Top 1200 Above The Law Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Above The Law quotes.
Last updated on October 2, 2024.
With the exception of lawyers, there is no profession which, considers itself above the law so widely as the medical profession.
The United States Congress, acting with large bipartisan majorities, at the urging of the President, enacted as the law of the land that all children are to be above average.
The intelligence community, for the most part, has no accountability at all; to the Congress, to us the American people, and so they feel that they above the law. — © Gloria Naylor
The intelligence community, for the most part, has no accountability at all; to the Congress, to us the American people, and so they feel that they above the law.
The purpose of privilege is not to place parliamentarians above the law, but rather to allow them to carry out their duties independently and effectively, in the national interest.
A just law is a man-made code that squares with the moral law, or the law of God. An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law.
As God as my witness, they said, We're above the law. There's nothing you can do to us. You're just a church secretary.
In Australia there are not limits on what you can believe but there are limits on how you can behave. It's called the law, and no one is above it.
It stands in the light transfigured, It speaks from the heights above, "Each Soul Is Its Own Redeemer; There Is No Law But Love."
Above literature?' said the Queen. 'Who is above literature? You might as well say one was above humanity.
When I hit the scene, there was Billy Connolly and Max Boyce. It was all mother-in-law and Irish jokes, and we broke the mould. Now there are thousands of comedians out there, and I don't think I can be above it all.
I shouldn't have sat on death row 30 years. All they had to do was test the gun. But when you think you are high and mighty and you're above the law, you don't have to answer to nobody, but I've got news for you.
The significance of the law of love is precisely that it is not just another law, but a law which transcends all law.
So he's above the law because he's a celebrity or something. Just because you're Russell Crowe doesn't mean you can do whatever you like. — © Becky Freeman
So he's above the law because he's a celebrity or something. Just because you're Russell Crowe doesn't mean you can do whatever you like.
I was a houseman, the lowest. I was just above - in the hierarchy of jobs, I was just above the Puerto Rican dishwashers - just above, so I felt superior to them.
Cleverly assorted scraps of spurious science are inculcated upon the children to prove necessity of law; obedience to the law is made a religion; moral goodness and the law of the masters are fused into one and the same divinity. The historical hero of the schoolroom is the man who obeys the law, and defends it against rebels.
It is this trick of capitalism, of subjecting labor to competition, while lifted wholly above it by class law itself, that is objectionable.
Impeachment is our system's last resort for someone who treats himself or herself as above the law, the most relevant thing is whether this president, by his recent course of action, on top of his violations of the foreign corruption or emoluments clause, this president has shone that he cannot be trusted to remain within the law and our constitution's last resort for situations of that kind is to get the person out of office.
The law exists for a reason. There is a dominant American culture that people used to want to preserve. That's going by the wayside, too. But if it's now okay for an illegal alien to practice law in California, then can anybody else who's broken the law get a law license? And if not, why not?
No man is above the law, and no man is below it.
We are a nation of laws. And nobody can ignore our Constitution. No one's above the law. And that includes the president of the United States.
This country does not punish its political enemies. What this country ensures is that no one is above the law.
In the early centuries of Islam, the great schools of Islamic jurisprudence were built upon the above principles. Basic to all their legal systems they developed the doctrine that liberty is the fundamental basis of law.
I promise, before God and my community, to seek reforms so that the powerful and corrupt are no longer above the law.
To put it in the terms of St. Thomas Aquinas: An unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in eternal law and natural law.
For we must share, if we would keep, that blessing from above; ceasing to give, we cease to have; such is the law of love.
Military rule in Indonesia formally ended in 1998, but the army remains above the law.
Reagan was all about America, and you talked about it. Obama is, 'We are above that now. We're not just parochial, we're not just chauvinistic, we're not just provincial. We stand for something.' I mean, in a way, Obama's standing above the country, above - above the world. He's sort of God. He's going to bring all different sides together.
If the law does not give you what you want, you can oppose the law, you can work to change the law, but you cannot ignore the law. So it is fundamental that the constitutions of every one of our member states are upheld and respected.
Unanimity is important because it signals that the justices can rise above their differences and interpret the law without partisanship.
Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe, the oftener and more steadily we reflect on them: the starry heavens above and the moral law within.
I think it's a self-serving effort to put a political agenda above the safety of our law enforcement officers.
Liberty is no heirloom. It requires the daily bread of self-denial, the salt of law and, above all, the backbone of acknowledging responsibility for our deeds.
Life is not an easy matter... You cannot live through it without falling into frustration and cynicism unless you have before you a great idea which raises you above personal misery, above weakness, above all kinds of perfidy and baseness.
Zeroth law: You must play the game First law: You can't win Second law: You can't break even Third law: You can't quit the game.
Judges ought above all to remember the conclusion of the Roman Twelve Tables :The supreme law of all is the weal [weatlh/ well-being] of the people.
We must be devoted to sound principles in word and deed: principle above party, principle above pocketbook, principle above popularity.
Will a nominee embrace and uphold the essential meaning of the four words inscribed above the entrance of the Supreme Court building: Equal justice under law?
Keep under strict surveillance and control those secret establishments which, within your government structures, seem to regard themselves as above the law. — © Sean MacBride
Keep under strict surveillance and control those secret establishments which, within your government structures, seem to regard themselves as above the law.
I hear Democrats say, 'The Affordable Care Act is the law,' as though we're supposed to genuflect at that sunburst of insight and move on. Well, the Fugitive Slave Act was the law, separate but equal was the law, lots of things are the law and then we change them.
The Gospel is temporary, but the law is eternal and is restored precisely through the Gospel. Freedom from the law consists, then, not in the fact that the Christian has nothing more to do with the law, but lies in the fact that the law demands nothing more from the Christian as a condition of salvation. The law can no longer judge and condemn him. Instead he delights in the law of God according to the inner man and yearns for it day and night.
We make a big mistake when we conclude that the law is the answer to bad behavior. In fact, the law alone stirs up more of such behavior. People get worse, not better, when you lay down the law. To be sure, the Spirit does use both God's law and God's gospel in our sanctification. But the law and the gospel do very different things.
Do not resist the evil-doer and take no part in doing so, either in the violent deeds of the administration, in the law courts, the collection of taxes, or above all in soldiering, and no one in the world will be able to enslave you.
To be Christians under the law of grace does not mean to wander unbridled outside the law, but to be engrafted in Christ, by whose grace we are free from the curse of the law, and by whose Spirit we have the law engraved upon our hearts.
While I respect the professionals at the FBI, this announcement defies explanation. No one should be above the law.
We will ensure that nobody is above the law and demand an end to the instability and armed chaos.
I mean, in a way, Obama's standing above the country, above — above the world, he's sort of God.
Theories of "natural law" and the "law of nations" are another excellent example of discussions destitute of all exactness. [...] "Natural law" is simply that law of which the person using the phrase approves[....]
Guaranteed, full stop, nobody gets treated differently when it comes to the Justice Department, because nobody is above the law. — © Barack Obama
Guaranteed, full stop, nobody gets treated differently when it comes to the Justice Department, because nobody is above the law.
We saw groups of people gathering in front of Lula's house in Sao Paulo this morning. You had people shouting at one another, and some fistfights even broke out. Some of his supporters are claiming that this is equivalent of a coup attempt, an attempt to remove Rousseff from power and prevent Lula from running again. And other people are saying that this is simply a display of rule of law in Brazil, that no one in Brazil can be above the law at this time.
Let me be clear - no one is above the law. Not a politician, not a priest, not a criminal, not a police officer. We are all accountable for our actions.
There's something seriously wrong with Google. Technologically, they're brilliant, sensational. But morally, its management is completely adolescent. The company is so big and so arrogant, they do whatever they like, they think they are above the law.
Any violation of civil rights will be aggressively pursued and prosecuted by my administration. No one will be above the law.
No individual or company, no matter how large or how profitable, is above the law.
Obviously you follow the law of the land, there are many laws I disagree with, but you follow the law. You fight to change the law, you don't break the law. I believe that's the American way.
For what you call the Law is but a club of the rich over the lowest of men, sanctifying the conquest of the earth by a few and making their theft the way of things. But over and above these pitiful statutes of yours that enclose the common land and reduce us to poverty to make you fat stands the Law of Creation, which renders judgement on rich and poor alike, making them one. For freedom is the man who will thus turn the world upside down, therefore no wonder he has enemies
I want to live perfectly above the law, and make it my servant instead of my master.
No one is above the law, not even the president. I believe perjury does meet at least the definition of high misdemeanor.
Always seek less turbulent skies. Hurt. Fly above it. Betrayal. Fly above it. Anger. Fly above it. You are the one who is flying the plane.
Genius is answerable only to itself; it is the sole judge of the means, since it alone knows the end; thus genius must consider itself as above the law, for it is the task of genius to remake the law; moreover the man who frees himself from his time and place may take everything, hazard everything, for everything is his by right.
The glory of justice and the majesty of law are created not just by the Constitution - nor by the courts - nor by the officers of the law - nor by the lawyers - but by the men and women who constitute our society - who are the protectors of the law as they are themselves protected by the law.
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