Top 1200 Foolish Man Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Foolish Man quotes.
Last updated on October 8, 2024.
A man is judged by his friends, for the wise and the foolish have never agreed.
There is a foolish corner in the brain of the wisest man.
Foolish is my happiness, and foolish things will it speak: it is still too young—so have patience with it! — © Friedrich Nietzsche
Foolish is my happiness, and foolish things will it speak: it is still too young—so have patience with it!
And, as for what is called improving conversation, that is merely the foolish method by which the still more foolish philanthropist feebly tries to disarm the just rancour of the criminal classes.
A rough rule in life is that an organization foolish in one way in dealing with a complex system is all too likely to be foolish in another.
Philosophers of genius, children, and the people are equally wise - because they ask equally foolish questions. Foolish to a civilized man who has a well-furnished European apartment with an excellent toilet and a well-furnished dogma.
It is a foolish man who believes that the status quo can be maintained indefinitely.
of all the foolish Fears of Humankind, Fear of the Future is by far the most foolish.
How gentle and tender ought we to be with others who are foolish when we remember how foolish we are ourselves
Foolish: It's all foolish. Life is a farce a stupid, sickening farce played out by fools.
Foolish jokers are thick on the ground, and it rains insects of that sort everywhere. A good joker is a rarity; even a man who is such by nature finds it hard to sustain the part for long; it seldom happens that the man who makes us laugh wins our esteem.
Foolish names and foolish faces often appear in public places.
The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wise grows it under his feet.
But who, except God, can say whether a man is right or foolish if he follows the call of his conscience?
The average man's opinions are much less foolish than they would be if he thought for himself. — © Bertrand Russell
The average man's opinions are much less foolish than they would be if he thought for himself.
The man who fails to give fair service during the hours for which he is paid is dishonest. The man who is not willing to give more than this is foolish.
She didn't want to think about how wrong this was or how foolish it was to give herself to a known seducer. Because tonight Oliver wasn't that man. Not to her. He was the boy who'd cried over his dead mother, the young man who'd lost himself in drink and women to forget the past, the marquess who'd vowed not to marry for money. He was the man to be her lover.
I am persuaded that foolish writers and foolish readers are created for each other; and that fortune provides readers as she does mates for ugly women.
When a wise man is advised of his errors, he will reflect on and improve his conduct. When his misconduct is pointed out, a foolish man will not only disregard the advice but rather repeat the same error.
I didn't like the idea of being foolish, but I learned pretty soon that it was essential to fail and be foolish.
A foolish man thinks he knows everything. A wise man knows he doesn't," Finn replied absently, still looking down at the book. "That's such a fortune-cookie answer," I said with a laugh, and even he smirked at me.
Only a foolish woman would allow her man to earn his living as a moving target.
We must always look after our friends, even when they are foolish. Especially when they are foolish.
It is entirely wrong to think that we have done, or can do, good to the world, or to think that we have helped such and such people. It is a foolish thought, and all foolish thoughts bring misery. We think that we have helped some man and expect him to thank us, and because he does not, unhappiness comes to us. Why should we expect anything in return for what we do? Be grateful to the man you help, think of him as God. Is it not a great privilege to be allowed to worship God by helping our fellow men?
A man may take to drink because he feels himself to he a failure, and then fail all the more completely because he drinks. It is rather the same thing that is happening to the English language. It becomes ugly and inaccurate because our thoughts are foolish, but the slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts.
Alcohol is perfectly consistent in its effects upon man. Drunkenness is merely an exaggeration. A foolish man drunk becomes maudlin; a bloody man, vicious; a coarse man, vulgar.
Riches expose a man to pride and luxury, and a foolish elation of heart.
There is nothing more foolish than a foolish laugh. Risu inepto res ineptior nulla est
Eddie Drake is sort of this loose cannon, funny, edgy guy, who has this really foolish, foolish mustache.
It is obvious that the great majority of humans throughout history have had grossly, even ridiculously, unrealistic concepts of the world. Man is, among many other things, the mistaken animal, the foolish animal. Other species doubtless have much more limited ideas about the world, but what ideas they do have are much less likely to be wrong and are never foolish. White cats do not denigrate black, and dogs do not ask Baal, Jehovah, or other Semitic gods to perform miracles for them.
A spoon cannot taste of the food it carries. Likewise, a foolish man cannot understand the wise man´s wisdom even if he associates with a sage.
Whoever believes in a man is very foolish.
The individual is foolish; the multitude, for the moment is foolish, when they act without deliberation; but the species is wise, and, when time is given to it, as a species it always acts right.
Intuitive versus analytical? That's a foolish choice. It's foolish, just like trying to choose between being realistic or idealistic. You need both in life.
An infatuated man is not only foolish, but wild.
Try to be original in your play and as clever as possible; but don't be afraid to show yourself foolish; we must have freedom of thinking, and only he is an emancipated thinker who is not afraid to write foolish things.
The fool is not the man who merely does foolish things. The fool is the man who does not know enough to cash in on his foolishness.
To a man born without conscience, a soul-stricken man must seem ridiculous. To a criminal, honesty is foolish. You must not forget that a monster is only a variation, and that to a monster the norm is monstrous.
No man is so foolish but he may sometimes give another good counsel, and no man so wise that he may not easily err if he takes no other counsel than his own. He that is taught only by himself has a fool for a master.
If man is man and God is God, to live without prayer is not merely an awful thing: it is an infinitely foolish thing. — © Phillips Brooks
If man is man and God is God, to live without prayer is not merely an awful thing: it is an infinitely foolish thing.
A foolish man in wealth and authority is like a weak-timbered house with a too-ponderous roof.
It is very foolish of a man to be frightened of a skeleton, for Nature has put an insurmountable obstacle against running away from it.
If you embark on a project as magnificent in concept as the brotherhood of man, it is foolish not to anticipate difficulties of proportionate magnificence.
The foolish man wonders at the unusual, but the wise man at the usual.
Unless a man has pity he is not truly a man. If a man has not wept at the worlds pain he is only half a man, and there will always be pain in the world, knowing this does not mean that a man shall dispair. A good man will seek to take pain out of things. A foolish man will not even notice it, except in himself, and the poor unfortunate evil man will drive pain deeper into things and spread it about wherever he goes.
There is no excellence anywhere without labor. We would think a man foolish indeed who would say, "I am willing that my business should prosper, or that my farm should yield plentifully, but I'll not stir a peg." But he is no more foolish than the man who says, "I am willing that God should bless me abundantly, but I shall not do anything toward that end myself." We must consistently rely upon the help of the Lord, but we will not make any progress or meet with any success unless we put forth an earnest effort.
A foolish man thinks he knows everything. A wise man knows he doesn't.
Looking foolish does the spirit good. The need not to look foolish is one of youth's many burdens; as we get older we are exempted from more and more.
A foolish man tells a woman to stop talking, but a wise man tells her that her mouth is extremely beautiful when her lips are closed.
It is in the nature of foolish reasonings to seem good to the foolish reasoner. — © George Eliot
It is in the nature of foolish reasonings to seem good to the foolish reasoner.
I used to think romantic love was a neurosis shared by two, a supreme foolishness. I no longer think that. There's nothing foolish in loving anyone. Thinking you'll be loved in return is what's foolish.
It takes more than a wise man to keep track of a foolish woman.
A foolish man is always doing, Yet much remains to be done.
A foolish man... built his house upon the sand.
If fifty million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing.
A clever child brought up with a foolish one can itself become foolish. Man is so perfectible and corruptible he can become a fool through good sense.
And if my present deeds are foolish in thy sight, it may be that a foolish judge arraigns my folly.
All that is great cannot be possessed - and that is one of the most foolish things man goes on doing. We want to possess.
Nothing in the world is permanent, and we’re foolish when we ask anything to last, but surely we’re still more foolish not to take delight in it while we have it.
Intellectuals never sound more foolish than when posing as the last civilised man.
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