Top 76 Fester Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Fester quotes.
Last updated on October 6, 2024.
Open debate is our strongest tool in standing up to extremism. The far more dangerous avenue is to force extremist ideas underground, where they can fester without competition.
We have to challenge lies. We have to challenge falsehoods and conspiracy theories. If you don't, they fester - unchecked and unchallenged.
I'll never live down my image as 'The Kid.' But its nice to be remembered as Fester too. — © Jackie Coogan
I'll never live down my image as 'The Kid.' But its nice to be remembered as Fester too.
That kid's got an arm like Uncle Fester at an exhibition of Pre-Colombian... um, Christ, I lost it. I was going for something thick. So what's with the beard, Grizzly Fouts?
Too often, a problem is allowed to fester until it reaches a crisis point... and the American people are left asking the question: what went wrong and why?
When suspicion and hostility is allowed to fester, it can erupt into unrest.
Good writing shouldn't be wrapped in cellophane. It should be open to the elements and full of maggots and it should be left to grow and deepen and fester.
I think the thing is resolving problems rather than letting them fester.
Why did women always believe that talking about a problem would fix it? Some issues were corpses. Hot air made them fester and rot and spread their disease to everything else. Better to bury it and move on.
Your sense of guilt will linger. It will always be part of you. but sharing it, allowing people to love you anyway, will do you the world of good. Secrets need an outlet if they are not to fester and become an unbearable burden.
Blackthorn has wicked spikes that are highly brittle and tend to snap off under the skin and then fester horribly. This means that they can only really be part of a hedge that you do not want to get too close to.
Uncle Fester brought me back with the young group. He was very 'in' with the teens.
If we do not suffer a loss all the way to the end, it will wait for us. It won’t just dissipate and disappear. Rather, it will fester, and we will experience its sorrow later, in stranger forms.
Christians can have doubts and they can have questions, and the unhealthy way to deal with that is to keep them inside where they fester and grow and can undermine our faith. The healthy way to deal with it is to talk about it and be honest about it.
Most people are mirrors, reflecting the moods and emotions of the times; few are windows, bringing light to bear on the dark corners where troubles fester. The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.
Fester never talked in the 'Addams Family' cartoons. So I raised my voice an octave and I gave him a beetling look.
What cannot be talked about cannot be put to rest. And if it is not, the wounds will fester from generation to generation.
As a novelist, I mined my history, my family and my memory, but in a very specific way. Writing fiction, I never made use of experiences immediately as they happened. I needed to let things fester in my memory, mature and transmogrify into something meaningful.
The summer's flow'r is to the summer sweet, Though to itself it only live and die' But if that flow'r with base infection meet, The basest weed outbraves his dignity: For sweetest things turn sourest by their deeds; Lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds.
It is typical of women to fester and ferment over disappointments, slights, annoyances, angers, etc. — © Laura Schlessinger
It is typical of women to fester and ferment over disappointments, slights, annoyances, angers, etc.
When we turn our backs on feelings we should deal with, they fester and grow and ultimately consume us. Silence is denial. Silence is anxiety.
You said to me once that you weren’t what I dreamed of. You were right. You surpass everything I dreamed of. Even the rot in you that’s caused you to do shameful things. Some men let the rot and guilt fester into something ugly beyond words. Few men can turn it into worth and substance. If you’re gods’ blessed for no other reason, it’s for that.
We need to recognize that it is growing economic inequality that creates the conditions for hate to fester.
A broken bone can heal, but the wound a word opens can fester forever.
Fear and lies fester in darkness. The truth may wound, but it cuts clean.
Let me dispel a few rumors so they don't fester into facts.
I much condole with you on your late loss... pains and diseases of the mind are only cured by Forgetfulness;--Reason but skins the wound, which is perpetually liable to fester again.
For sweetest things turn sourest by their deeds; Lillies that fester smell far worse than weeds.
The damage can fester under layers of time and change, and an ignorant, thoughtless remark can easily reopen the wound.
I'd like to die listening to a piece of music. I imagine this as so easy, so natural, but naturally it's quite impossible. Notes stab too softly. The wounds they leave behind may smart, but they don't fester. Melancholy and pain trickle out instead of blood. When the notes cease, all is peaceful within me again.
Emotions can create problems that do not exist. It's fine to be justifiably angry. But, it's not okay to let that anger fester long enough to become bitterness.
I'm very upfront and very honest. I don't let a bunch of stuff fester and boil over.
My son John was just under a year old when I collapsed with a life-threatening kidney disease. The shame and guilt resulting from my unplanned pregnancy had continued to fester to the point that my toxic feelings literally poisoned my body.
Pain is something that's common to human life. When we ignore it, we aren't engaging in the whole reality, and the pain begins to fester.
Do not think that you can fight corruption without while you let corruption fester within.
Uncle Fester always intrigued me. I certainly always enjoyed his kind of humor. He's just full of mischief in a kind of macabre way. I don't see anything twisted about it. It's sort of ridiculous and wacky. It's sort of fun.
An apology offered and, equally important, received is a step towards reconciliation and, sometimes, recompense. Without that process, hurts can rankle and fester and erupt into their own hatreds and wrongdoings.
The past was gone. Nothing could change what had already been. Looking back at it, letting its wounds fester, indulging in regret was just a different, slower way to die. The living moved forward.
Fester has a lot going for him. He's 120 volt AC and DC, and he's great with dynamite. His only trouble is that he's one of the great losers of our time. He would make a great spy, but he kinda stands out in a crowd.
Conflict resolution, all those things, are important. When you're in a group environment, you have to have those. If you don't, things fester. Have the conversation. Resolve it. Move forward.
As a child growing up in San Francisco in the 1950s, I sometimes met insults when I ventured outside of Chinatown or my neighborhood. I have even been spat on and threatened with a knife. I could have let my anger fester until it became hate. However, I realized they were isolated incidents, and I simply got on with my life.
As long as colonialism was allowed to reign and fester in Africa, it was going to be a source of tension, if not war, as was evidenced by World War I itself, which, among other things, featured Germany on one side of the barricades and Britain, which had come earlier to the table of colonial plunder, on the other.
My dad prepared me for the worst of times while also enabling me to succeed in the best. He taught me to confront the insidiousness of racism head on, no matter what the ramification, so it will not fester. Defeat it and get past it. That was The Talk. Nothing scared me after that.
Lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds. — © William Shakespeare
Lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds.
Grief heals ... unshed tears fester like a canker in the soul.
Britain is now living with the consequences of allowing an underclass to take root and fester.
Old secrets are like old wounds; they fester.
Zionism was originally a rebellion against religious Judaism and the PLO Charter was essentially secularist. But because the conflict was allowed to fester without a resolution, religion got sucked into the escalating cycle of violence and became part of the problem.
A bad act done will fester and create in its own way. It's not only goodness that creates. Bad things create. They have their own yeast.
Shattered legs may heal in time, but some betrayals fester and poison the soul.
Being vintage like a fine wine Should make you proud of being old And being mature like a cheese Certainly explains the mould! Fester on undaunted into your 7th decade
I've always had this incredible sense of urgency. I've always had this desire not to let things fester and to really seize the moment, because it's serendipity.
I know the colour rose, and it is lovely, But not when it ripens in a tumour; And healing greens, leaves and grass, so springlike, In limbs that fester are not springlike.
I grew up on Charles Addams' cartoons, particularly 'The Addams Family,' and Uncle Fester was always one of my favorites.
I am getting to that age where I am too old to play the boy next door and too young to play Uncle Fester. — © Taylor Negron
I am getting to that age where I am too old to play the boy next door and too young to play Uncle Fester.
It's the things one might have said that fester.
The truth can be very sharp. But it makes a cleaner wound than lies. It will not fester
Christians can have doubts and they can have questions and the unhealthy way to deal with that is to keep them inside where they fester and grow and can undermine our faith. The healthy way to deal with it is to talk about it and be honest about it.
How can the cost of education be the cost of life? It is unacceptable; it is reprehensible that we have allowed it to fester.
Many times when something irritates us we allow it to fester or grow into a slow burn. We allow our mind to tell us the person is doing it on purpose-just to be irritating. Usually, that is far from the truth
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