Top 1200 When Life Is Hard Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular When Life Is Hard quotes.
Last updated on October 11, 2024.
We don't realize how much we create reality through language. If we say that life is hard, it will be hard.
I work hard, but I also play hard. Everyone needs balance in life.
Its not living the gospel thats hard. Its life thats hard...How often do we make the mistake of talking to our youth about how hard it is...Shouldn't we instead be focusing on the doctrine of joy...? p 106
If you train hard and work hard eventually you will gain results, and that is the real spirit of life. — © Alex Zanardi
If you train hard and work hard eventually you will gain results, and that is the real spirit of life.
Try to relax, and you will find out that you feel more tense than ever. Try harder and you will feel more tense and more tense. Relaxation is not a consequence, is not a result of some activity; it is the glow of understanding. This is the first thing I would like to relate to you: life is purposeless. It is very hard to accept it. And why is it so hard to accept that life is purposeless? It is hard because without purpose the ego cannot exist. It is hard to conceive that life has no goal because without any goal being there, there is no point in having a mind, in having an ego.
Somebody said the key to life is to work hard, play hard, rest hard, and I've pretty much adopted that.
If you stumble about believability, what are you living for? Love is hard to believe, ask any lover. Life is hard to believe, ask any scientist. God is hard to believe, ask any believer. What is your problem with hard to believe?
Especially when you're faced with hard times, you need to remember that life is either tragedy or comedy. For me, that's what the magic is. Life has remarkable, surprising moments that get you through the hard times.
All my friends are always telling me how hard it is to have kids. 'Oh, David, it's so hard.' That's not hard. I'll tell you what hard is. Try talking your girlfriend into her third consecutive abortion. Yeah, that's hard, that takes finesse. You're just inconvenienced.
After us they'll fly in hot air balloons, coat styles will change, perhaps they'll discover a sixth sense and cultivate it, but life will remain the same, a hard life full of secrets, but happy. And a thousand years from now man will still be sighing, "Oh! Life is so hard!" and will still, like now, be afraid of death and not want to die.
The life of an actor is very hard irrespective of the continent you are in. It is doubly hard when you are only eligible for minority roles.
I don't have a 'Life's short, play hard' type of philosophy. That's about fear. I tend to think that life is very long - but you should still play hard.
I'm a human, we're going to go through hard times and hard periods of our life, it's not going to be an easy ride all the time. That's what we forget. On social media, it seems that way that living are living these idyllic lives and it's not. There's going to be bumps in the road, that's life.
In my own life, as winters turn into spring, I find it not only hard to cope with mud but also hard to credit the small harbingers of larger life to come, hard to hope until the outcome is secure. Spring teaches me to look more carefully for the green stems of possibility; for the intuitive hunch that may turn into a larger insight, for the glance or touch that may thaw a frozen relationship, for the stranger's act of kindness that makes the world seem hospitable again.
My children are the thing that make life work because, you know, I screwed up my life, and I know it was me, and it was really hard because it was so public, and that was very, very hard.
I think that all of us are 5-year-olds and we don't want to be embarrassed in the schoolyard. I've gone through things in my life. People say it must be so hard to do it in the public eye, but the truth is, when you go through hard things, it's just hard.
The Lord's way is not hard. Life is hard, not the gospel. — © Lawrence E. Corbridge
The Lord's way is not hard. Life is hard, not the gospel.
As I said, I wish I could say it was easy. It wasn't, but it wasn't hard either. But without a strong reason or purpose, anything in life is hard.
Prison is a crash course in the darker side of life. Few survive it without becoming a different person: more cynical, jaded, fearful, angry. Its hard to trust again, hard to believe, easy to hate a system that destroyed your life behind the pompous pretense of saving you from yourself, for your own good.
I have not cared for money, and I enjoy working. Money comes my way. People work hard so they get enough money. Or they work hard so they don't have to work hard later in life. But though I don't need money, I still work hard because I like what I am doing.
As we see in life, change is hard. Even if you genuinely want it and make the effort, sometimes it's hard to get it.
Standup is tough; if you are going through a hard period in your life, it is very hard to get up in front of people and be the happy guy in the room.
There's a difference between someone who's 'harsh' and someone who is 'hard.' Life was hard. You lived in the South, as my grandparents did, and you had to survive. That is hard.
It's so hard for me to talk about this, because I owe my life to 'Dancing with the Stars.' They've changed my life completely. They're my family and it's always hard to say goodbye.
Some people say it is hard to live in such a way, being completely one with the present moment. Of course, it is not hard. The opposite is hard. Not being one with life is hard, and that is how most people live.
Relationships are hard. If as an actor you marry an engineer or a doctor, it's really hard for them because they don't understand what your life is like. We live two lives. We have a 'reel' life and a real life.
I always trained hard in my life to win the title, and I will train twice as hard to stay at the top.
I’m never gonna wait that extra twenty minutes to text you back, and I’m never gonna play hard to get when I know your life has been hard enough already. When we all know everyone’s life has been hard enough already it’s hard to watch the game we make of love, like everyone’s playing checkers with their scars, saying checkmate whenever they get out without a broken heart. Just to be clear I don’t want to get out without a broken heart. I intend to leave this life so shattered there’s gonna have to be a thousand separate heavens for all of my flying parts.
God has allowed hard things in your life so you can show the world that your God is great and that knowing Him brings peace and joy, even when life is hard.
Work infuses my whole life. My creative life is my real life, so it's hard to separate.
Artur Rubinstein, the famous pianist, was once asked the secret of his success-was it dedication, ability, discipline, hard work? Mr. Rubinstein smiled as he remarked, "It's hard to say, but one thing I do know: if you love life, life will love you back!" What a wonderful insight! That philosophy explains how a man in his eighties can continue to be so creative. For life is simply filled with exciting blessings for everybody. They're ours if we give enough of ourselves to life!
Life is hard so why does my relationship have to be hard at the same time?
Sport is a seductive metaphor (life as a game in which we gain victory through hard work, discipline, and visualizing success). but the older metaphor of farming (life as hard labor that is subject to weather and quirks of blind fate and may return no reward whatsoever and don't be surprised) is still in our blood.
Making money isn't hard in itself... What's hard is to earn it doing something worth devoting one's life to.
Doubtless, the life of an Irregular is hard; but the interests of the Greater Number require that it shall be hard.
Life there was hard and it made people hard.
cause it's a hard life, with love in the world. and i'm a hard girl, loving me is like chewing on pearls.
Play hard, work hard, love hard. . . .The bottom line for me is to live life to the fullest in the here-and-now instead of a hoped-for hereafter, and make every day count in some meaningful way and do something-no matter how small it is-to make the world a better place.
I've worked hard throughout my entire life, but I don't think all the hard work could have produced the same results without all the genetics I was given. — © Odell Beckham, Jr.
I've worked hard throughout my entire life, but I don't think all the hard work could have produced the same results without all the genetics I was given.
The number of those endowed with human life is as small as the amount of earth one can place on a fingernail. Life as a human being is hard to sustain--as hard as it is for the dew to remain on the grass. But it is better to live a single day with honor than to live to 120 and die in disgrace.
The message to the young players is that hard work and dedication is everything. As a footballer, or anything in life, if you're dedicated you have to fight for that and don't give up however hard it is.
I've always had a 'Work hard, play hard' attitude to life - I still do - but sometimes you get involved in something that needs a calm, methodical approach.
I've been through hell. It's hard to think you have this life, and then all of a sudden - was it a lie? You're struggling because it wasn't real. But I survived. It was hard, but it didn't kill me.
You have to celebrate the gifts because life is so hard and I think once you realize life's gonna be hard, the good stuff really comes forward.
Being a wrestler is not an easy life. It's very hard on the body. I loved it, but it is a hard life to live.
Life is hard enough. Life is always going to be hard, so you need to push for what you want.
It's a hard life to have sex with eight to 10 men a night. That's hard physically, let alone emotionally.
Enjoy life, study hard, play hard, be kind to other people, set high standards, and don't be afraid to say "No."
I'm at the point in my life where I don't want to work as hard. Actually, I've had to take a good hard look at workaholism and it's effect on one's mental health.
I want to give kids that fall-off-the-bed-laughing feeling. Either that, or the sixth-grade feeling that life is hard - sometimes unbearably hard - and it is ultimately about death. But in the meantime, life can be really funny, too.
I saw ten thousand talkers whose tongues were all broken, I saw guns and sharp swords in the hands of young children, And it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, it's a hard, It's a hard rain's a-gonna fall.
I felt like I had lost something. But not something silly, like my keys or my gum; more like my arm or my foot, something that really mattered. Like something that I could live without, but would make life much harder if it were missing. And life is hard enough. Life is hard enough with everything we're given.
I work very hard, and I play very hard. I'm grateful for life. And I live it - I believe life loves the liver of it. I live it. — © Maya Angelou
I work very hard, and I play very hard. I'm grateful for life. And I live it - I believe life loves the liver of it. I live it.
Life is hard, and children have to be told how hard life can be…So they will be sympathetic to others. So they will understand that some people have it harder than they do and that a trip through this world can be a wildly different experience, depending on what chemicals are raging through one’s mind.
For the most part, having more money and more fame make your life harder. It just does. I've seen it happen with people. You know, it's so hard to stay normal. It's so hard to stay happy. It's hard to remember why you were doing what you did in the first place.
There's a difference between someone who's 'harsh' and someone who is 'hard.' Life was hard. You lived in the South, as my grandparents did, and you had to survive. That is hard. In order to respond to that, he had to become a hard man, with very hard rules, very hard discipline for himself, very hard days, hard work, et cetera.
Anything I do in life, I always want to work hard, play hard and so I'm still drinking my wine, I'm still eating my McDonald's on Sundays, but I am working hard through the week.
The way I look at love is you have to follow it, and fall hard, if you fall hard. You have to forget about what everyone else thinks. It has to be an us-against-the-world mentality. You have to make it work by prioritizing it, and by falling in love really fast, without thinking too hard. If I think too hard about a relationship I'll talk myself out of it. I have rules for a lot of areas of my life. Love is not going to be one of them.
It's a hard life sometimes and the biggest temptation is to let how hard it is be an excuse to weaken
That's a hard question, because I started skating when I was three, so I don't really remember life before it, and I don't know what it is like not to work hard at something.
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