Top 939 Roller Skating Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Roller Skating quotes.
Last updated on October 5, 2024.
For me, skateboarding is a lifestyle. I really don't know anything different. My life revolves around skating. If I wasn't a professional skateboarder, I'd still be skating every day.
Education is more important than skating. I want to keep up with my schoolwork and my skating.
I was an ambidextrous child, and the symmetry of roller skating was a welcome respite from my awkwardness with physical activities that involved a ball or a racket.
Skating everywhere is unpredictable, no amount of money or facilities is going to create a skating star. You have to have a skater who is dedicated, passionate, and willing to learn.
I remember when we were shooting 'Boogie Nights,' all of my stand-ins were wiping out all the time. I'd practice before I got to the set, but they'd just show up and put on the roller-skates, and they'd be skating over these wires and cables, so they would all fall over. It was totally dangerous.
Roller-skating and ice-skating are two different things - I found that out the hard way. — © Todd Bridges
Roller-skating and ice-skating are two different things - I found that out the hard way.
As soon as I was introduced to ice speed skating, I was instantly hooked. I never thought about pursuing skating professionally; I just enjoyed doing it.
Being from Detroit, I often went to the roller skating rink. I can skate backwards, forwards, and even twirl on skates, LOL!
We need to remind people how fun skating is, how quirky skating is. If we went on TV and overlooked the cold, hard truths and the quirkiness, I don't think that's bringing anything to the fans.
Emotional roller coasters tend to emphasize the lows, tend to be more affected by the low, by the dip in an emotional roller coaster than when you are at the peak.
Injuries are a huge thing for skating. I think skating is a very unnatural sport for the body, very tough on the joints.
I roller skated when I was younger, but when you're on a track that's slanted and you're with other people all skating in a pack, it's a whole different sport.
If I had never won a single medal, I'd still be skating in a rink somewhere. There wouldn't be an audience or camera flashes or autograph seekers, but I'd still be skating.
I am a skateboarder, and to stay fit for skating I have to stay away from a lot of things. I go to parties and that's fun for me, but between skating and lifting and everything, I know what I have to do the next day, so I'm very conscious about my schedule and keeping it.
I got so broke that I had to take a job on a show called 'BrainRush.' That was purely for money. I was hosting this game show where it's like 'Cash Cab' on a roller coaster, which is extreme, especially for me, since I hate roller coasters.
I have done the merry-go-round and I have ridden the roller-coaster. I have made my choice. I choose the roller-coaster. There is more risk when you choose the roller-coaster, but at least you will know you have lived.
As an audience member, I like to watch what they're doing, and that's one of the reasons I love skating: because it's a performance, and I love to perform. That's my favorite aspect of skating.
Male figure skating is different than female figure skating; we're not America's sweetheart.
I was really a spoiled brat when I was a kid skating. Meals are cooked for you, you are driven to the rink, they make costumes for you. Your parents sit around and watch admiringly while you skate. You don't have to think about anything but skating. You're just plain spoiled.
I got a pair of roller skates for Christmas when I was 4 or 5 or something, so I had a pair as kid. But I also lived on a gravel road so I wasn't really skating up and down the street.
Snowboarding is a spawn of skating, and skating is my passion. — © Tony Hawk
Snowboarding is a spawn of skating, and skating is my passion.
I'm excited to watch slope style and halfpipe. And then, of course, when my events are done, I get to go to hockey, which is always entertaining. I also like figure skating. I think every girl grew up watching figure skating.
There're two different kinds of skating. There's the style skating, and there's the trick skating. He (Tony Hawk) does the trick skating so heavy duty, that he can overcome the style skating. There's always the chance that the style skater can come back, but the whole deal really is learning tricks.
I'm the youngest, too. When you're the youngest of a big family, people are like, "You're the baby, you're spoiled!" The fact of the matter is, when you're the youngest of a big family, by the time you're a teenager, your parents are insane. You're like, "Hey, I'm going roller-skating-" "You're not going roller-skating or you'll end up pregnant like your sister. Why don't you smoke pot and become a lawyer?"
Acting is like roller skating. Once you know how to do it, it is neither stimulating nor exciting.
I like to roller skate. I have been roller skating since I was eight.
Right now it looks like skating is done for me. I'm ready to move on. But if baseball doesn't work out and I still have that itch for skating, I may be back.
Inner-thigh strength is important, and not just for appearance sake. If you enjoy - or have always wanted to try - ice skating or roller blading, strong inner thighs will come in handy.
Politics is like roller skating. You go partly where you want to go, and partly where the damn things take you.
I love horror films, but it's more than an adrenaline rush for me. I love them because I know they scare me. It's kind of like I go on roller coasters, but I'm terrified of roller coasters, sort of thing.
I grew up figure skating, and in figure skating there is only a handful of black people at the time figure skating with me.
For me, I'm a skateboarder.If I'm not skating then I'm going crazy. The big deals, if I'm not skating, it's not worth it.
Ramp skating has become the most popular televised form of skating because they can constrain it. They can judge it based on what's happening within this box of a ramp.
In Japan, skating is like NHL hockey in Canada or baseball in the U.S., so pushing the limit is very enticing. Skating is their lives.
The skill set for hockey is so specific to skating and if you haven’t been skating as a kid it’s impossible to play - and I wasn’t a skater.
I hope that people will one day look back at my skating and what I brought to the table. 'Remember when Patrick skated like this? Or remember when skating was like this?' That would be a cool legacy to leave behind.
I would never even think about skating with somebody else. The whole reason I wanted to come back to skating was to be close to Tessa again, and to share those moments.
With 'Fantasy Factory,' I want to take skating beyond the Tony Hawk generation and represent the street-skating generation.
My two best friends, they love amusement parks. They are such roller-coaster daredevils, and they drag me on every single roller coaster they can find. Some of my favorite experiences have been when they've taken me to Disneyland or Six Flags or Universal.
I love snowboarding, but I would never want to do it competitively or at a professional level. Snowboarding is a spawn of skating, and skating is my passion.
One of my favorite lyrics is 'Clams on the half-shell and roller skate, roller skate.' So they can be just really party-inspiring lyrics or just something brilliant like 'Tutti Frutti.'
I've been designing since I was 8. I started sketching dresses I could wear when skating. I was always involved in all aspects of skating, not just the technique, the choreography, the music, but the visual aspects, too - what I should wear.
Enthusiasm is not the same as just being excited. One gets excited about going on a roller coaster. One becomes enthusiastic about creating and building a roller coaster.
I used to roller skate a lot in my youth on Taft Avenue, Manila. That is the reason there is always a skating area in all my SM malls. I want more people to share my love for skating.
I used to ice skate at parties when I was eight, but that was sort of the extent of roller skating, ice skating, that kind of sport. — © Eliza Scanlen
I used to ice skate at parties when I was eight, but that was sort of the extent of roller skating, ice skating, that kind of sport.
That's where you just have to get creative. There are all these trampoline parks and there's bowling and there's roller skating.
Largely, I began skating because I wanted stuff to do outside of school. My mom decided to put me into figure skating.
I literally started skating handrails when I was seven years old, with no helmet on, so I was just bred into this type of skating where you have to be kind of fearless and just go for it.
I didn't study dance. I had some ballet lessons because I needed it for posture and for my arms, mostly. My skating coach said I really needed it, from the belly button up, as opposed to the footwork. In skating, the shoes don't move.
When I was a kid, I used to wake up every single day and skateboard. All I would think about is skating, but it wasn't like I wanted to be a pro skater. It was more of just that's what I did. I also roller bladed a lot.
One thing about skating that I don't think people focus on enough is the music factor. The music is a huge component of figure skating. It can dictate not only the choreography but the emotion. If it's not the right music it can ruin a performance.
The way I balance life and skating is by enjoying the time I spend away from the rink. When I am not on the ice, I am not focusing on skating.
I'm not typically a roller coaster person, but Space Mountain I really love out of all roller coasters. That and Splash Mountain.
The skill set for hockey is so specific to skating and if you haven't been skating as a kid it's impossible to play - and I wasn't a skater.
I would recommend anybody who gets a chance to see short track skating, make it a point to go out there when Apolo is skating because you won't see anybody better.
I started skating at age 2 on roller skates on the South Side of Chicago, where I grew up. By age 4, roller-skating was something I really enjoyed. Everyone around me wanted to do the 'roll bounce' thing, but I was pretty much only interested in going fast.
When I was in the care system, I lived for skating and drawing. I lived on roller skates. — © Goldie
When I was in the care system, I lived for skating and drawing. I lived on roller skates.
A few years after I finished skating, someone asked where my medals were. I'm like, 'In a suitcase somewhere.' Now they're nicely displayed in an ice rink, but medals don't really mean that much. It's the experience, the story of the skating, the love.
Skating is really hard, especially women's skating where we're judged in little tiny dresses.
Figure skating has been a great influence for me. I took dance at the School of American Ballet, which helped my own skating. And whether you are a skater or a dancer, without sounding narcissistic, it is all about looking in the mirror.
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