Top 1200 Spirit Of Place Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Spirit Of Place quotes.
Last updated on October 3, 2024.
If your church conveys that spirit of condescension or judgment, it's likely not a place where grace is on tap.
If you have a certain wildness of spirit, a cabinet maker's workshop is not the place to express it.
Sometimes I miss the spirit of London, but it's a very gray place. — © Claire Forlani
Sometimes I miss the spirit of London, but it's a very gray place.
It will never be altogether well with us till we convert the universe into a prayer room, and continue in the Spirit as we go from place to place.... The prayer hour is left standing before God till the other hours come and stand beside it; then, if they are found to be a harmonious sisterhood, the prayer is granted.
Protect your spirit, because you are in the place where spirits get eaten.
I learned a lot of different things from different schools. MIT is a very good place…. It has developed for itself a spirit, so that every member of the whole place thinks that it’s the most wonderful place in the world—it’s the center, somehow, of scientific and technological development in the United States, if not the world … and while you don’t get a good sense of proportion there, you do get an excellent sense of being with it and in it, and having motivation and desire to keep on
Its more about conception and touch and spirit and soul than whether my hardware was in place.
You can't be a free spirit in a place that feels like it was built on lockdown.
When there is a spirit of controversy in the church or in the land, a revival is needful. The spirit of religion is not the spirit of controversy. There can be no prosperity in religion, where the spirit of controversy prevails.
I have Aboriginal roots on my father's side, and have always indentified with that spirit. I feel a lot of my music comes from that place.
Copying is slavery. The letter must never be followed, only the spirit is to be grasped. Higher affirmations live in the spirit. And where is the spirit? Seek it in your everyday experience, and therein lies abundance of proof for all you need.
Did you not look upon the world this morning and imagine it as the boy might see it? And did you not recognize the mist and the dew and the birdsong as elements not of a place or a time but of a spirit? And did you not envy the boy his spirit? For you know there can be no power over him who freely gives what another would take. Such a one has the capacity to love. Freely, naively, to say I do.
So there is nothing to be proud of these worldly possessions. What you are to be proud of, or to be conscious of is your spirit. Spirit is the only thing that can kindle another spirit.
Is there a place here for the spirit ? Is there time on this brief platform for anything other than mind 's failure to explain itself? — © R. S. Thomas
Is there a place here for the spirit ? Is there time on this brief platform for anything other than mind 's failure to explain itself?
Never the spirit was born, the spirit shall cease to be never. Changeless the spirit remains, Birthless and deathless forever.
I feel like there's a true spirit of individuality in Portland that's inherent to the place.
The Holy Spirit will lead you to be with people as Jesus would be with them if He were in your place.
To substitute Scripture for the self-revealing Spirit is to put the dead letter in the place of the living Word.
Spirit is the essence of consciousness, the energy of the universe that creates all things. Each one of us is a part of that spirit - a divine entity. So the spirit is the higher self, the eternal being that lives within us.
To drink in the spirit of a place you should be not only alone but unhurried.
My spirit is as strong as ever. I'm still fighting to make the world a safer place, and you can, too.
If European symbols and traditions have grown tired, perfunctory and oppressively banal in Australia, or been drained of spirit and meaning by the dreary dictates of materialism and secularity, then the raw spirit truth of our native land is alive and radiant by comparison. For joy and meaning we might well turn to our natural country and witness miracles of vitality and new life, of inspiration and profound beauty; all in some humble, quiet and improbable place.
What once bound him Will make him flee Place of power-joining of five Night Spirit Blood Humanity Earth Joined not to conquer, Instead to overcome Night leads to Spirit Blood binds Humanity And Earth completes.
In a tree there is a spirit of life, a spirit of growth and a spirit of holding its head up.
I love him who reserveth no share of spirit for himself, but wanteth to be wholly the spirit of his virtue: thus walketh he as spirit over the bridge.
My fighting spirit has often seemed out of place.
It's more about conception and touch and spirit and soul than whether my hardware was in place.
I noticed with older songs that I perform that I'm coming from a different place with them mutates the vibe and even the meaning of the same words when you have a different spirit, if the person singing is different. I like that, to be able to sing an emotionally wrought song from a more centered place, or to sing an eager, youthful song from a more experienced place. It kind of colors the songs differently, and it keeps them fresh.
The spirit of revolution, the spirit of insurrection, is a spirit radically opposed to liberty
Worship is our response to the overtures of love from the heart of the Father. Its central reality is found 'in spirit and truth.' It is kindled within us only when the Spirit of God touches our human spirit.
If you haven't heard my music before, 'Spirit Voices' is a great place to start.
No eternal learning can take place without that quickening of the Spirit from heaven.
It's as if I've arrived in a place where it's all spirit and no body -- an overwhelming sense of calm . . . I actually began to feel blessed.
One has to have the right spirit, attitude and make a place for themselves in the viewers' hearts.
Who will venture to place the authority of Copernicus above that of the Holy Spirit?
A spiritual Christian therefore is one whose spirit is led by God's Spirit... Perhaps their speech does convey truth, but without the quickening of the Holy Spirit even truth is of small advantage.
To the individual believer indwelt by the Holy Spirit there is granted the direct impression of the Spirit of God on the spirit of man, imparting the knowledge of His will in matters of the smallest and greatest importance. This has to be sought and waited for.
When time and space and change converge, we find place. We arrive in Place when we resolve things. Place is peace of mind and understanding. Place is knowledge of self. Place is resolution.
Culture is the widening of the mind and of the spirit. It is never a narrowing of the mind or a restriction of the human spirit or the country's spirit. — © Jawaharlal Nehru
Culture is the widening of the mind and of the spirit. It is never a narrowing of the mind or a restriction of the human spirit or the country's spirit.
The ministry of Christianity is the ministry of the Spirit. It is the Spirit of God that inhabits the words, that speaks to the spirit of another and reveals Christ in and through him.
Art is something about the spirit... if you want to make something that has a spirit, and speaks to the spirit of other people in the world, you have to touch it, you have to physically address it... if you don't, if you just farm it out, it becomes a product.
In a sense everything that is exists to climb. All evolution is a climbing towards a higher form. Climbing for life as it reaches towards the consciousness, towards the spirit. We have always honored the high places because we sense them to be the homes of gods. In the mountains there is the promise of... something unexplainable. A higher place of awareness, a spirit that soars. So we climb... and in climbing there is more than a metaphor; there is a means of discovery.
I would say it simply: No one can give that which he doesn't personally possess, which means we cannot transmit the Holy Spirit in an effective way, render the Spirit perceptible, if we ourselves aren't close to the Spirit.
Art always used to involve spirit. Painters painted spirit. They painted by commission things to go into churches, and that was painting spirit. Or they would paint people of wealth, and they would try to show how they had power, and again, this is sort of spirit.
The earth I tread on is not a dead inert mass. It is a body, has a spirit; is organic and fluid to the influence of its spirit and to whatever particle of the spirit is in me.
Our profession is good, if practiced in the spirit of it; it is damnable fraud and iniquity when its true spirit is supplied by a spirit of mischief-making and money catching.
In the inhalation and exhalation there is an energy and a lively divine spirit, since He, through his spirit supports the breath of life, giving courage to the people who are in the earth and spirit to those who walk on it.
The political spirit is the great force in throwing the love of truth and accurate reasoning into a secondary place.
Furthermore, through the believer's spirit the Holy Spirit is able to impart God's life to thirsty and dying men. However, this filling of the Holy Spirit differs from the baptism with the Holy Spirit, because the latter is for the purpose of service while the former solves the problem of life (naturally it will affect service too).
I know my spirit is not mean, and I have a very good spirit and a funny spirit. — © Tracy Morgan
I know my spirit is not mean, and I have a very good spirit and a funny spirit.
The Spirit is speaking strongly to me for you to place a $50 offering on the altar, when you do, God will do a now miracle.
I have come a hundred miles," said a minister, "to get some of Mr. Moody's spirit." " You don't want my spirit," was the reply. "What you want is the Spirit of God.
The missionary spirit is the spirit of Jesus, the spirit of the incarnation and the cross.
Oh that the desert were my dwelling-place, With one fair spirit for my minister
The place one's in, though, doesn't make any contribution to peace of mind: it's the spirit that makes everything agreeable to oneself.
To me, the contemporary novel suffers from a lack of sense of place - or spirit of place, if you will. It's not important to most writers, I must assume, or they try to research a given background on sabbatical. Not for me. I write about places I've lived long before I ever set pen to paper.
Heaven must be an awfully dull place if the poor in spirit live there.
If you should find yourself in a place that is indifferent to you and there is someone there that your spirit stretches to, then that person is kin.
Silence, you know, is the best place to get close to spirit for me.
All this I say that you may understand not only in the mind but rather in the spirit. The mind weighs and measures but it is the spirit that reaches the heart of life and embraces the secret; and the seed of the spirit is deathless.
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