Top 1200 Punching Bag Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Punching Bag quotes.
Last updated on October 6, 2024.
I would run into the corner store, the bodega, and just grab a paper bag or buy juice - anything just to get a paper bag. And I'd write the words on the paper bag and stuff these ideas in my pocket until I got back. Then I would transfer them into the notebook.
While racists see themselves as proudly punching down, anti-Semites perceive themselves as punching up.
Sometimes punching a bag for half an hour was pretty cathartic and pretty necessary. — © Esme Creed-Miles
Sometimes punching a bag for half an hour was pretty cathartic and pretty necessary.
You can improve your punching power, but only to an extent. If you can punch hard, then it's just god-given, that's just nature, not nurture and there's not much you can do to develop punching power.
I missed my entrance in a production of 'Blade to the Heat' at Thick Description in San Francisco. I came into the scene very late and hugged the punching bag. I had no idea what to do! Unfortunately, that mishap was recorded for archives at UC Berkeley. It goes down in history.
I'm not going to be anybody's punching bag.
I need to be able to be at a gig and just put my bag on the floor and not worry about it being stood on or getting ruined. You want a bag that can go through anything. And a little bit of softness is always lovely. If I don't have a dog, I can just pet my bag!
Baltimore has been a punchline/punching bag for years - I've landed a few blows, to be fair - but those old jokes are out of touch.
I think that the lack of intuition in fashion today is one of the most dangerous things. My fear is that our business is turning into a bag business, and it's all about the bag. But it's not only about the bag. It's about the women. And it's not about a bag or a shoe or the jewelry. It's only about women. . . . Being almost politically correct and doing only what you expect without the ability to make mistakes is very dangerous to fashion. We have to go with our heart. We have to go with our intuition.
Larry's zombie bag was a nearly virulent green with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on it. I was almost afraid to ask what his vampire bag looked like.
A Birkin bag is a very good rain hat; just put everything else in a plastic bag.
Playing scales is like a boxer skipping rope or punching a bag. It's not the thing in itself; it's preparatory to the activity
We are past the stage in our relations that you come to Washington with an empty goody bag and then you go back with a bag filled with stuff. — © Kersti Kaljulaid
We are past the stage in our relations that you come to Washington with an empty goody bag and then you go back with a bag filled with stuff.
To fill a small bag means selecting,and choosing, and evaluating. There's no logicial end to that process. Pretty soon I would have a big bag, and then two or three. A month later I'd be like the rest of you.
You can pack a bag and take a plane somewhere, anywhere, and when you get there and open the bag - lying right on top will be whatever you're running away from. The very first thing you'll have to unpack.
Some of my fights in PRIDE, I felt tired. I would train on the punching bag and feel great but then get tired in my fights.
My mom was one of the original designers for Coach in the eighties, and she designed some classics, including the City Bag. It's the only bag I use!
My most treasured item is the brown leather bag that my mum bought me from a little Italian shop for my 21st. It's supposed to be a vanity bag, but I use it as a handbag.
It was like I had evolved to a certain stage where I was stuck in this songwriter bag as an image. But basically at heart, I'm a rocker. And I still am. But I was caught up in the singer/songwriter bag and I wasn't really enjoying it.
The hard part about one being tough yet meek is the illusion of being a punching bag.
I woke up, a bag of bones. Literally. They had gathered up my bones and put them in a bag and thrown the bag into a river.
I'm definitely a jaded traveler, but you try to make the best of what you know about the experience. Like, I know how to pack a bag. I know that checking a bag is for rookies.
Planned Parenthood is a gigantic bully, using Komen as its own personal punching bag.
I will not be a punching bag as part of anyone's defense strategy.
It seems like the millennial generation is a little bit of a cultural punching bag.
I don't want to be a punching bag.
Okay, yeah, he staggered back and fell into the condiments. Big deal. There wasn't any blood. I didn't even get him in the face. He saw my fist coming, and at the last minute he ducked, so instead of punching him in the nose, like I intended, I ended up punching him in the neck. I highly doubt it even left a bruise.
This was a theme of Sen. Akaka's career - to advocate for people who did not have power, for people who were vulnerable. He was a champion for the federal government employees who continue to this day to be a punching bag for some.
Definitely I don't want to be a punching bag for some other fighters who's gonna make some name, records off of me.
I'm a double bagger. Not only does my husband put a bag over my face when we're making love, but he also puts a bag over his head in case mine falls off.
Now I'm a symbol of what to be and how hard to work. I have heads of major labels say, "I wish you could teach our artists how to do it." At one point I was the punching bag of what not to be, and now I'm the model of what to be.
I do Thai boxing Mondays, jujitsu Tuesdays and Thursdays, and Wednesdays I do boxing with Mark - he was a world champion at one point. I absolutely love it. I actually have a punching bag outside in my garden. I'm obsessed with working out. I eat like a pig, so it kind of makes up for that.
I went to the airport, I put my bag in the x-ray machine, I found out my bag has cancer. It only has six more months to hold stuff.
Everyone cares for disabled people, right? What they don't care for are genuine civil rights for disabled people. MARY JOHNSON tells the tortuous, enraging story of how Congress enacted a law that instead of protecting against discrimination has turned 'the disabled' into a political punching bag.
I just had to stay cool. Zen. No punching in the face. Punching would not be Zen.
I got caught stealing when I was a kid from the local bodega right across the street from where we lived. I tried to steal a big bag of Red Hot Dollars. And I swear, I was about 7 years old and the bag was bigger'n me.
New Orleans invented the brown paper bag party - usually at a gathering in a home - where anyone darker than the bag attached to the door was denied entrance. The brown bag criterion survives as a metaphor for how the black cultural elite quite literally establishes caste along color lines within black life.
It's much easier to create a high-end bag than a mass market bag that everyone can afford. — © Lydia Hearst
It's much easier to create a high-end bag than a mass market bag that everyone can afford.
If I forgot to put something on, and I have to wear a trash bag, I'm just like, 'I'm gonna rock a trash bag today.'
Whether it's a canvas tote or Givenchy, a day bag you love is essential. It doesn't have to be a fashion It bag of the season, either.
I have a few customers who have two or three hundred bags. When you see a lady carrying a little dog bag or a little cat bag or an egg, it makes you happy.
My sleeping bag is affixed to a wall and I climb inside and sort of float around in the sleeping bag at night while I'm sleeping.
I once went into a meeting, and every woman put her a million-pound bag on the table. Then I'm there with my tote bag and anorak. And I'm like, well, I'm still the most important person in the room right now.
I actually have a punching bag right outside in my garden.
Part of my gift as a fighter is being a human punching bag.
Why stay with him, he uses you just like a human punching bag?
The lifestyle is strenuous on the body, but it's stimulating to the senses and the mind. So there's a give and take. There are days the flights knock me out, where I feel like the human punching bag that is being on planes every other day. I think people sort of glorify it, like "Oh, you're at parties and there's booze and girls." But it's still work.
An It bag is an It bag, only if you’re unlikely to possess it. — © Plum Sykes
An It bag is an It bag, only if you’re unlikely to possess it.
I don't think women need another black bag. Everybody has a black bag already, so I thought this season (needs) color.
First Lady Michelle Obama has posted an exercise video of her beating up a punching bag. But don't worry, Vice President Biden is going to be OK.
We sleep very well in space. We have a sleeping bag each, and when you get into it, you float in the sleeping bag.
Coffee it is best to buy by the bag, as it improves by keeping. Let it hang in the bag, in a dry place, and it loses its rank smell and taste.
I'm the youngest of four kids, with three crazy older brothers. Don't let this hair and face fool you - my brothers helped mold me into the feisty, tough woman I am today. I don't stoop down to anyone. I was raised playing football and being the punching bag for my brothers. I guess you could say that is the root of my aggression and athleticism.
Think about what happens on Earth when you throw up. You throw up and you have a bag of something horrible and then you throw it away, but if I have this bag, what am I going to do with it? This bag is going to stay with me in space for months, so we want a really good barf bag.
...she waited until she and my grandfather Anthel were just home from their honeymoon, and then sat him down and told him this: "Honey, I know you like to take a drink, and that's all right, but be forewarned that I ain't your maid and I ain't your punching bag, and if you ever raise your hand to me you'd best kill me. Because otherwise I'll wait until you're asleep; sew you into the bed; and beat you to death with a frying pan." Until he died, I am told, my grandfather was a gentle man.
My mom allowed me to take an old burlap bag and fill it with moss, corn stalks and rocks, then hang it from a tree and spend an hour a day punching my heavy bag.
You punch me, I punch back. I do not believe it's good for one's self-respect to be a punching bag.
I sleep in this really cool thing that is a sleeping bag. It is a spray-tan sleeping bag - Amazon Prime honey, it will save your life.
It hurts that, you know, the media's made me into sort of this like punching bag or cartoon character-they think that I don't have any feelings, and, you know, it hurts like anyone else.
When I go to bed at night, I wear a sleeping bag. And for a long time, I wore mittens so that I couldn't open the sleeping bag.
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