Top 1200 Time Apart Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Time Apart quotes.
Last updated on October 5, 2024.
The key choices you make-apart from the natural talent you already have-will set you apart from others who have talent alone.
The first thing I learned as a producer is that you have very little control over the life of a project. Anything can stall a film from financing to scheduling to casting. Things fall apart all the time. Don't waste time on something that just won't get made. Try to have as many projects going at one time as you can handle.
That which once united man Now drives him apart.We are not helpless Creatures crashing onwards irresistibly to doom. There is time for everything and time to choose For everything.We are that time, that choice. Everybody gets what he deserves.
Just because your world is falling apart doesn't mean you have to fall apart. When everything seems crazy, you be calm. Don't let the outer chaos you are facing get inside of you.
We live in constant danger of coming apart. The mystery of why we do not always come apart is the animating tension of all art. — © Virginia Woolf
We live in constant danger of coming apart. The mystery of why we do not always come apart is the animating tension of all art.
Determine value apart from price; progress apart from activity; wealth apart from size.
Ennui is the echo in us of time tearing itself apart.
I always knew I wanted to do music, but it took me a long time to figure out how to exactly do that. With my first record deal, everything kinda fell apart. I wasn't ready for it, I didn't know how to handle the business side at all. I thought as soon as I got a record deal, everything would fall into place and I wouldn't have to really do any work anymore. I could just make music, and be successful. Well that was not the case and everything fell apart for a period of time.
Nobody is strong 100 percent of the time, or falling apart 100 percent of the time; sometimes you're doing both at once.
Nobody is strong 100 percent of the time or falling apart 100 percent of the time; sometimes you're doing both at once.
I love it when celebrities fall apart, you want them to fall apart like Charlie Sheen.
It strikes me that the only reason to take apart a pocket watch, or a car engine, aside from the simple delight of disassembly, is to find out how it works. To understand it, so you can put it back together again better than before, or build a new one that goes beyond what the old one could do. We've been taking apart the superhero for ten years or more; it's time to put it back together and wind it up, time to take it out on the road and floor it, see what it'll do.
If it wasn't for Mick, the group would've fallen apart a long time ago.
Eddie and I have decided to take some time apart. I want to do what is best for our children.
Two people in a relationship either grow together or apart over time. — © Greg Behrendt
Two people in a relationship either grow together or apart over time.
Movies come together and they fall apart. We try to focus on things we love to see. It is, they come together, they fall apart and they come together again and you're with them for a long long time.
It has been true in Western societies and it seems to be true elsewhere that you do not find democratic systems apart from capitalism, or apart from a market economy, if you prefer that term.
As in Rome there is, apart from the Romans, a population of statues, so apart from this real world there is a world of illusion, almost more potent, in which most men live.
I don't want to be the guy who, 'Oh, he's falling apart. He's a little punchy. Maybe it's time to stop.'
I have a rule now that I can only watch a movie twice. By the third time I was watching 'The Guest,' I was hating everything about it, but the first time, I loved it. The first time you watch it, you watch it as a whole. And the second time, I think you can learn a lot. By the third time, you are just picking everything apart.
You have two things happening: You have the cultural and economic reality of men falling apart and traditional masculinity falling apart.
Henry was learning that time apart has a way of creating distance- more than mountains and time zone separating them. Real distance, the kind that makes you ache and stop wondering. Longing so bad that it begins to hurt to care so much.
They say that time heals a broken heart, but time has stood still since we've been apart.
Mahesh has no time to do anything apart from shooting for his films. And any free time he has is family time. He doesn't even step out to meet friends.
Otherwise I'll fall apart. I'm going to fall apart. I am falling apart.
Everything that comes together falls apart. Everything. The chair I’m sitting on. It was built, and so it will fall apart. I’m gonna fall apart, probably before this chair. And you’re gonna fall apart. The cells and organs and systems that make you you—they came together, grew together, and so must fall apart. The Buddha knew one thing science didn’t prove for millennia after his death: Entropy increases. Things fall apart.
Thing, body, matter, are nothing apart from the combinations of the elements, - the colours, sounds, and so forth - nothing apart from their so-called attributes.
Sometimes a party must sail against the wind. We cannot heed the call of those who say it is time to furl the sail. The party that tore itself apart over Vietnam in the 1960s cannot afford to tear itself apart today over budget cuts in basic social programs.
Music will always be apart of my life, I have been given a gift of song and voice and I have to use it. I don't have a mapped out time when I should hang up my mic because what I may think is my time may very well be a time to continue.
Turning 60 was not a happy time. I didn't think 'I'm falling apart,' but I did re-examine my priorities.
The problem with regional trade agreements is you get picked apart by the first country. Then you negotiate with the second country. You get picked apart. And you go with the third one. You get picked apart again.
At one time through love all things come together into one, at another time through strife s hatred, they are borne each of them apart.
It has been true in Western societies and it seems to be true elsewhere that you do not find democratic systems apart from capitalism, or apart from a market economy, if you prefer that term
I remember one time 50 was offering me different things to come and be apart of G-Unit. I didn't really do it because it was kind of at the time where they were signing Mobb Deep, Ma$e and M.O.P. I didn't know if I wanted to be up under something.
Nobody is going to pretend that I am younger than I am. Apart from anything else, it is in the papers all the damn time - every time I have a birthday.
Nah, I don't watch TV either, apart from a few sports programmes. I just don't have the time.
Critics, at least generally, want to regard works of fiction as independent entities, whose virtues and failures must be reckoned apart from the circumstances of their creation, and even apart from the intentions of their creator.
We are seeing it. We are seeing the fabric of this country fall apart, and it’s falling apart because of single moms.
At that point, the movie was called Wild Force. Everything fell apart, eventually - our financing completely fell apart - and we were never able to make that film.
Time has no independent existence apart from the order of events by which we measure it. — © Albert Einstein
Time has no independent existence apart from the order of events by which we measure it.
The chimpanzees could tear me apart in no time. They're many times stronger than we are.
While I am training, I don't go out for events, so rest days, in a way, take away that time. Apart from that, I just stay at home and rest, maybe relax at home and spend time with family.
I have so much to do today that I must set apart more time than usual to pray.
Now, as we stand three feet apart and stare at each other, I feel the full distance that comes with spending so much time apart, a moment filled with the electricity of a first meeting and the uncertainty of strangers.
There is a time to live, a time to die, a time to laugh, and at no time are the three of them very far apart.
Plastic surgery is a way for people to buy themselves a few years before they have to truly confront what ageing is, which of course is not that your looks are falling apart, but that you are falling apart and some-day you will have fallen apart and ceased to exist.
We wouldn't ever sit down and pretend that our friendship didn't fall apart back in the late '80s. It wasn't like there was a massive bust-up. We just drifted apart.
But I know this. We're ready to move forward again in our way. Together or apart, no matter how far apart, we live in one another. We go on together.
If you think too much about nudity, it can be anxiety-provoking because it lives on the internet forever. I've only taken my clothes off on that one other show, and yet, if you were to Google Image me, it would seem like I do this all the time. As an actress - and as an actor, too, but it's worse for actresses - you constantly get picked apart for how you look. Obviously, being picked apart with your clothes on is slightly less terrifying than when your clothes are off.
We don't mind being ripped apart, but don't rip the songs apart. They're like our kids. — © Maurice Gibb
We don't mind being ripped apart, but don't rip the songs apart. They're like our kids.
By the time my attempt to acquire WCW fell apart and Time Warner decided they didn't want anything remotely associated with wrestling near their networks, once that happened and really cut the cord, it was in my rear view mirror and didn't care or think about it too much.
During this time we've been apart, it's you I've thought of when I'm at my weakest, and you who have pulled me through.
Even the best of friends need time apart.
Apart from the obvious advantages of having ice to melt, filter, then drink, you can also break apart the water's hydrogen from its oxygen. Use the hydrogen and some of the oxygen as active ingredients in rocket fuel and keep the rest of the oxygen for breathing. And in your spare time between space missions, you can always go ice skating on the frozen lake created with the extracted water.
You hear these stories about people who take apart their radio and put it back. Or just learn a lot from taking it apart. But I wasn't as into that stuff as I was just into how computer programs work.
Every time I do a cover, I completely... pick apart - I take apart the entire song and really reconstruct it. I try and make it my own.
That's what alcoholics do. It's in their job description: fall apart and then keep falling apart.
I've always been interested in science. I used to take watches apart and clocks apart, and there's little screws, and a little this and that, and I found out if I dropped one of them, that thing ain't gonna work.
At the time of 'The Epic,' as a core band, we were all spending so much time apart making music for other people that by the time we got together - even though we grew up together and there's a special connection we have - it was like a rare privilege to come together.
Scoring two goals at against Wembley against a Dutch team that was supposed to rip us apart and ripping them apart - it doesn't get any better than that.
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