Top 1200 Long Haul Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Long Haul quotes.
Last updated on September 20, 2024.
Keep a journal, and don't assume that your work has to accomplish anything worthy: artists and peace-workers are in it for the long haul, and not to be judged by immediate results.
There are some discussions taking place in the United Arab Emirates about the prospects of a long-haul flight into Belfast.
If we're on long-haul flights I've been known to sleep on the floor so I hear the engine. — © Wayne Rooney
If we're on long-haul flights I've been known to sleep on the floor so I hear the engine.
I spent my entire childhood living abroad because of my father's occupation, so we were on long-haul flights all the time.
A loving soul was always more beautiful over the long haul, but actual prettiness was fleeting.
Gian Luca and I have been together for such a long time, we're in it for the long haul.
I came into politics because I wished to change things. You can't do that by lying to people; you have to educate, and persuade, and carry them with you - and it's often a long haul.
What campaigns are for is weeding out the people who, for one way or another, weren't making it for the long haul.
What we've realized is, for us to be happy for the long haul, we have to keep doing what we want to do, or else we won't want to play music with each other anymore.
I'm in this for the long haul, I want to be doing this until I die. I am a standup comedian. I know a lot of people say I'm not, but I am.
A lot of bands that are great disappear a little bit faster than they used to. They don't get as much support for the long haul. You have to be pretty tough to hang in there.
I'm in this for the long haul. I've been making music my whole life.
On long haul flights I always drink loads and loads of water and eat light and healthy food. — © Lisa Snowdon
On long haul flights I always drink loads and loads of water and eat light and healthy food.
Yippee! I can't believe I made it. It feels like a long haul to get here. I'm so fine with it. People want you to have some sort of breakdown, but I'm relieved to be 40 years old, and I've lived a life.
Chemotherapy can be a long, tough haul - for me, it went on for six months - and the best doctors and nurses become, if only for that period of time, as essential in your life as friends or spouses.
She takes another long haul, lets the smoke settle in her lungs-- she has heard somewhere that cigarettes are good for grief. One long drag and you forget how to cry. The body too busy dealing with the poison.
I describe the design process as like the tip of the iceberg. What you don't see is the long haul: all the endless auditing and things like that.
Martina and I went through a very bad five years. Everything's very good between us now, but it was a long haul.
There is probably some great acting that goes on in movies from people who have never been on a stage, but if you are in for the long haul, you'd be missing an enormous part of what being an actor is if you're not part of theater.
Over the long haul of life on the planet, it is the ecologists, and not the bookkeepers of business, who are the ultimate accountants.
No, the thing that makes for greatness is determination, persisting in the right direction over the long haul, following your dream, staying at the task.
I want to be where I'm wanted, and that's what I've said all along. When a team is willing to step up and commit to me fully for the long haul, then why would I want to be anywhere else?
We knew when we started we wouldn't be accepted overnight, that it was going to be a long haul.
You're either in it for the long haul or you're not.
Small breasts are best for the long haul.
I might have lived long enough to learn all this in the long haul, but I would have been just another soul taking up time and space for a long spell before I learned.
Being part of 'Game of Thrones,' you're always expecting your character to die. You're not mentally preparing yourself for a very long haul.
Maturity is many things. It is the ability to base a judgment on the big picture, the long haul.
Over the long haul of life on this planet, it is the ecologists, and not the bookkeepers of business, who are the ultimate accountants.
We needed 40 years to overcome East Germany. Sometimes in history, one has to be prepared for the long haul and not ask after four months if it still makes sense to keep up our demands.
Our democracy is not something to be taken for granted. You have to fight for it. You have to commit yourself to working for it - for the long haul.
Before a long-haul flight, buy yourself a cheap, big, comfortable pillow. It makes a huge difference.
Be realistic and truthful - and tell Hong Kong businessmen honestly that they should go for long-term investments since it is unlikely money can be made in the short haul.
Over the long haul I'd say that most directors I've worked with have been pretty sensitive to the quality of the interpreted scenes.
The occupational hazard of making a spectacle of yourself, over the long haul, is that at some point you buy a ticket too.
Leadership is the activity of influencing people to cooperate towards some goal which they come to find desirable and which motivates them over the long haul.
My plan was to stay with 'Game of Thrones' for the long haul. That was always my plan. I would have loved to.
Had I been more responsible I might have made something of myself as a junk bond trader, long-haul trucker or perhaps a plumbing contractor. — © Brock Yates
Had I been more responsible I might have made something of myself as a junk bond trader, long-haul trucker or perhaps a plumbing contractor.
Looking back on the long haul in my career, little films, big films, TV, the Western thing has been really good to me.
You can keep the body as well-oiled and receptive as possible, but whether you're actually going to be able to go for the long haul is really not your own choice.
You have to think about storytelling over the long haul: what is going to engage an audience for, potentially, years and how characters can become deeply involving for an audience.
Building cultures of peace is long-haul work, undramatic and unheralded, and often infinitely tedious, and most of the people doing it probably don't even think of themselves as practitioners of nonviolence. Maybe it's time they did.
Such is the scale and depth of poverty in many parts of the world that it won't be ended overnight. That is why if, like me, you want to see an end to poverty, you need to be in it for the long haul.
The war against Islamic extremism will be long. They are in it for the long haul, which means that we have to be also.
A long-running TV series is a beast in that it demands you stick to one character over a long haul.
We said from the very beginning that we're in this for the long haul.
Over the long haul, salespeople come and go, but having top-shelf management in place is the ultimate answer.
In the end, you do need institutions to transmit the faith for the long haul. That's why I make the case that, in certain ways, American Protestants could stand to recover the denominationalism that they've left behind over the last 50 years. They are real values in having a confessional tradition that can sustain your faith over the long term.
No matter how skillful the trading scheme, over the long haul, abnormal returns are sustained only through abnormal exposure to risk. — © Alan Greenspan
No matter how skillful the trading scheme, over the long haul, abnormal returns are sustained only through abnormal exposure to risk.
The Missional church always thinks of the long haul rather than the quick fix
I do think that evangelicals in general need to think seriously about how you pass on your faith across generations and over the long haul.
Well, I love easyJet. It's the only direct route to Biarritz. We always fly tourist-class anyway in Europe. For long-haul we go club.
You can tell young actors it's going to be very difficult, but there's no way you can understand the difficulties and the rewards through description. You have to cellularly experience it. It's a very difficult career in the long run, but at the same time, there's no long-haul career I'd rather be involved with.
I know many actresses who started big but were sent packing, as they couldn't sustain the momentum. I am in this for the long haul.
It seems that 'rocket scientist' is a job category that's here for the long haul, like 'mortician.' But all this activity masks an important point: rockets are not a terribly efficient way to lift things into space.
You can divide airlines into two camps: expensive and cheap. But I believe that we will only distinguish between long-haul and short-haul airlines in the future.
You can't do kaizen just once or twice and expect immediate results. You have to be in it for the long haul.
Long-haul trucking. Just roaming the country, alone, with audiobooks and podcasts, sleeping in the back of the cab, showering at gas stations at 4 a.m., minimal human contact. That's living the dream.
To all my people back in Nashville who have been there from the start, you put your faith in me. You were there for the long haul.
Surveys show that many talented and committed young people are reluctant to enter teaching for the long haul because they think the profession is low-paying and not prestigious enough.
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