Top 68 Puns Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Puns quotes.
Last updated on October 10, 2024.
Fozzie Bear has so many bear puns in this script - like, 'Trac is grizzly!' 'This is unbearable!' It's the greatest.
Hanging is too good for a man who makes puns; he should be drawn and quoted.
I think the humor of double puns is incredible. — © Richard Lederer
I think the humor of double puns is incredible.
Americans don't like puns and plays on words, which is totally opposite in the comedy world to France or even Italy and Germany.
I never knew an enemy to puns who was not an ill-natured man.
I like Jacques Derrida; I think he's funny. I like my philosophy with a few jokes and puns. I know that that offends other philosophers; they think he's not taking things seriously, but he comes up with some marvellous puns. Why shouldn't you have a bit of fun while dealing with the deepest issues of the mind?
I say 'as it were' or 'so to speak' too often because puns and double entendres keep insinuating themselves into my consciousness as I'm talking.
Puns are a form of humor with words.
I had imagined I would come back at some point. But yeah, that was for a very specific reason. I will be very excited when I can tweet things that are just stupid puns and not be political for a while.
Of puns it has been said that those who most dislike them are those who are least able to utter them.
I love puns. I've been known to turn the car around just to take advantage of a good pun situation. It really is the highest form of humor.
I'm very competitive about puns.
Puns are often unacceptable to the feelings; they come like a spoonful of ice-cream in the midst of a comfortable smoking-hot steak, or as a peppery morsel when your palate was in expectation of a mild pudding.
People think dreams aren't real just because they aren't made of matter, of particles. Dreams are real. But they are made of viewpoints, of images, of memories and puns and lost hopes.
Wit and puns aren't just décor in the mind; they're essential signs that the mind knows it's on, recognizes its own software, can spot the bugs in its own program.
Heifer cow is better than none, but this is no time for puns
All literary style, especially national style, is made up of such coincidences, which are a spiritual sort of puns. That is why style is untranslatable.
In Hebrew, the name Susan means 'graceful lily' - in Khmer, it means 'girl with the bad puns,' and in ancient Aztec, it translates as 'she with the cockerel hair and dirty glasses.'
Imagine (if you dare) a whimsical marriage of Lord Dunsany and S.J. Perelman, and you have something approaching the tales of Rhys Hughes, filled with gaudy colour, slapstick, puns, fantastic creatures, and the occasional unexpected chill. Hughes' world is a magical one - and his language if the most magical thing of all.
I'm probably doing puns more than anything in my life. — © Scott Aukerman
I'm probably doing puns more than anything in my life.
I love puns and plays on words, which is why I love RuPaul so much.
I grew up on EC comic books and 'Tales From the Crypt,' which were all loaded with humor, bad jokes, and puns. I can have that kind of fun and make these comic book movies but, at the same time, talk about things I want to talk about - whether it's consumerism or the Bush administration or war.
Puns are the highest form of literature.
I love making puns.
Puns are the droppings of soaring wits.
I'd like my super power to be puns; I'd like to be great at puns: pun power. Then I could go on loads of panel shows and live off that forever.
I grew up in an environment of jokes and sarcasm and puns. I talk that way, so I write that way.
I like the old wisdom--puns, riddles, spells, proverbs.
People, if you can't get through the puns, I can't give you the good stuff.
I love mixing humor and terror, or humor and exhaustion, or even humor and despair. I'm dealing right now with a loved one with cancer, and she's of course sad, but also telling the most disturbingly morbid jokes and puns. I love that, there's so much humanity in being able to mock fate and hardship.
In our world, all puns are beautiful and they are the highest form of comedy.
They are "sexcellent". That is a pun for you, you will find lots of puns on the internet! Also: blonde jokes.
The Sopranos' is filled with really retrograde humor. Bathroom humor, falls, stupid puns, bad jokes - infantile, adolescent stuff, but it makes me laugh.
Here's the way I look at it. President Bush has uranium-tipped bunker busters and I have puns. I think he'll be OK.
The moment I accept that there's an artistic, redeeming quality in puns, I have a horrible feeling I'll get hooked.
Graphic design is a visual language uniting harmony and balance, color and light, scale and tension, form and content. But it is also an idiomatic language, a language of cues and puns and symbols and allusions, of cultural references and perceptual inferences that challenge both the intellect and the eye.
Delightful, tragic, gloriously elegiac and riddled with puns-Close to Hugh is just like life, only so much more beautiful for being art.
Metaphors, similes, puns - all manner of metonymy - I'm interested in language that cannot be parsed by a machine - language that can only be understood through acculturation.
I do not, in fact, use many puns. Certainly there are far fewer than people believe. But I suspect the ones I do occasionally use tend to hang around in people's memories for a while.
Dreams, puns, elisions, plays on words and similar tricks that we ordinarily think of as frivolous, all play a surprising and somewhat disconcerting role in the communication of important and serious feelings.
I'm the champ that puns the camp! That's what I always wanted. I wanted to be seen as a main eventer, and it's a lot of responsibility now. I feel like I'm gonna deliver on this opportunity. I want to take it and make sure everybody knows that this is why I'm the champ.
My being a writer and playing Scrabble are connected. If I have a good writing day, I'll take a break and play online Scrabble. My favorite word as a child was 'carrion,' before I knew what it meant. I later created crossword puzzles, which was a lot about puns, and how words would create these strange, strange things.
There is going to come a day when everyone here is going to need keen observation and wit to ridicule George W. Bush. But when that day comes, all we're going to have are tired puns and goofy looks. Because as you would say, we're suffering from the soft bigotry of low expectorations.
My puns are not trivial. They are quadrivial — © James Joyce
My puns are not trivial. They are quadrivial
I live and die by puns.
Coincidences are spiritual puns.
People may claim to hate puns, but most true word lovers have groaned to like them.
'The Sopranos' is filled with really retrograde humor. Bathroom humor, falls, stupid puns, bad jokes - infantile, adolescent stuff, but it makes me laugh.
I do not in fact use many puns. Certainly there are far fewer than people believe. But I suspect the ones I do occasionally use tend to hang around in people's memories for a while.
I'm shameless, and I love a pun. There's a lot of Beth puns.
The Lampoon started in 1970, and I began writing freelance for them around the end of 1971, and then all through '72. They hired me in '73, and I left early in '81. I did everything from low puns to being editor-in-chief.
Words played an important part in my growing up. Not only the written word... but words that flew through the air: jokes, riddles, puns.
Let's say that what's out there is a narrative. Often enough, the picture plays with the question of what actually is happening. Almost the way puns function.
Soon I learned that the worse the puns and jokes, the funnier they could be, if you knew how to deliver them.
An exquisite invention this, Worthy of Love's most honeyed kiss,-- This art of writing billet-doux-- In buds, and odors, and bright hues! In saying all one feels and thinks In clever daffodils and pinks; In puns of tulips; and in phrases, Charming for their truth, of daisies.
I like really bad puns - proper, red-top, nasty puns - I find them funny. — © Johnny Flynn
I like really bad puns - proper, red-top, nasty puns - I find them funny.
I hate puns. And, I'm tired of pardoning them.
From as long as, literally as far back as I can remember I've liked puns, word jokes, I can literally recall looking at a comic at the age of six or seven and I remember what I enjoyed and what it was precisely and how the joke worked.
LAST, n. A shoemaker's implement, named by a frowning Providence as opportunity to the maker of puns.
I think puns are not just the lowest form of wit, but the lowest form of human behavior.
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