Top 1200 Paid In Full Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Paid In Full quotes.
Last updated on October 11, 2024.
I'd always be loaning my sister money, knowing full well I wasn't going to get it back. But she had the kids, and that paid me back.
I've come to give you your gift back, Mordeth," Cauthon whispered. "I consider our debt paid in full.
I'd always been a good athlete and I liked getting paid what they paid you for stunts. In those days, they paid you per stunt so I'd try to do as many as I could. — © Hal Needham
I'd always been a good athlete and I liked getting paid what they paid you for stunts. In those days, they paid you per stunt so I'd try to do as many as I could.
I think it's criminal how little people in the military are paid. These are people out risking their lives, taken away from their families for long periods of time. I think they should be paid dramatically more than they're paid.
The resurrection was God's way of stamping PAID IN FULL right across history so that nobody could miss it.
Being first lady is a full-time job. Betty Ford worked full time and should have received a salary. Michelle Obama works full time and should be paid.
Everything I did on the 'Paid in Full' album and those first three albums, I wrote everything right in the studio.
Writers sometimes are paid a great deal of money, but much more frequently they're not paid or are paid only a little bit.
I've been debating with people over what an album actually means in 2018. Certain artists who have paid their dues and proven themselves have almost the privilege to put out a full length album.
You have to realize WWE's contract. They're not getting paid from advertising money. USA makes that money. WWE gets paid by USA, they get paid a lot of money, and the money increases every year. Ratings aren't the most important thing to them.
And I can tell you from firsthand experience that our train system is a mess. Carriages are full of unhappy travellers packed together like sardines, who have inexplicably paid for the privilege of being incarcerated.
You are not paid to work hard. In fact, you are not paid for effort at all. You are paid for results. It's not what you do; it's what you get done.
Well, it's not full time - my dancers are only paid for six months of the year in two three-month blocks; but yes, it is possible we could do it in another year.
You don't do that while you're being paid by taxpayers to do a very difficult and full-time job, and you also do not bring Clinton Foundation interests into the domain of the secretary of state, and you do not give preferred access to your own personal clients.
I ask the people of Connecticut for their forgiveness, I should have paid more attention to people around me and people that I trusted but I am sorry for my actions and take full responsibility.
If you paid me $2 million, I'm sure I could lose my belly. But I don't get paid to look a certain way. I get paid to win fights. That's what I concentrate on. — © Roy Nelson
If you paid me $2 million, I'm sure I could lose my belly. But I don't get paid to look a certain way. I get paid to win fights. That's what I concentrate on.
A pleasure is full grown only when it is remembered. C. S. LEWIS, Out of the Silent Planet True pleasures are paid for in advance; false pleasures afterwards, with heavy and compound interest.
The thing where I thought I made it was when I paid my house off. It wasn't actually a moment on stage - it was the first bit of financial security. It was the first time I looked at my house, and it was all paid off, and I thought, 'Alright. Jokes paid for this.'
I'm not taking jobs anymore where I'm getting paid a quarter of what the male co-star is being paid. I'm not allowing that in my life.
Everybody, every tradesman that worked for Shafin or built my house got fully paid, well paid. Everybody got paid. I would like that to be said if I could because I haven't said it before, and it's important. People kind of think we left all these plumbers or electricians without getting paid.
I'm getting paid to do what I got in trouble for in the 7th grade. I absolutely love what I do and thank my lucky stars for twenty-five years of full-time employment in this business.
The first paid show was in Los Angeles at an art opening and I was paid maybe, I don't know, twenty five bucks?
The price of success must be paid in full, in advance.
For God to forgive sinners without the full penalty being paid would contradict His justice and make Him our partner in evil. Christ fully paid that penalty for our sins--but the pardon must be willingly and gladly received. God will not force anyone into heaven.
My account is paid in full. So, why are you calling me?
Listen, it's not just 'Full House.' It's across the board in the entertainment industry: women are not paid what men are paid.
In Illinois, where legislators are paid $45,000, plus as much as $10,000 for leadership work, about half are full-time politicians.
Everything we get, outside of the free gifts of nature, must in some way be paid for. The world is full of so- called economists who in turn are full of schemes for getting something for nothing. They tell us that the government can spend and spend without taxing at all; that it can continue to pile up debt without ever paying it off, because "we owe it to ourselves."
Initially, dancing for me was just for pocket money. The dancers are paid well and you get paid on a daily basis. Eventually when I got promoted as an assistant choreographer I was getting paid more. This was during my college days.
I absolutely believe the Internet is passing from its free days into a paid system. Inevitably, I promise you, it will be paid.
At the cross in holy love God through Christ paid the full penalty of our disobedience himself.
The originating sin of America is slavery, for which reparations should be paid and will never be paid; as a result, mini-reparations are paid daily, and the NBA remains, for me, reparations theater.
This is a turf battle. They are saying, 'The songwriters aren't getting paid.' Baloney. Songwriters are getting paid. They're paid sync rights and (mechanical) rights. They aren't getting paid for the public performance in a download because there is no public performance in a download.
To attempt to pay for salvation with church membership, prayers, or good deeds is an insult to Christ, who paid the full price-and is a rejection of the gift of God's grace.
I can't tell you the number of times I was one of the first people at the arenas or at TV, constantly trying to better myself. I can honestly say that my hard work paid off. My resilience paid off. My persistence paid off.
You want to be paid in respect to how your peers are paid.
The business model for content is to be paid for it. You can be paid for it either though advertising or subscriptions or some new invention, but right now what we've got is advertising revenue and subscription revenue as the only way to be paid for content.
Real estate cannot be lost or stolen, nor can it be carried away. Purchased with common sense, paid for in full, and managed with reasonable care, it is about the safest investment in the world.
I'm not paid to be a role model. I'm paid to wreak havoc on the basketball court. — © Charles Barkley
I'm not paid to be a role model. I'm paid to wreak havoc on the basketball court.
My sin in the past: forgiven. My current struggles: covered. My future failures: paid in full all by the marvelous, infinite, matchless grace found in the atoning work of the cross of Jesus Christ.
Not till the fire is dying in the grate, Look we for any kinship with the stars. Oh, wisdom never comes when it is gold, And the great price we paid for it full worth: We have it only when we are half earth. Little avails that coinage to the old!
When debts are not paid because they cannot be paid, the best thing to do is not talk about them, and shuffle the cards again.
The money paid at consumption is paid by everybody, including illegals, prostitutes, pimps, drug dealers.
Towns are full of people, houses full of tenants, hotels full of guests, trains full of travelers, cafés full of customers, parks full of promenaders, consulting-rooms of famous doctors full of patients, theatres full of spectators, and beaches full of bathers. What previously was, in general, no problem, now begins to be an everyday one, namely, to find room.
There was a time when only men could provide or work, and still a lot of countries are like that. But there's a price to be paid for that when you're expected to be the full-time caretaker and you're expected to be the full-time breadwinner.
We gain freedom when we have paid the full price.
Your U.S. military has the best child care in the nation. Full, paid family and medical leave benefits. Why aren't we doing that to empower our workforce?
charity is a calm, severe duty; it must be intellectual, to be advantageous. It is a strange mistake that it should ever be considered a merit; its fulfillment is only what we owe to each other, and is a debt never paid to its full extent.
We've got to stand up at some point and say, 'We are not gonna pay slavery reparations in the United States Congress.' That war's been fought. That was over a century ago. That debt was paid for in blood, and it was paid for in the blood of a lot of Yankees, especially. And there's no reparations for the blood that paid for the sin of slavery.
In the ancient world, taxes were paid in kind: landowners paid in crops or livestock; the landless paid with their labor. Taxing trade made medieval monarchs rich and funded the early-modern state.
We don't get paid to cheer lead for Donald Trump. We're just paid to cover him. — © Megyn Kelly
We don't get paid to cheer lead for Donald Trump. We're just paid to cover him.
We get paid way less than we deserve. We deliver shows and deserve to get paid more. We practically pay to do this. You deserve to get better paid if you sell the fight.
I'm always full of ideas. I just haven't stopped doing what I did as a teenager. Now I just happen to get paid for it!
At some time, here or hereafter, every account must be settled, and every debt paid in full.
I was paid to read Western economic texts. In a way, the regime paid for their own undermining.
You know, 'Paid in Full' is a classic album, man. It kind of got me to where I am now, so I can never get tired of 'Paid in Full.'
This is a hard and precarious world, where every mistake and infirmity must be paid for in full.
I paid my own bills even when I was married and my husband could have easily paid them.
An audience is the most dangerous thing in the world, because they paid, and they're looking at you. And they paid! And there's a lot of them! And they cast a cold eye, because they paid. To be on the stage, you have to be very secure.
I did my time for the rape. I paid my money to Las Vegas. I paid my dues.
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