Top 1200 Worthy Causes Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Worthy Causes quotes.
Last updated on October 20, 2024.
If you can save one body, and one heart and soul and mind, then it's a worthy cause and a worthy venture.
I will give away at least half my wealth during my lifetime and after my death. In the meantime, I'll continue to grow my wealth as much as possible so that the amount I bequeath to charities and worthy causes can be as substantial as possible.
We are all born worthy. Worthy of love, worthy of success. — © Jamie Lee Curtis
We are all born worthy. Worthy of love, worthy of success.
There are no causes of poverty. To ask what causes poverty is like asking what causes coldit is the absence of energy. Similarly poverty is the absence of wealth. We should ask, ‘what are the causes of wealth?’
In the upshot there is only one answer for the preacher who wonders whether he is worthy to preach the sermon he has composed or for the writer who wonders whether he is worthy to write the religious book he is working on. The answer is: Of course not. To ask yourself: Am I worthy to perform this Christian task? is really the peak of pride and presumption. For the very question carries the implication that we spend most of our time doing things we are worthy to do. We simply do not have that kind of worth.
Of course you are unworthy. But when do you hope to be worthy? You will be no more worthy at the end than at the beginning. God alone is worthy of Himself, He alone can make us worthy of Him.
One is not worthy to have what one, through weakness, lets be taken from him; one is not worthy of it because one is not capable of it.
I have been able to travel all over the country and see many places that I probably never would have visited. I have also participated in many charity events for worthy causes.
Fluoride causes more human cancer, and causes it faster, than any other chemical.
Confusing common causes with special causes will only make things worse.
Intellectually, I know I am worthy, however arbitrary a thing worthiness is, and have always been worthy.
The conscience of an artist worthy of the name is like an incurable disease which causes him endless torment but occasionally fills him with silent joy.
We may not be worthy to be forgiven, but He is worthy to forgive us. — © J. D. Greear
We may not be worthy to be forgiven, but He is worthy to forgive us.
I have a background writing screenplays and teleplays. I've tried to write prose and fiction but never really completed anything I thought worthy of publication or worthy of anyone else to even look at.
Management by results is confusing special causes with common causes.
I’m not telling people where to give money, but if there is to be a spotlight shed on me, then I’d like to direct that spotlight onto causes I think are worthy or onto interesting, progressive figures.
Medicine deals with the states of health and disease in the human body. It is a truism of philosophy that a complete knowledge of a thing can only be obtained by elucidating its causes and antecedents, provided, of course, such causes exist. In medicine it is, therefore, necessary that causes of both health and disease should be determined.
The knowledge of anything, since all things have causes, is not acquired or complete unless it is known by its causes.
Only you must have worthy foes hate, but not enemies worthy of contempt. You must be proud of your enemy.
Of causes, some are complete and primary, others auxiliary and proximate. Hence, when we say that all things come about through fate by antecedent causes, we do not mean this to be understood as 'by complete and primary causes,' but 'by auxiliary and proximate causes.'
Any investigator worthy of baptism becomes a convert worthy of saving.
Here's what is truly at the heart of wholeheartedness: Worthy now, not if, not when, we're worthy of love and belonging now. Right this minute. As is.
Recognize that whether you are worthy or not is all a made-up 'story'...Nothing has meaning except for the meaning we give it...There's no one who comes around and stamps you 'worthy' or 'unworthy'. You do that. You make it up. You decide it...If you say you're worthy, you are. If you say you're not worthy, you're not. Either way you will live into your story.
However much I may sympathise with and admire worthy motives, I am an uncompromising opponent of violent methods even to serve the noblest of causes.
Creativity for the greater good is where I aspire to be, and I mean that on several levels: of course, working with worthy causes that need support but also not just contributing to the pollution of crap advertising.
Perpetrators absolve their harmful behavior as serving worthy causes.
If...we do not think that a local church is worthy of joining, why should we be considered worthy of serving in it?
Many of my friends and allies - not to mention my critics - lobbied me to spend on worthy causes. Who cares about a rainy-day fund when times are good? There are raises to give and projects to fund!
To possess dignity is to be worthy of respect. Worthy of high esteem. Absorb this: you are worthy of respect.
What I have done is worthy of nothing but silence and forgetfulness, but what God has done for me is worthy of everlasting and thankful memory.
I'm not telling people where to give money, but if there is to be a spotlight shed on me, then I'd like to direct that spotlight onto causes I think are worthy or onto interesting, progressive figures.
Retire from your job but never from meaningful projects. If you want to live a long life, you need eustress, that is, a deep sense of meaning and of contribution to worthy projects and causes, particularly, your intergenerational family.
A physicist looks for causes; that does not necessarily imply that there are causes everywhere. A man may look for gold without assuming that there is gold everywhere; if he finds gold, well and good, if he doesn't he's had bad luck. The same is true when the physicists look for causes.
My goal is to change perception about giving money for charity. A lot of people still think that this is only for the rich. I used to think like this, but this isn't true. Begin by donating the smallest amount you can afford. You'll soon realize how easy it is to support worthy causes.
O Nanak, the worldly achievements and glory is worthy of being burnt in the fire if it causes one to forget God. Usually these worldly things has caused mortals to forget the the Name of the Lord. Not even one of them will go along with you in the end.
Faith drives a wedge between ethics and suffering. Where certain actions cause no suffering at all, religious dogmatists still maintain that they are evil and worthy of punishment. . . . And yet, where suffering and death are found in abundance their causes are often deemed to be good. . . . This inversion of priorities not only victimizes innocent people and squanders scarce resources; it completely falsifies our ethics.
I hope to evoke emotion in others, help them escape for even just a little while into different worlds, different times and different thoughts. Whenever I'm able to lend my name to worthy causes and try and change this world for the better I feel like my work is a success.
You must be worthy of the best, but not more worthy than the rest. — © Denis Waitley
You must be worthy of the best, but not more worthy than the rest.
Do you realize the weight of the one who has invited us to follow him? He is worthy of more than church attendance and casual association; he is worthy of total abandonment and supreme adoration.
War has its necessities...and I have always understood that. Always known the cost. But, this day, by my own hand, I have realized something else. War is not a natural state. It is an imposition, and a damned unhealthy one. With its rules, we willingly yield our humanity. Speak not of just causes, worthy goals. We are takers of life.
For me, whatever you write about should be worthy of your attention, worthy of your gifts. That's very important.
If there is one subject in this world worthy of being discussed, worthy of being understood, it is the question of intellectual liberty. Without that, we are simply painted clay.
There are no lost causes because there are no gained causes.
Over-eating is the most worthy of sins. It neither breaks up marriages nor causes road accidents.
Social obligation is much bigger than supporting worthy causes. It includes anything that impacts people and the quality of their lives .
Happiness will never come if it's a goal in itself; happiness is a by-product of a commitment of worthy causes.
Life is certainly only worthwhile as it represents struggle for worthy causes. There is no struggle in perfect security. I am quite certain that the human being could not continue to exist if he or she had perfect security.
Since the fabric of the universe is most perfect and the work of a most wise Creator, nothing at all takes place in the universe in which some rule of maximum or minimum does not appear ... there is absolutely no doubt that every affect in the universe can be explained satisfactorily from final causes, by the aid of the method of maxima and minima, as it can be from the effective causes themselves ... Of course, when the effective causes are too obscure, but the final causes are readily ascertained, the problem is commonly solved by the indirect method.
Instead of waiting until the holiday season - when mail solicitations flood in from worthy organizations - and making a flurry of gifts because this is the time of year to give, sit down and take stock. Identify your passion, learn about it, and direct your time, mind, and dollars to aligned causes and organizations.
To seek "causes" of poverty in this way is to enter an intellectual dead end because poverty has no causes. Only prosperity has causes. — © Jane Jacobs
To seek "causes" of poverty in this way is to enter an intellectual dead end because poverty has no causes. Only prosperity has causes.
India has no shortage of deserving causes or good leaders; there is only short supply of activists and people who are willing to support their causes.
I've been exploring different options for when I'm done skiing. I have the Turtle Ridge Foundation, which is helping a bunch of worthy causes around the Northeast. I've also started SkiSpace, which is an online social network that basically deals with all things based around any snow sport.
I don't ever look past anyone or think that they're not worthy. Of course they're worthy, they're warriors.
It is proof of a narrow mind when things worthy of esteem are distinguished from things worthy of love. Great minds naturally love whatever is worthy of their esteem.
Finding temporary and specific causes for misfortune is the art of hope: Temporary causes limit helplessness in time, and specific causes limit helplessness to the original situation.
It's really important to me to promote worthy causes. But not in a heavy, obligatory, responsibility way. I really admired that as a kid, learning about the 'Elton John AIDS Foundation.' And I was obsessed with The Indigo Girls. And they are the consummate activist group, always reaching out, especially to Native causes and things like that.
People buy into the leader before they buy into the vision. Many people who approach the area of vision in leadership have it backwards. They believe that if the cause is good enough, people will automatically buy in and follow. But that's not how leadership works. People don't follow worthy causes; they follow worthy leaders with a cause they can believe in. They buy into the leader first.
Courage is worthy of respect when displayed in the maintenance of legitimate claims and in the repelling of aggressions, bodily or other. Courage is worthy of yet higher respect when danger is faced in defence of claims common to self and others, as in resistance to invasion. Courage is worthy of the highest respect when risk to life or limb is dared in defence of others.
The next time the devil tempts you to think that you are not worthy to approach God, here is what I advise: Agree. Say, “You are right. I am not worthy to approach God. I never was worthy to approach God. I never will be worthy to approach God. My access to God’s presence is not based on my worthiness, it is based on what Christ did for me on the cross.
People don't write about kids; you have to give them a lot of freedom, and that causes anarchy and that causes farce.
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