Top 99 Hungarian Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Hungarian quotes.
Last updated on September 29, 2024.
Do you agree that the European Union should be able to prescribe the mandatory settlement of non-Hungarian citizens in Hungary without the consent of parliament?
Outside their country, Hungarian directors have had, from the critics at least, a friendly reception.
There is a wonderful Hungarian literature, especially in lyric poetry. — © Gyorgy Ligeti
There is a wonderful Hungarian literature, especially in lyric poetry.
The style of mustache I have is called a Hungarian, and you need a certain type of viscosity in the wax to make it work.
I live in Budapest and saw how the football helped the Hungarian people to be happy.
I sing in Hungarian. I read Hungarian. I do not pretend to speak Hungarian, but I sing in languages that I have studied as languages. And I find that to be central and very, very helpful. I think if you're not really cognizant of what every single word means, I think that might be a little tricky.
Upon this the Hungarian ministers resigned, but the names submitted by the president of the council, at the demand of the king, were not approved of for successors.
It’s not enough to have talent. You also have to be Hungarian.
I like to cook, and I tend to make those one-pot meat dishes of my Hungarian ancestors. Also, I make a great Bolognese.
Making love to Aurelia was like rummaging through a card catalog in a deserted library, searching for one very obscure, little-read entry on Hungarian poetry.
My hometown, Backa Topola, was in the north of the country near the Hungarian border. It is a nice part of Serbia, and I am very happy I grew up there.
It's not enough to have talent, you also have to be Hungarian.
I was born in Vienna on November 7, 1929, eleven years after the multiethnic Austro-Hungarian Empire fell apart following its defeat in World War I. — © Eric Kandel
I was born in Vienna on November 7, 1929, eleven years after the multiethnic Austro-Hungarian Empire fell apart following its defeat in World War I.
During the first six years of my life, Hungary was one of the most important components of the Habsburg dynasty's vast Austro-Hungarian Empire, but after World War I it became an independent national entity.
The claim made by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán that the refugee question is a German problem is incorrect. It is a European problem.
I'd fought in the Hungarian Revolution in 1956, having left Oxford to do so.
I saw Brahms's Hungarian Rhapsody on television when I was two. Tom and Jerry were playing it together. I thought, 'Hey, if a cat can play like that, why can't I?'
I was born on July 23rd, 1906, in Sarajevo in the province of Bosnia, which then belonged to the Austrian-Hungarian Monarchy and later, in 1918, became part of Yugoslavia.
His pagan barbarity, his explosive and angrily defiant melancholy, his demoniacal instinct . . . these are all echoes . . . of the thousand-year-old Hungarian psyche.
But I do not want to use Hungarian verses for British people.
For some reason, I spent my early thirties reading as much postwar Hungarian fiction as I could get my hands on.
Anytime you see a Hungarian, kick him. He'll know why. Any two philosophers can tell each other all they know in two hours.
My parents are Hungarian.
In some ways I believe music is the more convincing communicator of ideas than words. For instance, we can hear of Kordaly and Bartok and recognise them as Hungarian, but very few of us speak Hungarian, but the music itself speaks to more people.
After studying the Hungarian language for years, I can confidently conclude that had Hungarian been my mother tongue, it would have been more precious. Simply because through this extraordinary, ancient and powerful language it is possible to precisely describe the tiniest differences and the most secretive tremors of emotions.
It has become increasingly clear that Hungarian authorities are encouraging the whitewashing of tragic and criminal episodes in Hungary's past, namely the wartime Hungarian governments' involvement in the deportation and murder of hundreds of thousands of its Jewish citizens. I found it outrageous that the Speaker of the Hungarian National Assembly could participate in a ceremony honoring a Hungarian fascist ideologue
It's true, some senior Hungarian writers are not known for their laughter. There is a strong Germanic influence - an attitude that if it's enjoyable it can't possibly be literature.
Kadar died as a mass killer, and the Hungarian nation can't forget that.
We are looking for rebuilding Hungarian defence Industry with India's participation.
Given this voice, I know it does sound like I've come from money. But my dad was Canadian and my mum Hungarian, so it's not like I have some high-society, upper-class English background.
The music we're playing now is based on my heritage, which is Russian, Romanian and Hungarian.
Budapest was very beautiful and spending the day under a canopy of Hungarian trees, on horseback, was fantastic.
One critic wrote . . . that my poems sounded as though they had been translated from the Hungarian. I don't know why, but somehow that made me feel quite lighthearted.
The Hungarian interest is that, if necessary, we should make loan agreements with the IMF on a regular basis.
I was born in Vietnam, and I was adopted by an Irish lady and a Hungarian man, and then I moved to America.
I was training in Spain for 15 months, and while I was there, my parents didn't want to be halfway around the world away from their 14-year-old daughter. So they migrated to the U.K. because they had Hungarian passports, and that's in the E.U., so they could work there.
You know, Italian-Hungarian - no matter how linear and cool I look on the outside, I have all that energy trying to find its way through life.
The Hungarian people voted for NATO membership. We are active in the joint actions of NATO. — © Viktor Orban
The Hungarian people voted for NATO membership. We are active in the joint actions of NATO.
I look better with a tan, but I've never gone the fake route. I don't need to - I have good foreign genes: half Spanish, half Hungarian.
My father is Hungarian and moved to Britain during the uprising, and my Spanish mum comes from Galicia; they moved here at the end of the Fifties.
I keep this Hungarian wooden candlestick on the top of my refrigerator along with all my other candles. It's big and ugly, especially next to all my pretty candles, and it doesn't really make sense to have in my apartment.
We have Beast, our Hungarian sheep dog. And he is so talented. He's so smart. He knows his daily schedule. He has an extracurricular activity. He goes herding. He herds sheep. And we've been told that he's quite gifted.
Speaking as somebody who is half English and half Hungarian, World War I still seems to me a familiar and seismic event, as if it had only just ended.
It is not in our interest to sign economic policy agreements with the IMF, as that unnecessarily limits the room to manoeuvre of... the Hungarian government, Hungarian parliament and lawmakers.
In these momentous hours of our history we call on every Hungarian worker who is led by devotion to the people and the country to join our Party, the name of which is the Hungarian Socialist Workers Party.
I cook a little bit. I make a Hungarian dish called chicken paprikash that's out of this world. I'll give a heads-up to all of your readers that it doesn't have to be between Thai and Mexican every night. Toss some Hungarian in every once in a while. You will not be sorry. Good, solid peasant food.
I admit I have a Hungarian temper. Why not? I am from Hungary. We are descendants of Genghis Khan and Attila the Hun.
When my father was born, it was part of the Austro-Hungarian empire. When I was born, it was Lithuania. When I left, it was Hungary. It is difficult to say where I come from.
Like many American readers, I was first introduced to Magda Szabo's work when New York Review Books reissued the Hungarian master's profound and haunting novel 'The Door.'
This is the generation whose first cry of life was the Hungarian uprising. — © Joseph Brodsky
This is the generation whose first cry of life was the Hungarian uprising.
The Hungarian ministry begged the king earnestly to issue orders to all troops and commanders of fortresses in Hungary, enjoining fidelity to the Constitution, and obedience to the ministers of Hungary.
I'm very drawn to Eastern Europe, so I like a Hungarian writer who wrote in French called Emil Cioran; he was always good for giving me such a stir.
We need to fight to prove to people that it is possible to form an E.U. migration policy that is in line with the Hungarian national interest.
One of my principal childhood memories is hearing one of the Liszt Hungarian Rhapsodies waft throughout the house.
I knew that as a pharmacy student I would obtain military deferment. As I was of Jewish origin, this meant that I would not have to serve in a forced labor unit of the Hungarian army.
One of my proudest achievements is that when an authoritative book about Hungarian literature came out about a decade ago, there was a little article about me which said I was a Hungarian writer but pretending not to be. Bearing in mind I can hardly write a cheque in Hungarian, I was delighted to be included in the pantheon of Hungarian writers.
I was twice-born. I'm Mexican by nature and Hungarian by nurture.
'Zolten' is a common Hungarian name, it's my wife's maiden name and most importantly, it's the name of Dracula's dog.
'I can't get no satisfaction,' in political terms, has haunted Hungarian politics for 20 years.
Hungarian communists were the most talented. They convinced everybody that reforming the communist party was better than making a new party.
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