Top 419 Vegan Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Vegan quotes.
Last updated on September 20, 2024.
What I've been developing is a vegan fast food chain and vegan food markets.
The gaunt, unhealthy vegan is the muffin vegan. Bread and fries and processed veggie dogs. It's like, 'Hello? Did you eat your vegetables?'
I think that veganism is a totally great choice with incredible benefits, but I don't think it's reasonable to expect other people to be vegan or to expect everybody to be vegan. You can proselytize all you want, but being vegan is a pretty intense choice for a lot of people.
I went vegan because it was a willpower challenge. I've been vegetarian, I've been pescetarian, and vegan was the next thing.
I'm doing my bit to encourage people to try vegan by making vegan food affordable and accessible and absolutely delicious.
I think that veganism is a totally great choice with incredible benefits, but I don't think it's reasonable to expect other people to be vegan or to expect everybody to be vegan. You can proselytize all you want, but being vegan is a pretty intense choice for a lot of people. You can encourage people to eat vegan more, certainly, and I personally eat vegan quite often.
Almost went vegan, but no, I didn't go vegan.
We are vegans not simply because being vegan will reduce suffering. We are vegan because every sentient being values her or his life even if no one else does. We are vegan because justice minimally requires that we not take life for trivial purposes.
Almost as soon as I went vegan, people started telling me that my skin looked great, and that I appeared younger, slimmer, and healthier. I'm convinced that of all the changes I've made to my lifestyle, it's the adoption of a vegan diet that has been best for me - physically, mentally, and certainly spiritually.
If you care about animals, there is one and only one choice: go vegan.  Can you choose not to be vegan?  Sure.  You can choose not to care. — © Gary L. Francione
If you care about animals, there is one and only one choice: go vegan. Can you choose not to be vegan? Sure. You can choose not to care.
Natacha Marro has always been a favorite shoe designer, and now she has started offering vegan options in her collection, which is brilliant! As for clothing, I have discovered tons of great vegan independent designers on Etsy!
I've been vegan about, I think it's like three or four years now. So when I first went vegan, I remember saying it's a lot better and feeling like it. I've been vegan for so long, though, that I can't really remember how much of a difference it would make.
I have to say that being a vegan in 1986 or whenever was a lot different than being a vegan in 2012. You'd go to health foods stores and basically your choice was between Mung beans and nutritional yeast, and that's about it.
I remember talking to someone who is vegan. At the time, I would hear a lot of outrageous claims from vegans about the good that being a vegan can do for you, for your health and whatnot. I remember someone once told me vegans don't sweat, so I started my mind going.
Supermarkets and specialist suppliers will have you believe there are great substitutes for cheese. There are not. No vegan cheese tastes anything like decent cheese, and melting cheese might as well be alchemy as far as the vegan cheese industry is concerned.
I try to only eat animals that are vegan. I'm probably the opposite of a vegan.
The more animal products you remove from your diet, the better you feel. The difference between vegetarian and vegan is huge. I feel so much better as a vegan.
I had to go vegan. First vegetarian, then I had to go vegan. And I do miss the cheese, I have to - I must confess.
Being vegan is easy. Are there social pressures that encourage you to continue to eat, wear, and use animal products? Of course there are. But in a patriarchal, racist, homophobic, and ableist society, there are social pressures to participate and engage in sexism, racism, homophobia, and ableism. At some point, you have to decide who you are and what matters morally to you. And once you decide that you regard victimizing vulnerable nonhumans is not morally acceptable, it is easy to go and stay vegan
I'm not really vegan. I'm vegan-ish. I have a piece of lamb every now and then.
What Ive been developing is a vegan fast food chain and vegan food markets.
If the entire world decided to become vegan tomorrow, a whole host of the world's problems would disappear overnight. Climate change would decrease by 25 percent, deforestation would cease, rainforests would be preserved, our water- and air-quality would increase, life-expectancy rates would increase, and our rates of cancer would plummet, so certainly, with that one action of becoming vegan you are quite effectively making the world a better place.
Remember that as a vegan, you save dozens of animals every year from the horrors of factory farms, which is great. And when you convince one person to also become vegan, in that moment you double your lifetime impact as a vegan! That's power - and we should use it as effectively as possible. Check out the 'Be a better advocate' videos and essays at
If you are not vegan, please consider going vegan. It’s a matter of nonviolence. Being vegan is your statement that you reject violence to other sentient beings, to yourself, and to the environment, on which all sentient beings depend.
As a vegan body-builder I want to show others that it is possible to gain significant muscle and strength on a vegan diet and I want to inspire others to follow this lifestyle. I love being vegan and knowing that I am having a positive impact on our society.
Anything you think of that isn't vegan, my mom would make vegan. When a lot of people think about eating vegan, they think of it as not being healthy because it's hard to get protein. I think I managed to be even healthier than someone with a non-vegan diet.
If you think that being vegan is difficult, imagine how difficult it is for animals that you are not vegan. — © Gary L. Francione
If you think that being vegan is difficult, imagine how difficult it is for animals that you are not vegan.
I'm John Salley, and I'm a vegan. I'm a vegan because I'm only four pounds heaver than I was in 1989.
Vegan food is not only good for you, the animals, and the planet, but cooking vegan can be simple, easy, and fun.
The vegan believes that if we are to be true emancipators of animals we must renounce absolutely our traditional and conceited attitude that we have the right to use them to serve our needs. We must supply these needs by other means.... If the vegan ideal of non-exploitation were generally adopted, it would be the greatest peaceful revolution ever known, abolishing vast industries and establishing new ones in the better interests of men and animals alike.
I'm a vegan. I lost 150 pounds because of being a vegan.
I'm a vegan, but you can be really unhealthy as a vegan, too.
I love cooking vegan. Anybody can come in any time to any of our restaurants and get a vegan meal or a gluten-free meal as well. — © Lidia Bastianich
I love cooking vegan. Anybody can come in any time to any of our restaurants and get a vegan meal or a gluten-free meal as well.
I don't like the word 'vegan' on its own, and the reason I started Evolving Vegan, is because the people associated with that word can be very militant.
I've been vegan for over a year now, about 15 months. I changed to the vegan diet, and I feel fabulous; it's great. I wish I'd done it earlier.
Be a good example and a positive ambassador for vegan living, and be patient and understanding with people who aren't vegan. Support any move non-vegans make away from animal consumption toward plant-based eating. Nurture even small positive steps, as these tend to empower people and build momentum toward bigger steps.
Clearly, nutrition is great. I was a vegan, so being an athlete and a vegan certainly sounds like it would be the right thing to prevent something like heart disease, but it's highly genetic.
I clung to my vegan friends for more support than anyone because they helped guide me and made the transition much easier. My family was a bit skeptical, as they felt like I wasn't getting enough protein in my vegan diet.
I've never followed a vegan or vegetarian diet in the past, but I think I could do it. It would not be easy. I have worked with nutritionists who have said a vegan diet is not necessarily all positive for your health, because you need nutrients you only find in meats. I believe in a balanced diet.
One of the main reasons I'm vegan is because I'm ethically lazy. My friends who eat meat or who eat eggs have to sometimes wrestle with the ethical consequences of their actions. By being vegan, I take the easy way out.
I love the creative, whole-foods recipes in But I Could Never Go Vegan! Kristy Turner has heard all the excuses and has a response for each. It's true, no life is complete without the occasional calzone-but stuff 'em with Kristy's Buffalo Cauliflower and Cashew Blue Cheese and you can have calzones and be vegan too. Get ready for your taste buds to explode.
Being vegan truly is the secret to my life's joy and peace. I feel physically and spiritually better than I could have ever imagined knowing that I am doing everything I can to reduce animal suffering with simple lifestyle choices like being vegan, never wearing any products made from animals (like wool and leather), and buying only from companies that NEVER test their products or ingredients on animals.
I mostly eat healthy. I just do. I'm not a vegan for health reasons - although obviously I'm 20 pounds lighter than when I started. I stayed 20 pounds lighter. I feel better. My friends say I look better. All that's true. But I'm a vegan for compassionate reasons.
Concerning B12, 39% of Americans have a B12 deficiency yet only 1% of Americans are vegan. How can this be a vegan issue? And if nearly everyone in America is sick or has died from a disease, yet only 1% is vegan, how can sickness be a vegan problem?
I was a vegan for about a year, and it was a great experience. And I became vegan not because of animal rights. I became vegan for a year for health purposes... It was just kind of a detox that I was going through.
Only advanced bakers should endeavor to adapt non-vegan recipes to be vegan, or gluten-full recipes to be gluten-free. There are all sorts of tips and tricks when it comes to subbing vegan ingredients for eggs and dairy, but it's tricky to say the least.
Well, many Blacks who are vegan are vegan for health reasons. They believe in putting the right food in their bodies. And they are reluctant to be attached to some who have been extremely aggressive in the animal rights movement.
I recently became vegan because I felt that as a Jewish lesbian, I wasn't part of a small enough minority. So now I'm a Jewish lesbian vegan. — © Carol Leifer
I recently became vegan because I felt that as a Jewish lesbian, I wasn't part of a small enough minority. So now I'm a Jewish lesbian vegan.
I think as the beauty industry moves forward, you will start to see more brands opening their eyes and becoming vegan. Excluding a huge part of the beauty consumers who only buy vegan, isn't right and if you can make just as high-quality makeup, why not stop cruelty?
I'm part-time vegan. I try to be vegan when I can. But I dip and dive in everywhere.
The primary benefit of a vegan diet is that the removal of animal products usually necessitates a higher amount of nutrient-rich plant produce. The cons of a vegan diet could be the inclusion of too much heavily processed food, including seitan and isolated soy protein, flour, sweeteners and oils.
I have had vegan Thanksgiving of tofurkey and soy gravy. And it's not to say that Thanksgiving will ever justify the genocide of the Native Americans. But vegan Thanksgiving - that's just spitting on the graves, isn't it?
When I say a vegan diet can be "the healthiest dietary option we can live by," I mean an informed vegan diet.
We're a vegan family, and my kids were brought up vegan, with a respect for all species, and we don't, as humans, have the right to exploit those species.
Is it hard to be vegan? Absolutely not. It would be hard to not be vegan.
I don't eat meat. I've been a vegetarian since 1971. I've gradually become increasingly vegan. I am largely vegan, but I'm a flexible vegan. I don't go to the supermarket and buy non-vegan stuff for myself. But when I'm traveling or going to other people's places, I will be quite happy to eat vegetarian rather than vegan.
I'm a vegan, but you can be really unhealthy as a vegan, too. Vegan just means that you don't use animal products, so you don't wear leather, you don't wear wool, and you don't eat animal products. But you can eat french fries and stuff like that all day long.
Being vegan is not a matter of "lifestyle." It is a matter of fundamental moral obligation. Is being vegan a matter of "choice"? Only insofar as we are able to choose to ignore our moral obligations not to exploit the vulnerable.
I believe everything is about balance. I'm not 100% vegan, and obviously my fiance and my friends are not vegan, so I have to come up with a menu that will satisfy everybody.
Becoming a vegan gave me another opportunity to live a healthy life. I was so congested from all the drugs and bad cocaine, I could hardly breathe, [I had] high blood pressure, [was] almost dying [and had] arthritis. And once I became a vegan all that stuff diminished.
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