Top 289 Vitamins And Minerals Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Vitamins And Minerals quotes.
Last updated on October 22, 2024.
I believe that you can, by taking some simple and inexpensive measures, lead a longer life and extend your years of well-being. My most important recommendation is that you take vitamins every day in optimum amounts to supplement the vitamins that you receive in your food.
I train for about 25 to 30 hours a week so I need to eat a lot. You just need to have a generally healthy diet. You need to be eating foods with lots of vitamins and minerals. You need to make sure you eat properly in order to give yourself the best chance of performing and recovering from training and competing.
Being shorter or taller depends on details of the diet. Vegetarians can obtain a balanced diet, with sufficient complete protein, vitamins, minerals and micro-nutrients. It's trickier for vegans but it can be done.
When there's an ache, you want to be like aspirin, not vitamins. Aspirin solves a very particular problem someone has, whereas vitamins are a general "nice to have" market.
For nearly a decade now, I've been teaching others how to thrive by filling their bodies with energizing vitamins, nutrients, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. Not a day goes by when someone doesn't write me to say, "Thanks, I feel better now, too." Those letters from my readers are my digital cardinals.
Eggs are not only one of the highest quality sources of protein, but they come stocked with various vitamins and minerals as well. — © Rich Froning Jr.
Eggs are not only one of the highest quality sources of protein, but they come stocked with various vitamins and minerals as well.
I got cocky and I stopped taking my vitamins. It was an inconvenience to have a suitcase full of vitamins with me on the road. About two years ago, it caught up with me.
The FDA and much, but not all, of the orthodox medical profession are actively hostile against vitamins and minerals... They are out to get the health food industry...And they are trying to do this out of active hostility and prejudice.
I take vitamins.
When they were naming vitamins they must have thought there were going to be way more vitamins than there ended up being. OK let's name these: Vitamin A, Vitamin B... ok man slow down we've got a lot to cover here. B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B12. Then they got to E and they were like 'We're pretty much done. We've got all those damn B's. This is embarrassing. Let's just skip to K and get the hell out of here.
you're an insomniac, you tell yourself: there are profound truths revealed only to the insomniac by night like those phosphorescent minerals veined and glimmering in the dark but coarse and ordinary otherwise; you have to examine such minerals in the absence of light to discover their beauty, you tell yourself.
There's this company called Vega that sponsors us, and basically, what it is is a vegan health optimizer. But really it's a protein shake that has all the vitamins, all the enzymes, all the minerals, all the carbs, all the proteins... everything that you need to set yourself for the day.
I'm very conscious about putting good food into my body. Years ago, I went to see an amazing healer called Allah, who could read your body. She told me that I can't absorb vitamins very well, and I have to eat the right things to get my vitamins. I've always remembered that.
Pop music is aspirin and the blues are vitamins.
Daily vitamins are of no value.
The soybean itself is a notably inauspicious staple food; it contains a whole assortment of "antinutrients" - compounds that actually block the body's absorption of vitamins and minerals, interfere with the hormonal system, and prevent the body from breaking down the proteins of the soy itself.
I drink mate every day during training camp, and just in general. It's packed full of vitamins and nutrients and a lot of B vitamins that you would normally get from meat. The caffeine in there affects me less and it's more like a stimulant. I can drink more of it and it's hydrating as well. It's one of my favorite drinks, especially on a cold morning.
Today, a large part of Peru's revenues come from mining. Many big mining companies only pay income tax, but they extract minerals, they pollute the water. They don't give any form of compensation to the regions where those minerals are extracted and where they do the damage, forcing the state to help those regions. What my party Gana Peru is stating is that the mining companies will have to pay that compensation. That is called a royalty.
Fingernails are for opening things and toenails are for storing precious minerals off the ground. — © Kristen Schaal
Fingernails are for opening things and toenails are for storing precious minerals off the ground.
Despite popular belief that watermelon is made up of only water and sugar, watermelon is actually a nutrient-dense food with a high amount of vitamins such as A and C, minerals such as iron and calcium, and is high in antioxidants.
Millions of Americans take vitamins safely every day, including me. Vitamins and mineral supplements taken in recommended doses are safe. It's the designer supplements that are worrisome.
I love supplements, I take multi-vitamins and omega-3.
I always have oatmeal before training or a match. It's easy on the stomach, offers so many vitamins and minerals, and is slow-burning, so it won't leave me hungry at half-time.
Famously cancer fighting, laden with vitamins, minerals, soluble fiber, and phytonutrients, broccoli and its relatives are among the healthiest ingredients of the human diet.
We're [Avocado League] trying to just urge people to add avocado into their diet. It's healthy and full of vitamins and minerals.
There are tons of vitamins and minerals you'll get in plant-based foods that are not soluble if you don't eat fat.
The phytochemicals, antioxidants, and fiber- all of the healthful components of plant foods- originate in plants, not animals. If they are present, it is because the animal ate plants. And why should we go through an animal to get the benefits of the plants themselves? To consume unnecessary, unseemly, and unhealthy substances, such as saturated fat, animal protein, lactose, and dietary cholesterol, is to negate the benefits of the fiber, phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that are prevalent and inherent in plants.
But anyway, it's obvious through human experience that extended families and tribes are terribly important. We can do without an extended family as human beings about as easily as we can do without vitamins or essential minerals.
Without a daily supply of proteins, vitamins, and minerals, no matter how much energy we get in the form of calories, our bodies and minds deteriorate because we are not able to fully replace the dying cells in our internal and external organs.
I have great hair because I take a lot of vitamins.
What do we actually seek from food? It's not calories, nor is it volume or mass. It is, in fact, nutrition: micronutrients, which include vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals. These are components by which food can be assessed a value, and therefore, a decision can be objectively made as to whether it's worth eating.
You take the healthiest diet in the world, if you gave those people vitamins, they would be twice as healthy. So vitamins are valuable.
I take these vitamins that make my hair grow like crazy. They're called Herpanacine, and I get them on Amazon - they've got echinacea and vitamins A and E. They're really good for your immune system, too. You don't get sick, and they really help your skin, hair, and nails.
I have come across a dozen studies that shows that you get more phytonutrients and more minerals and vitamins from organic, but there are also studies that show that plants raised conventionally have more phytonutrients. And they trace it to the amount of nitrogen in the fertilizer used on conventional farms. The gold standard is choosing the most nutritious varieties and raising them organically, and that's what I recommend.
The resources industry has a long future in Queensland, whether it's metallurgical coal from the Bowen Basin, bauxite from Weipa or rare earth minerals from the North West Minerals Province.
God sleeps in the minerals, awakens in plants, walks in animals, and thinks in man.
I believe that you can, by taking some simple and inexpensive measures, extend your life and your years of well-being. My most important recommendation is that you take vitamins every day in optimun amounts, to supplement the vitamins you receive in your food.
All I'm saying is that minerals are just a rudimentary form of consciousness whereas the other people are saying that consciousness is a complicated form of minerals.
Accessories are like vitamins to fashion
Chocolate is an extraordinary source of key stress-fighting minerals including: magnesium, iron, chromium, vanadium, copper, zinc, manganese, and phosphorus. These minerals favorably influence a woman's hormone system, which explains why chocolate has always been considered important for a woman's monthly cycle.
You do not explain the tree by telling of the water it has drunk, the minerals it has absorbed, and the sunlight that strengthened it. — © Antoine de Saint-Exupery
You do not explain the tree by telling of the water it has drunk, the minerals it has absorbed, and the sunlight that strengthened it.
All the vitamins needed seem to be found in plebian dishes.
The extraction of oil, coal and minerals brought, and still brings, a cost to the environment.
There's a new science out called orthomolecular medicine. You correct the chemical imbalance with amino acids and vitamins and minerals that are naturally in the body.
There's a new science out called orthomolecular medicine. You correct the chemical imbalance with amino acids and vitamins and minerals that are naturally in the body
However, FDA attempted to reverse this clear congressional intent in March, 1979, by proposing to regulate vitamins and minerals as 'Over-The-Counter' drugs.
How do you know what's really organic? Today, there's all these impurities in the water and the air. The water for the fruits and vegetables has junk in it. If you get enough vitamins and minerals out of normal food and whole grains, and you get enough proteins and exercise (that's the key) then nature builds up a tolerance to all of these things. It's survival of the fittest. You can't have everything perfect, that's impossible, but the fit survive.
I gotta tell you, right at the top of my list would be taking vitamins. I know that over the years doctors have said they're ridiculous and all that. But I started taking my vitamins at an early age. And I take them every day. Every bloody day! So I think that's number one. For whatever reason, I feel active and pretty good at my age.
I'm not a big believer in vitamins and all that stuff.
Being touched and caressed, being massaged, is food for the infant; food as necessary as minerals, vitamins, and proteins. Deprived of this food, the name of which is love, Babies would rather die. And often they do.
Blueberries, strawberries, and broccoli are all high in vitamins.
We think that diamonds are very important, gold is very important, all these minerals are very important. We call them precious minerals, but they are all forms of the soil. But that part of this mineral that is on top, like it is the skin of the earth, that is the most precious of the commons.
The first thing I do in the morning is take my vitamins. I don't want to say which vitamins; I don't think you should push what you believe in. Doctors should do that, not fashion designers.
I was eating with the help of a nutritionist so I was definitely putting in the appropriate calories and vitamins and minerals into my body; however, it was still so little that if I had the tiniest piece of sugar, my brain would go crazy. If I had some alcohol during the run of that play, my brain would go crazy.
I take vitamins. I workout every day. — © Alyssa Milano
I take vitamins. I workout every day.
There is a world of difference between foods fortified with synthetic vitamins and minerals, and eating vegetables, fruit, and other whole foods full of vitamins and minerals in their natural form.
Broccoli, spinach, celery, and the like are excellent low-calorie foods that are densely packed with vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and fiber. Their ratio of nutritive value to calories can't be beaten, and I eat them with most of my whole food meals.
Curse Hermes and his multi-vitamins!
Vitamins ruined my life. Not that there was much left to ruin, but still. I know that blaming vitamins for my horrible life sounds strange. After all, vitamins are supposed to keep people healthy. Also, they're inanimate objects. But thanks to them I was stuck in the Jackson Center Mall watching my father run around in a bee costume.
We cannot just be a corridor to smuggle minerals out.
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