Top 1200 Bad Hair Day Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Bad Hair Day quotes.
Last updated on October 7, 2024.
Some people look at my photos and think maybe I'm feeling frazzled, but I really want to tell them I'm just having a bad hair day!
I do believe a haircut makes you play better - I've experienced that before. I think it's confidence, it's routine, and it can also be superstition. Just like if you do your hair, it's not quite done right, and you have a bad day, you're not going to do that again the next day.
Judgment is discernment on a bad hair day. — © Mary Anne Radmacher
Judgment is discernment on a bad hair day.
I get more distracted by hair or a really bad wig than I do costumes any day of the week.
Black Friday is not another bad hair day in Wall Street. It's the term used by American retailers to describe the day after the Thanksgiving Holiday, seen as the semi-official start of Christmas shopping season.
I don't wash my hair every day, which may sound gross, but it's actually really bad for my hair.
I feel naked without jewelry. If I'm having a bad hair day, I pick something from my huge collection of hats.
It's hard to have a bad hair day when you're famous.
Growing up, I had a hair condition where my hair would fall out easily, and I had bad asthma.
I remember going through that process of growing my hair out, straightening it, cutting off the relaxed hair. I finally got to a point where I went to the Dominicans because they can straighten it real good. By the end of the day, the part of my hair that had just been pressed straight was already starting to coil back up.
I can get a black eye, a bloody nose. I can have a bad day in the gym. At the end of the day, I don't have a bad payday, and I don't have a bad night under the lights... I get bumps, bruises... but I don't have a bad night.
I want to make sure that people feel it's okay to make a mistake, to have a bad hair day, to look bad sometimes. It takes the pressure off them.
I think my daughter looks beautiful regardless if she's losing her baby teeth or if she's having a bad hair day. — © Farrah Abraham
I think my daughter looks beautiful regardless if she's losing her baby teeth or if she's having a bad hair day.
One bad day could turn into a bad year if you're not careful. Or, a bad rest of your life if you're not careful. Because of one day!
You'd find it easier to be bad than good if you had red hair... People who haven't red hair don't know what trouble is.
At the end of the day, stick up for yourself whether you have spiky hair, long hair, blonde hair, black hair, whatever it is, stick up for yourself and go for your dreams because at the end of the day, you can pretty much accomplish anything if you put your mind to it.
You want to bring it every day. But if you have a bad day in the theatre, a couple of hundred people see it. That sucked; we'll get back to it. You have a bad day on film, it's just on DVD for the rest of your life.
I try to always have a hair cut that I don't have to style every day, so I'll usually just let my hair air dry.
I remember the day I saw my hair was thinning. I don't remember caring much. I don't care. It's just hair. It never bothered me much. I was pretty young, too. And it happened and is happening very slowly. I have a feeling dead people get really mad when we complain about losing hair.
When I was in my early 20s, I had my hair permed. Bad Idea! It turned into total frizz. My advice to women is: if you have nice hair already, don't get a perm, leave your hair alone.
I had looked forward to the day I would cut my hair because I wanted to change my style when I couldn't before. When the day came to actually cut my hair, however, I felt so empty my eyes teared up on their own.
It's a classic love story: me and my hair. I have loved my hair. I have betrayed my hair. My hair and I have gone through this long, gut-wrenching relationship.
If I have a bad hair day, I just think, Well, it will be an OK hair day tomorrow. Just put your head down and go. Life is a bit like being on a roller coaster, which is, You get on and there's no stopping along the way. There are some days when you feel like this is pretty tough, and there are the days that are exhilarating, but you just keep on going.
When I was younger, I went through a phase when I didn't like my hair. Because the school I went to was primarily Caucasian, there wasn't anyone who had my hair texture. I remember one day I straightened my hair, and that was the first day that people gave me compliments on it.
I really think that to a lot of people hair is everything. Bad hair takes over everything, it really does. I think if somebody has bad hair it doesn't matter what else is happening.
We are human beings, and it's okay if we have a bad hair day or bad day in general.
Anyone can have a good day. The question is what do you do on a bad day. That's when you're being tested. In a very tangible sense, a bad day shows your innermost essence more than a good day.
I'm more of a short-hair girl; short hair is a lot more low-maintenance than long hair. And when you're in front of camera every day and your hair is being flatironed and blow-dried it's easier to have a weave so you don't damage your own hair.
A bad hair day for me is when it gets flat and greasy.
As for my haircare rituals, I don't wash it every day, and I also let my hair dry naturally. My hair is bleached, so I'm mindful of not putting too much heat on it.
For me, off-duty hair means no products. I have people touching my hair almost every day, so when I'm not working, I try to let my hair relax.
I don't stress at all. When other people say, 'I'm having a bad day,' I ask, 'How can you have a bad day for the entire 24 hours, or even 12 or eight hours?' Something bad might happen, but that can't make the entire day bad.
Everything in my life is in perspective. OK, perspective ebbs and flows. I've had bad days, but they weren't in the last years. A bad day is 2 October 1996: 'We've got bad news for you, you've got advanced testicular cancer and you've got a coin's toss chance of survival.' That's a bad day.
Because my hair is curly, I used to do all the straighteners, the Japanese this and the Brazilian that. And at the end of the day, your hair ends up not having a texture, not having the body - no shine. You're pretty much frying your hair. So understand the type of hair you have and do the best with what you have.
As a child, I certainly wanted to have hair that I could grow long and flip around. I no longer want that. My own hair that I have day to day is a fuzzy afro. And that's who I am.
I have a friend who, if she has a bad hair day, it affects her whole mood because it is part of her sexuality, her confidence. I don't have that problem any more.
Bad day?" "Every day is a bad day here." "Eh, this place isnt't so terrible." "How are you always cheerful?" "Alcohol," he says with a sideways grin.
I have insecurities, but they don't consume me. It doesn't bother me if my hair's a mess or if I have a bad skin day. I just don't look in the mirror! — © Nadine Coyle
I have insecurities, but they don't consume me. It doesn't bother me if my hair's a mess or if I have a bad skin day. I just don't look in the mirror!
I never wash my hair the night before an event - I call it second day hair, and it holds better.
Everybody has a bad hair day, but us girls still like to be told we look nice even if we don't feel like we do.
On a bad day, I'll still have a conscious thing in my mind reminding me that what I think of as a bad day is still a very good day in probably 90% of the world's population's eyes.
My hair story has been unique because my mom's a German Jew, so her hair is way different than my hair. She was always learning on my hair growing up, but I would sit there for hours, and she did learn how to braid hair. Early on, it was a lot of tears while my mom was braiding my hair.
My hair grows into a fuzz ball - I just wanted it to grow downwards rather than outwards - but then I realized I couldn't play guitar with it that way. I couldn't do anything day-to-day without my hair getting in my mouth or my eyes or my food, so I just started tying it back, long before I knew what a man bun was.
I generally like to wear my hair down, preferably with soft curls. But when I'm having a bad hair day, I like to wear my hair in French braids or fishtail braids.
Everyone has a bad hair day; the trick is not to have one on picture day.
Kids are always writing me: 'I had a bad day too.' 'I got gum in my hair.' And the kids also write to me to pass on advice to Alexander. My favorite one of those being, 'The next time you have a bad day, blame your brothers.' I didn't expect this. It's certainly the most successful of my books.
A hairdresser who did my hair said, "You, my darling, have something that we call successful' hair," which is basically battered hair that's split and falling out in the back because you've had to blow-dry it every day. I don't want my hair falling out, so I wear wigs!
Sometimes you're just regular. Sometimes you wake up, and your breath stinks like everybody else, and you had a bad hair day. — © Yvonne Orji
Sometimes you're just regular. Sometimes you wake up, and your breath stinks like everybody else, and you had a bad hair day.
When I was in school, I got there on the first day and everyone had long, blonde, straight hair, and I had short, dark, curly hair. I immediately felt I didn't fit in and started growing my hair. But I've learned that I'm only happy when I am truly me and feel comfortable and confident in myself.
In college, I had bad hair, bad clothes, bad teeth, and bad skin. That was not a great combination for being a sports announcer.
So you say, with your shiny hair and pouty lips - and those breasts - just wait till you start dropping whelps, they'll be at your ankles one day, big as they are - not the whelps, the breasts. The whelps will be in your hair - no, not the shiny hair on your head, well, yes, that hair, but only as a manner of speech.
Step out from behind the words. When you're a writer you can imagine that the words speak for you and are you, but they're not. You are this living breathing bad hair day kind of person.
It's cheesy, but having a pimple or a bad hair day isn't going to matter in five years. I don't always remember that, but I try.
It's only life. We all get through it. Not all of us complete the journey in the same condition. Along the way, some lose their legs or eyes in acidents or altercations, while others skate through the years with nothing worse to worry about than an occassional bad-hair day. I still possessed both legs and both eyes, and even my hair looked all right when I rose that Wednesday morning in late January. If I returned to bed sixteen hours later, having lost all my hair but nothing else, I would consider the day a triumph. Even minus a few teeth, I'd call it a triumph.
You'd find it easier to be bad than good if you had red hair," said Anne reproachfully. "People who haven't red hair don't know what trouble is.
If I have a bad hair day, I just think, 'Well, it will be an OK hair day tomorrow. Just put your head down and go.'
When I was in my early 20s, I had my hair permed. Bad idea! It turned into total frizz. My advice to women is, if you have nice hair already, don't get a perm, leave your hair alone!
Although I come from a family who are Muslim - my mother is Egyptian, my father is Palestinian - my mother only puts a veil on her head when she has a bad hair day.
I feel like hair is the number one thing that makes me feel beautiful or not. If I have really bad hair, but my makeup's beautiful and I have a wonderful dress on, I'm still not happy. So if I wake up, and I've got 2 big zits on my face and my hair looks fierce, I feel ok. I have a weird hair obsession.
I wash my hair with Pantene every other day unless I have gorgeous hair left over from an event.
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