Top 1200 Stop Drinking Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Stop Drinking quotes.
Last updated on October 5, 2024.
I used to drink a lot. I had to stop drinking because it was getting the better of me, and I replaced that with really doing shows.
I read that heavy drinking is bad for your health. I decided I better stop reading.
If they don't want to pay for it, they can stop drinking it. — © Ed Koch
If they don't want to pay for it, they can stop drinking it.
I don't think it's right for anyone to turn around and say 'stop drinking so much, don't eat fried food.'
Entrepreneurs are not that special. If you are one, stop drinking the Kool Aid, and if you aren't, definitely don't drink it.
I think we should stop drinking bottled water. There's no need to be drinking it if you're living in western communities.
I'm going to keep drinking on stage. I have a pretty healthy relationship with alcohol. I know how far to go and when to stop.
When you quit drinking you stop waiting.
That wine drinking is more effete than beer drinking? No question.
When I was 20, I was drinking. When I was 30, I was drinking more, and at 40, way too much.
I think we should stop drinking bottled water. There's no need to be drinking it if you're living in western communities. The other thing I would suggest - and I feel it particularly here in Australia, because we have very severe drought - is to be aware of how much you're actually consuming. Right now, it's very rainy, but that doesn't mean we can drink all the water we want. Conserving and constantly thinking, "how much do I really need?" should definitely be part of our vocabulary.
There is drinking in lots of the songs because there is drinking in life. Drinking stimulates the imagination.
I write songs by sitting around in bars, so drinking songs are a little obvious. It's surprising that I don't write entirely drinking songs, since I am, in fact, drinking while writing the song. Drinking and love are the two principal sources of pleasure outside of music. There's only so many sources of pleasure, really. That's about it. Well, there are other arts as well. But none of them are as pleasurable as music, on a physical level.
There's an obvious romance to being the drinking writer. But if I'm drinking, I'm not writing. — © Liz Brixius
There's an obvious romance to being the drinking writer. But if I'm drinking, I'm not writing.
I wasn't drinking to get drunk. It's social drinking, so what's the point? It's empty calories, you're poisoning yourself.
nobody ever stops drinking until the cost of drinking becomes higher than the cost of not drinking.
I decided to stop drinking with creeps. I decided to drink only with friends. I've lost 30 pounds.
All other nations are drinking Ray Charles beer and we are drinking Barry Manilow.
I started turning 40 at 38. I had pains all over my body. I couldn't sleep, I had rampant anxiety, and I couldn't stop eating and drinking.
I decided to stop drinking while it was still my idea.
I had to stop drinking alcohol, because I used to wake up nude in front of my car with my keys in my ass.
Drinking was a big help with me making music, because drinking gives you courage. But it also makes you reckless, and that's the trouble.
I quit drugs before I quit drinking because drugs were taking their toll on me. I was sick of the headaches and the puking and the shitting blood. I figured I'd stop everything but alcohol, but then I overcompensated with drinking. Now I'm totally clean because I don't choose to do either.
If you were a real fascistic society and you had a vocal minority that was shouting, "Stop this, stop that, stop the other thing," what you would say is, "Let's give them all the drugs they want." In a lot of states, something very much like that happened. They lowered the drinking age to eighteen and said, "Get juiced."
Depression is all about if you loved me you would. As in, if you loved me you would stop doing your schoolwork, stop going out drinking with your friends on a Saturday night, stop accepting starring roles in theater productions, and stop doing everything besides sitting here by my side and passing me Kleenex and aspirin while I lie and creak and cry and drown myself and you in my misery.
When you stop drinking, you have to deal with this marvelous personality that started you drinking in the first place.
there is this malign curse laid on dipsomaniacs. That they must absolutely have a drink: in order to feel strong enough to stop drinking.
But I think that the most important thing was to really stop drinking.
And it´s so different for a lot of people I´ve known. One partner doesn´t love the other enough to stop drinking, or gambling, or running around with other women. One is the giver and one is the taker. The giver wishes the taker would stop.
I quit drinking, and I figure if I go to ten Yankee games this year without drinking I'll save $32,000.
When I stopped drinking, it was only because I thought if I don't stop, I'm going to die.
The more necessary it becomes to stop drinking, the more impossible it becomes to stop.
Kids have no idea when they're drinking soda what they're really drinking, and a lot of them are stunned when they learn that drinking a Big Gulp is like taking a big jar of sugar and just pouring it down. There are 50 teaspoons of sugar in a 64-ounce Big Gulp.
Once you stop drinking and smoking and stuff, it really gets on your nerves, all that nonsense going on.
I have a reputation for drinking a lot. Indeed, I drink quite much. However, I give it up when I wish to do so. I never, ever drink while on duty. The drinking is only for my pleasure. I do not remember neglecting my duties because of drinking even once.
I stopped drinking a few years ago, and drinking was a big help with me making music, because drinking gives you courage. But it also makes you reckless, and that's the trouble. You can get away with that your 20s, but not in your 60s, and I'll be 70 next year. Life is a small space now, much more intimate. I'm not out there in the world anymore, but I'm watching.
I do sing about drinking, but it's in a party way. I don't sing about drinking in a drowning-my-sorrows way, like in George Jones's "If Drinking Don't Kill Me (Her Memory Will)."
There's no reason to drink cow's milk at any time in your life. It was designed for calves, not humans, and we should all stop drinking it today. — © Frank Oski
There's no reason to drink cow's milk at any time in your life. It was designed for calves, not humans, and we should all stop drinking it today.
I know I can get to the stage where I'm drinking a lot. I tend to be rotten and groggy all day and hanging out for the next drink and five o'clock, ping! I have to just stop.
This is a pretty shitty flash mob. It's in my living room, only my family showed up, and they're just telling me to stop drinking.
Am I drinking today? Well, put it this way, I'm not not drinking.
Simon Gray, I decided when I first witnessed this frog into prince transformation, did not have a drinking problem. He had a drinking solution.
I've been watching what I eat. When I was putting on all the weight, I was drinking Guinness and not eating. I didn't have room to because I was drinking all the time.
Well, I stopped drinking. That was actually a big deal. I didn't go through any harrowing rock-bottom experience. I just made a decision to stop drinking.
People don't stop eating, and they don't stop drinking coffee.
You do not need to be an expert, or even particularly interested in wine, in order to enjoy drinking it. But tasting is not the same as drinking. Drinking pleases, mellows, loosens the tongue and inhibitions; drinking wine with food is healthy and natural; drinking good wine with good food in good company is one of life's most civilized pleasures.
If I start going back to church, I'd have to stop the smoking and drinking, and I wouldn't be able to curse any more.
It's quite true I'm not drinking anymore; however, I'm not drinking any less either.
I might be too strung out on compliments, overdosed on confidence/ Started not to give a f- and stop fearing the consequence/ Drinking every night because we drink to my accomplishments.
If you don't need to quit drinking, you shouldn't quit drinking. I used to really love to drink, and especially living in London, it's just built for drinking. — © Tom Ford
If you don't need to quit drinking, you shouldn't quit drinking. I used to really love to drink, and especially living in London, it's just built for drinking.
There is a long history in country music of songs celebrating drinking and lamenting drinking. Country songs for the most part have always been heavily rooted in reality. The first artists were the people next door. They would sing on their porch or in their living room or at a barn dance. They sang about what they knew, and a lot of that was drinking.
I was in college, it was my first year of college when I got the show, so I've been kinda' partying a lot and drinking a lot and I've never been stoned and when I got the show I got really serious... So I kinda stop drinking, cold turkey so I had never been stoned until... It's something that happened with Mila and Ashton.
Drinking and driving is safer than either drinking or driving - and no one has ever died drinking, driving and juggling.
We try to be present when we are drinking our tea, which isn't as easy as it sounds. It's very easy to think, right now I'm going to be really present while I'm drinking my tea, here I am drinking my tea, and I'm so present, look this is easy, I am here drinking my tea and I know I'm drinking my tea blah blah blah blah... right? And the one place where the mind is not, is here. It's just thinking about being here.
Sensible people advise against drinking on an empty stomach, but to my mind it is the best sort of drinking.
The thing that I'm most proud of in my life is that if a stranger came up to me and said, 'I can't stop drinking. I can't stop drinking. Can you help me?' I can say, 'Yes, I can help you.'
I could never stop drugs, I could never stop drinking, until I received my spiritual awakening.
I hate the taste of alcohol. When I'm drinking, I'm drinking Red Bull.
Stop drinking was the best thing I've done in my entire life. I'm so happy I did that.
I quit drinking, so I can think clear. When you have chop trouble, drinking doesn't help the healing process.
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