Top 135 Dysfunction Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Dysfunction quotes.
Last updated on September 20, 2024.
Marriage is designed to pull dysfunction to the surface of our lives, set it on fire and help us grow.
Everyone has bits of dysfunction in their families, but I actually have a very nice, happy one.
Can true function arise from basic dysfunction? — © Ursula K. Le Guin
Can true function arise from basic dysfunction?
Everyone has some dysfunction in their families. They have to deal with it. You don't walk away if you love someone. You help the person.
I totally bristle against words like "dysfunction" or "abuse."
If you're playing someone who's impeded by fear, or shyness, or has whatever dysfunction your character might have, you have to achieve the dysfunction first, imaginatively, in order to play someone who is trying to negotiate their way out of it.
If you ever tell anyone about Jonah's sexual dysfunction, I'll never play music again.
Dysfunction is a true reaction to untruth.
Despite all the dysfunction in Washington, I believe that when it comes to helping veterans and keeping our fundamental promises as a country, we can come together and do the right thing.
I've not met one person, even if they are not creative, who isn't dysfunctional. I guess artists are just a bit more aware of their dysfunction because it serves a purpose.
If you want more of the same, Mitch McConnell is your guy. He is the ultimate insider. He is the epitome of dysfunction in Washington.
Pick a dysfunction and it's a family problem.
Instead of seeing depression as a dysfunction, it is a functioning phenomenon. It stops you cold, sets you down, makes you damn miserable. — © James Hillman
Instead of seeing depression as a dysfunction, it is a functioning phenomenon. It stops you cold, sets you down, makes you damn miserable.
The personal ego already has a strong element of dysfunction, but the collective ego is, frequently, even more dysfunctional, to the point of absolute insanity.
A lot of the dysfunction that exists underneath the surface of a lot of big business corporations is really profound.
The common ingredient in every single dysfunction is an issue of power.
Around 2013-14, I started ranting on Twitter about the communal dysfunction that society was getting into. And I would have fights with trolls.
I think 'Blood' is honest about the dysfunction of family life and Jim will have to get to the bottom of secrets being kept from him.
Aptitude can show calling, but it isn't the only indicator. Ineptitude or dysfunction may reveal calling more than talent, curiously enough.
I'm surprised that I've survived my own dysfunction, really.
I've thought long and hard about this, and I think a lot of the dysfunction around dating has to do with men having the control.
Everything about the Kardashian family's public image centers around shock and dysfunction - the very image the trans people are trying to shed.
Everybody has some dysfunction in their families.
We have to be careful that we don't keep multiplying disorders and diluting them. I think there is a difference. People talk about Asperger's as high-functioning autism, which I think it is. But it does have some of its own characteristics, like the preservation of language, particularly, which may be right brain dysfunction instead of left brain dysfunction, and we lose something in that, as things lose their specificity, and we keep diluting things. I'm not sure that's helpful.
I hate that word dysfunction.
Acting came from growing up in dysfunction. I mean, a lot of great times, but a lot of dysfunction.
Maybe I have this fascination with the dark side because I live in the light. I don't have any dysfunction, and I've never experienced trauma.
I believe that everybody comes from pain and a certain amount of dysfunction.
We all have family dysfunction. It's why we're successful, to fill that hole.
Unfortunately, Republicans repeatedly waste taxpayer time and money, and even shut down the government, in efforts to repeal ACA. We simply cannot afford this kind of dysfunction.
I've been the queen of dysfunction and made every mistake one can make.
We are living in dystopia, in a world that is dominated by technology and disconnect, alienation, loneliness, and dysfunction.
Congressional dysfunction is the logical result of closed primaries, too many gerrymandered one-party seats, and low-turnout elections.
My childhood was marked by a tension between privilege on the one hand and emotional dysfunction on the other.
Don't medicate dysfunction with spending. No amount of stuff will get rid of guilt.
You know, I would say that I understand why the voters in Kentucky voted for Donald Trump. They are tired of the swamp. They are tired of the dysfunction.
When men do not run they are likely to die prematurely from dysfunction of the heart and vascular systems or from disabling chronic disease.
There was plenty of dysfunction in my family and I went to Catholic School with these psychotic nuns. I would always try to be funny to lighten the mood. — © Julie Brown
There was plenty of dysfunction in my family and I went to Catholic School with these psychotic nuns. I would always try to be funny to lighten the mood.
There is so much chaos and dysfunction going on with the federal government that Dallas can't wait any longer for federal help.
I have breakups that I can credit to every song. In my twenties, I picked people who would create that dysfunction and drama, so I could draw upon it.
The dark book has been terribly popular. Dark characters, dysfunction, and all sorts of things from reality that are true in our world.
When you are present, you can allow the mind to be as it is without getting entangled in it. The mind itself is a wonderful tool. Dysfunction sets in when you seek your self in it and mistake it for who you are.
Government by three men in a room has turned New York State into a national symbol of governmental dysfunction. Enough is enough!
The unchecked striving for more, for endless growth, is a dysfunction and a disease. It is the same dysfunction the cancerous cell manifests, whose only goal is to multiply itself, unaware that it is bringing about its own destruction by destroying the organism of which it is a part.
Our science and advisory board think that nuclear lamin dysfunction is a side-effect of DNA damage and mutations, rather than the cause. We are currently trying to mend nuclear dysfunction using Human Telomerase reverse transcriptase.
Religion was no cure for dysfunction.
The greatest achievement of humanity is not its works of art, science, or technology, but the recognition of its own dysfunction.
If increased meta-knowledge is not counter-balanced by a corresponding growth in consciousness then the likelihood of psycho-spiritual dysfunction is great. — © Eckhart Tolle
If increased meta-knowledge is not counter-balanced by a corresponding growth in consciousness then the likelihood of psycho-spiritual dysfunction is great.
In general, I'm careful when I'm dealing with subjects of deep cultural importance and write with abandon when I'm dealing with issues of personal dysfunction.
What creates a writer is huge, psychological dysfunction.
I often wonder if I am suffering from some mental dysfunction because of how weird and baffling my poetry seems to so many people and sometimes to me too.
Did I end up finding a little blue pill to cure America's electoral dysfunction? Unfortunately, it's not that simple.
There is an anatomical dysfunction in today's Lebanon, and we have been stuck in a socio-political vicious circle for decades.
The egoic madness, or dysfunction, becomes enormously amplified by the science and technology we all have developed.
Memory is not particularly linear - it is associative, repetitive, subjective and porous. But the writer needs to convey disorder and dysfunction without making the novel itself disorderly or dysfunctional.
I think people are frustrated with dysfunction, not just dysfunction in government, but a lot of dysfunction that surrounds them. I get the frustration with drugs in the neighborhood or my kids with big college loans can't find a job.
I was born an emotional tampon in a cauldron of dysfunction.
Instead, we have found ourselves gasping for air in a sea of corruption, dysfunction, environmental degradation, waste, disenchantment and inequality—and the harder we compete, the more unequal we become.
There are times where the dysfunction in the Senate just goes too far.
I'm very interested in dysfunction. I kind of realized in my first film that a character with so much rage that she didn't know where to put it was both heartbreaking and interesting to me.
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