Top 1200 Hot Air Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Hot Air quotes.
Last updated on October 21, 2024.
[A]s you partake of the world's bill of fare, that's darned good advice to follow. Do a lot of spitting out the hot air. And be careful what you swallow.
Strip away the usual hot air, and bin Laden's audiotape is the sign of a seriously weakened man.
Oh, lighten up, Clark. I'm the one having scalding hot air directed at my genitals. — © Joanna Noelle Levesque
Oh, lighten up, Clark. I'm the one having scalding hot air directed at my genitals.
I think there are very few invisible musical instrument players out there who can claim the chops and sheer perseverance of Björn Türoque, the world's perennial second-place air guitar champion. Whoever this Dan Crane might be, he's captured the mad, seductive spirit of the arbitrary skill contest perfectly, and rocks it hard into the hot Finnish night. There is no number of umlauts that do this Jekyll and Hyde of air-rocking justice.
Relief washed over me like that first air-conditioned breeze on a hot summer day.
Don't talk about it - you'll talk it away. Let the ideas flow from your mind to the page without exposing them to air. Especially hot air.
Hyderabad is a hot city, with hot food and hot people!
No issue is more compelling than the air we breathe, be it hot or cold, be it hawk or human.
Very few people know how to work. Inspiration, everybody has inspiration. That's just hot air.
My favorite mode of transport is hot-air ballooning. It's so graceful to be blown by the wind, to go where the wind takes you.
The problem with celebrity hot guys is they either get old or go off the grid. That's why a book is so much better... a hot guy can live in your imagination and stay hot forever!
We should all have personal hot air balloons and drift serenely through the clouds.
I found the source of global warming is coming from the hot air coming out of Washington. — © Matt Salmon
I found the source of global warming is coming from the hot air coming out of Washington.
One of the most disturbing things I heard was that women's issues weren't "hot." Which is so ironic, because women are constantly being judged on some "hot" level. The conversation is not hot enough for them to do anything about. We have to make it hot, make them feel the fire. Until then, a lot of them aren't going to do anything.
If you gonna challenge my ways, know my history. Don't put nobody in my face that don't know about me, or they here to write an article on someone they thought was hot when they was hot. Come on, man. I been hot.
Hot air expands, and seriously pompous attitude is the inflation of choice by those lacking substance.
Very hot and still the air was, Very smooth the gliding river, Motionless the sleeping shadows.
Gravity was something you could beat; all it took was hydrogen, hot air, or even a bit of rope. But being a girl was a miserable, never-ending struggle.
Sustainability is now a big baggy sack in which people throw all kinds of old ideas, hot air and dodgy activities in order to be able to greenwash their products and feel good.
In the Greek way of dealing with alchemy, which was earth, air, fire and water, these were the objective qualities. Within the objective qualities - things of earth, air, fire and water - are our subjective experiences of hot, cold, dry, and moist.
The air is annoyingly potted with a multitude of minor vertical disturbances which sicken the passengers and keep us captives of our seat belts. We sweat in the cockpit, though much of the time we fly with the side windows open. The airplanes smell of hot oil and simmering aluminum, disinfectant, feces, leather, and puke ... the stewardesses, short-tempered and reeking of vomit, come forward as often as they can for what is a breath of comparatively fresh air.
Tao can be used by anybody, but it does not beling to anyone. It is just like air; everyone can breathe the air, but no one can claim ownership of the air.
If you're embarking around the world in a hot-air balloon, don't forget the toilet paper.
Love is an orchid which thrives principally on hot air.
A straw vote only shows which way the hot air blows.
The guy I've got my eye on happens to be hot. Off-the-charts hot. Hotter-than-Patch hot.' She paused. 'Well maybe not that hot. Nobody's that hot.
Good design, when it’s done well, becomes invisible. It’s only when it’s done poorly that we notice it. Think of it like a room’s air conditioning. We only notice it when it’s too hot, too cold, making too much noise, or the unit is dripping on us. Yet, if the air conditioning is perfect, nobody say anything and we focus, instead, on the task at hand.
The smog was heavy, my eyes were weeping from it, the sun was hot, the air stank, a regular hell is L.A.
Burning hot is the ground, liquid gold is the air; Whoever looks round sees Eternity there.
There is nothing I like better at the end of a hot summer's day than taking a short walk around the garden. You can smell the heat coming up from the earth to meet the cooler night air.
Genius is native to the soil where it grows — is fed by the air, and warmed by the sun — and is not a hot - house plant or an exotic.
When moral superiority combines with billowing ignorance, they fill up a hot-air balloon that's awfully hard not to poke.
The name Hot Boys was based on a time in New Orleans where if you were really doing something or if the police were looking for you, people would be like, 'He hot. That boy hot.'
You have to have a lot of respect for hot dogs. It's completely different from sandwich. First of all, the hot dog is American. Sandwiches are not American. They're different. Second of all, a hot dog is like a pop idol. Hot dogs are cute. It's a pop image - everyone knows what a hot dog is.
Clarinets, like lawyers, have cases, mouthpieces, and they need a constant supply of hot air in order to function.
You can gesture at the transnational problem of Islamist terrorism all you like, but it's just hot air unless you invest in proper security on the ground in your own country, with the right safeguards to civil liberties.
It doesn't matter if one is live on-air or sitting through a commercial break. There aren't any on or off switches on a lapel pin microphone; it is always 'hot.'
I'm surprised how hot it gets in the Moab Desert. I knew it got hot, but I didn't think it got, like, Mercury-hot. — © Adam Ferrara
I'm surprised how hot it gets in the Moab Desert. I knew it got hot, but I didn't think it got, like, Mercury-hot.
hope your birthday is hot hot hot
I told you, sir, they were red-hot with drinking; so full of valor that they smote the air, for breathing in their faces, beat the ground for kissing of their feet.
I am able to take a wire line and go into the air and define the air without stealing from anyone. A line can enclose and define space while letting the air remain air.
Retention of operational control of its air is important to the Corps' air-ground team, as air constitutes a significant part of its offensive firepower.
The first time I flew, it was being alive. Nothing was pressing under me. I was living in the fullness of air; air all around me, no holding place to break the air spaces. It's worth everything to be alone in the air, alive.
Bakery air is that steaming hot front of thick, buttery fumes waiting for you just inside the door of a bakery. And I am just going to tell you straight up: That is some fine air!
I was raised on the streets, in hot, steamy Brooklyn, with stifled air.
Writing without making mistakes is like vomiting hot air.
From the start, Trump's rallies had the air of the tent revival, that same hot thrum of militant exorcism and ecstasy.
This is a ridiculous heat wave we're in right now, and to contribute, Newt Gingrich said that for the entire month of June, he will stop blowing hot air. — © Bill Maher
This is a ridiculous heat wave we're in right now, and to contribute, Newt Gingrich said that for the entire month of June, he will stop blowing hot air.
There is a special charm to journeys undertaken before daybreak in hot lands: the air is soft and cool and the coming of dawn reveals a landscape fresh from the night dew.
Hot blood begets hot thoughts, And hot thoughts beget Hot deeds, And hot deeds is love.
Theres a lot of blowhards in the political process, you know, a lot of hot-air artists, people who have got something fancy to say.
Al Gore is producing enough hot air to make his doomsday predictions about global warming a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Hot air balloons are terrific to shoot from, although they have become very expensive, as has most lodging and food in the Napa Valley.
The general struggle for existence of animate beings is not a struggle for raw materials, these for organisms are air water & soil, all abundantly available, nor for energy which exists in plenty in the sun and any hot body in the form of heat, but rather a struggle for entropy, which becomes available through the transition of energy from the hot sun to the cold earth.
You see these casting directors' lists of characters, and they're all boxed in. Twenties is the hot girlfriend, thirties you can still be hot but moving swiftly to hot mum. Forties, you're the legal person in a pantsuit. Then, once you reach your fifties, you're positively elderly.
I grew up, really, in the days before air conditioning. So I can remember what it was like to be really hot, for instance, and I can remember what it was like when your barber shop and your local stores weren't air conditioned, so it was hot when you went in them and they propped the doors open.
Give me a hot drink, and I'm happy. Hot cider, hot chocolate, coffee... I like all winter beverages!
And then it gets so hot that they keep the supermarkets too cold. Hot, cold. Hot, cold. It gives me the runs." Mr. Landowsky
Postmodernism lives in the academy, where words abandon reality to serve ambition, and reputations rise on hot air.
I remember going into a raggedy studio, still with my work uniform on. At the time, I was driving money trucks for Wells Fargo, so I had my gun and hat, which weighed me down in the heat. It was 97 degrees here in New York, and they had to turn the air conditioner off because it was too loud. So, I say, "Damn, it's hot in here!" That's how we came up with the song, "Damn, It's Hot." It was from our soul. We just got together, sang and made our own lyrics.
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