Top 1200 Thoughtful People Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Thoughtful People quotes.
Last updated on October 9, 2024.
I don't think either party has any idea what's headed their way. Their business is to remain mired in process. They call it deliberation, thoughtful, reasonable deliberation. Trump doesn't know any of that. Trump is not a process guy. To him, process is delay. Process is obfuscation. Process is incompetence. People engaging in process are a bunch of people masking the fact they don't know what they're doing, and he has no time for 'em and no patience.
Those old adages - you attract more with honey; do unto others - are true. You can get attention by being acerbic or mean or making a bizarre comment. But by being nice, being empathetic, building relationships and listening, people begin to recognize that you're thoughtful and respectful of their position.
I'm very thoughtful and thorough when it comes to my looks and the detail I put into my drag. — © Aquaria
I'm very thoughtful and thorough when it comes to my looks and the detail I put into my drag.
Producing in-depth, thoughtful, well-reported journalism is difficult and expensive.
The country's in significant danger, and I think we need people who are thoughtful. We're gonna have sharp differences, but we need to debate those in a way that's constructive and civil. I think President Obama is governing as a movement liberal. I don't think that rises to the level of being a socialist.
I myself have known some profoundly thoughtful dogs.
There is this tremendous body of knowledge in the world of academia where extraordinary numbers of incredibly thoughtful people have taken the time to examine on a really profound level the way we live our lives and who we are and where we've been. That brilliant learning sometimes gets trapped in academia and never sees the light of day.
Publicly leading a church in prayer deserves thoughtful preparation.
The heavens and the earth, the woods and the wayside, teem with instruction and knowledge to the curious and thoughtful.
Education is the only interest worthy the deep, controlling anxiety of the thoughtful man.
I think the Republicans have really thoughtful financial policies, and I'm more in the middle on taxation.
I put all my energy and thoughtful commitment to everything that I do. There is no other way!
Thus when I have to summarize naturalized spirituality in a single phrase, it is this: the thoughtful love of life. — © Robert C. Solomon
Thus when I have to summarize naturalized spirituality in a single phrase, it is this: the thoughtful love of life.
Jazz today, as always in the past, is a matter of thoughtful creation, not mere unaided instinct.
I think people are attracted to The Huffington Post's blend of up-to-the-second news and thoughtful opinion, delivered with an attitude. Plus, I think they enjoy that we cover so many different things - from politics and entertainment to style and satire. There is always something interesting to read and think about - and even to laugh at.
The simplest way to achieve simplicity is through thoughtful reduction.
Innovation and thoughtful visual storytelling are deeply woven into the fabric of Getty Images.
A thoughtful and well-informed consideration of US government in relation to American society.
It is difficult to discern a serious threat to religious liberty from a room of silent, thoughtful schoolchildren.
I have always been surrounded by strong women and thoughtful men.
Tom Paine was a great American visionary. His book, Common Sense, sold a couple of hundred thousand copies in a population of four or five million. That means it was a best seller for years. People were thoughtful then. Hope is one thing. But you need to have hope with thought.
In a fire, you have to be thoughtful; you have to have a certain kind of intuitive smarts that the veterans have. I'm not there yet, despite the Stanford degree.
My guiding principles in life are to be honest, genuine, thoughtful and caring.
Give back in some way. Always be thoughtful of others.
I always saw myself as this quiet, introspective, thoughtful person.
My parents were loving, caring, generous and thoughtful.
AND THEN SOME... these three little words are the secret to success. People that follow this are thoughtful of others; considerate and kind...and then some. They are good friends and neighbors...and then some. I am thankful for people like this, for they make the world a better place. Their spirit of service is summed up in these three little words...AND THEN SOME.
Thoughtful lightness can make frivolity seem dull and heavy.
Every thoughtful pin on pinterest has beauty. But not everyone can see.
There is certainly something of exquisite kindness and thoughtful benevolence in that rarest of gifts,--fine breeding.
God reveals Himself, unfailingly, to the solitary, thoughtful seeker
There was a thoughtful frown on the face of the man who was the possessor of twenty million dollars.
The two most powerful things in existence: a kind word and a thoughtful gesture.
I try to be as thoughtful as I can about everything that comes out of my mouth and not reinforce sexism.
Thoughtful financial planning can easily take a backseat to daily life.
Conservatives deserve a consistent and thoughtful vision for the role of federal government in relationship to states.
The essence of a thoughtful spring menu is bringing the table to life with flavorful color!
I don't have a grand master plan, but I try to be thoughtful when I can and also silly. It's part of the fun. — © Josh Charles
I don't have a grand master plan, but I try to be thoughtful when I can and also silly. It's part of the fun.
It's not a problem to be surrounded by other writers if that's the craft that you're doing. I suppose if you get obsessed with the notion of being a writer more than the writing itself, that would be bad. But I live near really smart, thoughtful people who take writing very seriously, and I can meet them for breakfast and talk books.
Working hard, and being thoughtful, and generous, and smart; it's a path to a better life.
Even my trolls have started taking the trouble to spell their Tweets correctly, which is thoughtful.
Well, prepare yourself. I am all kinds of thoughtful this week. I brought you something else.
In a fire you have to be thoughtful, you have to have a certain kind of intuitive smarts that the veterans have. I'm not there yet, despite the Stanford degree.
The need to be thoughtful about experiment design is particularly acute within large companies, since some of the behaviors, such as having small teams and tapping into low-cost resources to maximize flexibility, won't come naturally to many people inside huge companies.
We can't be anti-everything - we need an energy plan that adds up. But there's a lack of numeracy in the public discussion of energy. Where people do use numbers, they select them to sound big and score points in arguments, rather than to aid thoughtful discussion.
I have a lot of faith in the power of joking to make something thoughtful.
I got £25. My friends all gave me £5. It was a very thoughtful present.
I am not leaving twitter. If the mindless few defeat the thoughtful majority we are all doomed. — © Gary Lineker
I am not leaving twitter. If the mindless few defeat the thoughtful majority we are all doomed.
I want my children - I want Malia and Sasha - to understand that they've got responsibilities beyond just what they themselves have done. That they have a responsibility to the larger community and the larger nation, that they should be sensitive to and extra thoughtful about the plight of people who have been oppressed in the past, are oppressed currently.
There's no question that women are more risk averse, thoughtful, and deliberative.
We need to have a more thoughtful, two-sided conversation about racial issues in this country.
Local conservation programs can help our communities shape thoughtful growth.
Bill Moyers is everything I never aspire to be: Calm, Thoughtful, and Informative.
True love is not a feeling by which we are overwhelmed. It is a committed, thoughtful decision.
It was only through the years that I realized what an absolutely extraordinarily thoughtful person Dr. King was.
Being a skeptical and thoughtful consumer of polls is essential.
We came, we saw, we bedazzled! You know, and it's hard to be serious and thoughtful when you're dressed like a Skittle.
Watch and enjoy Mixed Martial Arts, and if some people are thinking about doing it, they must be very careful and think about enrolling in training first, they must make a thoughtful decision before actually doing it.
The truth is, our democracy is stronger when more people participate and when everyone's views are heard. More participation not only leads to a more representative government, but also more thoughtful policies that better leverage the strengths - and better address the challenges - of the American mosaic.
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