistress of the Animals suckles goats and gazelles. There are male Adorants certainly - up on tiptoe, their outstretched arms hoisted in a kind of heil, their bodies arched suggestively, pelvis forward, before the Goddess - but there are no masculine deities, not a single one in sight. No woman worth her salt, one might think, could fail to be intrigued.
The chile, it seems to me, is one of the few foods that has its own goddess.
The symbol of Goddess gives us permission. She teaches us to embrace the holiness of every natural, ordinary, sensual dying moment. Patriarchy may try to negate body & flee earth with its constant heartbeat of death, but Goddess forces us back to embrace them, to take our human life in our arms & clasp it for the divine life it is - the nice, sanitary, harmonious moment as well as the painful, dark, splintered ones.
Rhea is a goddess name.
Marilyn was history's most phenomenal love goddess.
I think Kristin Bauer is a goddess.
Every girl is a goddess.
Opportunity is a haughty goddess who wastes no time with those who are unprepared. a
You are a black goddess when you come out the salon.
All gods are one God, and all goddesses are one Goddess, and there is one Initiator.
I have called on the Goddess and found her within myself — © Marion Zimmer Bradley
I have called on the Goddess and found her within myself
O goddess, bestow on my words an immortal charm.
Who wants to be a goddess when we can be human? Perfection is a flaw disguised as control.
At first the ancient images of the Goddess did not interest me.
Truth, that fair goddess who comes always with healing in her wings.
Venus, a beautiful, good-natured lady, was the goddess of love; Juno, a terrible shrew, the goddess of marriage: and they were always mortal enemies.
All women are goddesses, and it's just a matter of letting that goddess-power shine - and if you don't try to be the biggest and baddest damn goddess you can be, you are selling yourself short.
The goddess of beauty is the goddess Kitsch.
Fiona Shaw is a goddess to me.
So, yeah. Our cat was a goddess. What else is new?
He's (Jose Canseco) built like a Greek goddess. — © Sparky Anderson
He's (Jose Canseco) built like a Greek goddess.
The Aztec gods and goddesses are, as far as we have known anything about them, an unlovely and unlovable lot. In their myths there is no grace or charm, no poetry. Only this perpetual grudge, grudge, grudging, one god grudging another, the gods grudging men their existence, and men grudging the animals. The goddess of love is goddess of dirt and prostitution, a dirt-eater, a horror, without a touch of tenderness.
Goddess of song, teach me the story of a hero.
Men of action are favored by the Goddess of luck.
I’d rather be a cyborg than a goddess.
You're either a goddess ... or a doormat.
For me the goddess is the female of God, She is powerful if different.
My sister, with her ratty red-highlighted hair and her linen pajamas and her combat boots—how could she possibly worry about being possessed by a goddess? What goddess would want her, except the goddess of chewing gum?
Women's stories are as powerful, inspiring, and terrifying as the goddess herself. And in fact, these are the stories of the goddess. As women, we know her because we are her. Each woman, no matter how powerless she might feel, is a cell within her vast form, an embodiment of her essence, and each woman's story is a chapter in the biography of the sacred feminine.
My inner goddess is doing the merengue with some salsa moves.
Can one have love? If we could, love would need to be a thing, a substance that one can have, own, possess. The truth is, there is no such thing as love. Love is an abstraction, perhaps a goddess or an alien being, although nobody has ever seen this goddess. In reality, there exists only the act of loving. To love is a productive activity. It implies caring for, knowing, responding, affirming, enjoying: the person, the tree, the painting, the idea. It means bringing to life, increasing his/her/its aliveness. It is a process, self-renewing and self increasing.
But, when the goddess' work is done,The woman's still remains.
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