Top 1200 Humane Way Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Humane Way quotes.
Last updated on October 6, 2024.
I try firstly to make buildings humane.
I think we have to stand up against what is unacceptable, and to push the boundaries and reclaim a more humane way of being in the world, so that we can extend our compassionate intelligence and begin to work with a strengthened will and imagination that can take us into the future.
Funerals cost so much money, and are likely to be an additional source of stress in this recession - it's sad that we don't have a more humane, less commercialized way to approach burial.
One can not be just if one is not humane. — © Luc de Clapiers
One can not be just if one is not humane.
Thank God for poverty That makes and keeps us free And lets us go our unobtrusive way, Glad of the sun and rain, Upright, serene, humane, Contented with the fortune of a day.
The Humane Society of the United States works with local Humane Societies across the country. We don't control every local Humane Society in this nation. These organizations strive to the greatest degree to provide homes for animals and to encourage adoption, to spay and neuter animals. And if a decision is made to euthanize, it is a failure of society, not the local organizations who are striving to do their best.
The great financial capital is not in one country, it is transnational, that is why it answers to power elites and that is why when I talk about the imperial power of United States I am in no way referring to the American people, who are a noble people that have always been moved by humane concerns.
I should have the opportunity, if I need to let somebody go, to let the person go in a very humane, dignified way.
An intelligence that is not humane is the most dangerous thing in the world .
I have empathy; I am humane. I understand human misery.
A society is only as healthy as its ideas are humane.
...choose to deal with inhumane situations in a humane way, we can turn the world around and create positive lessons for ourselves and for others.
I love science fiction but especially his because it's so humane.
A humane and authentic book written by another voice from the trenches. — © Joanne Greenberg
A humane and authentic book written by another voice from the trenches.
One hates to be absolute, but in my view, there is no such thing as humane meat.
To conclude, The Light of humane minds is Perspicuous Words, but by exact definitions first snuffed, and purged from ambiguity; Reason is the pace; Encrease of Science, the way; and the Benefit of man-kind, the end.
Immigration should be enforced in a proportional and humane manner.
We are healthy only to the extent that our ideas are humane.
Poetry is, above all, a singing art of natural and magical connection because, though it is born out of one's person's solitude, it has the ability to reach out and touch in a humane and warmly illuminating way the solitude, even the loneliness, of others. That is why, to me, poetry is one of the most vital treasures that humanity possesses; it is a bridge between separated souls.
The only way to security for Israel and a humane life for Palestinians in their own land is political. No matter where the fault for past negotiating failures lies, there is no other path.
To animalise is humane, to humanise is animal.
Very few of the early Italian humanists were really humane.
The combination of moral intentionality and human innovation is a powerful force. And that's the force behind the humane economy. By embracing its tenets, we help animals, but we also advance commerce in a more sustainable, and profitable, way. I think we have every reason to believe it is the way of the future.
Growing up, it was always, 'If you buy kosher meat, they're killed humanely.' But I've seen so many horrible videos. What we thought was humane 100 years ago is not humane anymore. The ways animals suffer, I just couldn't be a part of it anymore.
Leadership is liberating people to do what is required of them in the most effective and humane way possible.
We must never relinquish the vision of a humane society and a humane world.
Humans are not really very humane.
Donald Trump wants to look at this situation [with immigrants] and deal with it in a humane way, and quite frankly, you know, I think this is the kind of thing people expect from a president of the United States.
Extreme poverty threatens people's right to life itself and makes impossible the enjoyment of the rights and freedoms essential to a humane way of life.
Power gradually extirpates from the mind every humane and gentle virtue.
The American Medical Association says the humane way is to let people starve and thirst to death. If you did that to an animal, youd be put in jail immediately ... In the face of such insanity masquerading as authority, who wouldnt be strident?
McDonald's announced that it's considering a more humane way of slaughtering its animals. You know they fatten them up and then kill them. You know the same thing they do to their customers, isn't it?
My commitment to a humane and peaceful world continues to this day.
It is unacceptable that the way we have treated people who have become addicted in the past is by throwing them in prison. It's appropriate that we're responding now by trying to get people the treatment they so desperately need. The racial divide here is absolutely unacceptable, and we have to do much better for all people who are addicted whether they are white, black, brown, any race - the humane way to respond to addiction is in a public health fashion and by getting people the help they need.
Only in the 20th century, artists started taking the study of perception in a more humane way. They were thinking about the eye as being an instrument, the whole body as being a visual instrument. That sort of gave way a little bit with Cartesian­ - the "Cogito ergo sum" argument. It's not, "I think therefore I exist." It's, "I feel therefore I think therefore I exist."
Lest we forget: It is easy to be human, very hard to be humane
As long as we are among humans, let us be humane.
You cannot have humane Zionism, it is a contradiction in terms.
Total war is the most humane in the long run. — © C. S. Lewis
Total war is the most humane in the long run.
Any glimpse into the life of an animal quickens our own and makes it so much the larger and better in every way." ... "Surely a better time must be drawing nigh when godlike human beings will become truly humane, and learn to put their animal fellow mortals in their hearts instead of on their backs or in their dinners.
I work with the Humane Society a lot and have three rescue cats.
I think we need to be humane to all living beings and that includes our animals.
I am a president who also gives pardons. Usually my considerations are humane.
It is not socialist, as some of our critics contend. It isn't purely capitalist, either. It is a new way. A third way. A more humane, trusting, productive, exhilarating, and, in every sense, rewarding way.
I appeal to the chemists to discover a humane gas that will kill instantly and painlessly. In short- a gentlemanly gas deadly by all means, but humane, not cruel.
Unfortunately, the world continues, history continues to produce tragedies. And it is very important that they be documented in a humane way, in a compelling way.
It is possible to become discouraged about the injustice we see everywhere. But God did not promise us that the world would be humane and just. He gives us the gift of life and allows us to choose the way we will use our limited time on earth. It is an awesome opportunity.
The only solution to pollution is a people's humane revolution!
To refrain from all injustice renders us also humane. — © Menander
To refrain from all injustice renders us also humane.
Art school is a very difficult thing to run in a generous, humane way, because academic power is somehow very corrupting.
This inhuman world has to become more humane. But how?
In becoming an Irishman, Patrick wedded his world to theirs, his faith to their life…Patrick found a way of swimming down to the depths of the Irish psyche and warming and transforming Irish imagination – making it more humane and more noble while keeping it Irish.
I think that Donald Trump has been very clear on this. We're not going to have amnesty . What we're going to do is to get those who are breaking the law out of the country as quickly as possible to make sure then that you deal with people in a humane way. I think that's what he's been saying.
The twentieth century ended with its dreams in ruins. The notion of the community as a voluntary association of enlightened citizens has died forever. We realize how suffocatingly humane we've become, dedicated to moderation and the middle way. The suburbanization of the soul has overrun our planet like the plague.
What do you regard as most humane? To spare someone shame.
We`re a humane country. We got to make sure that we find the intelligence. We have do it [protecting our boundaries] in a humane way following the law.
Animals that we eat are raised for food in the most economical way possible, and the serious food producers do it in the most humane way possible. I think anyone who is a carnivore needs to understand that meat does not originally come in these neat little packages.
Buildings are 'humane' only when they promote peaceful human co-existence.
Instead of exporting what they perceived to be rational, modern, humane government to their colonies, the British often found themselves propping up deeply unattractive and corrupt princelings and client rulers because this was the cheapest way of maintaining control.
There is no place for the death penalty in a just, humane society.
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