Top 959 Communist Manifesto Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Communist Manifesto quotes.
Last updated on October 1, 2024.
I believe in a libertarian communist society.
Each time I have the urge in me to make a statement or send a message or to issue a manifesto, I don't bother to write a novel. I write an article and publish it in a popular newspaper, or I make a television appearance.
Deng Xiaoping thought of himself as a great revolutionary and a great reformer. He had dismantled the Chinese communist management of the economy. In my next-to-last conversation with him, which was about six months before Tiananmen Square, he said to me that his aim would be the next phase to reduce the Communist Party to philosophical issues. And I said, "What's a philosophical issue?" And he said, "Well, like if we make an alliance with Russia." Given his view of Russia, that was not the likeliest thing that would ever happen.
The New Health Rules is the new manifesto for how to eat well, feel good, and live long. If you ever wondered what's really true about the things that work and the things that don't, look no further.
The Jew is an inborn Communist. — © Otto Weininger
The Jew is an inborn Communist.
I guess the two Manifesto, Communicating Vessels, Mad Love, and some of his poetry made a significant mark on me but as far as bringing a literary element into the music I see it as a much broader assimilation.
Picasso is a communist. Neither am I.
As a woman thrust on to the political stage and baffled by the anger and depth of negative feeling I have been targeted with, Mary Beard's 'Women & Power: A Manifesto' brought me a sense of solidarity, power and determination.
Horrible to say, in a manner I am a Communist.
I came from a communist country where there are no luxury cars.
Gay marriage is a divisive issue in France, where Fillon has vowed to block adoption by same-sex couples. The battle against Islamism also remains a rallying cry; Fillon's campaign manifesto is called 'Conquering Islamic Totalitarianism'.
We [with Neal Dodson and Corey Moosa] spent a lot of time writing, for lack of a better word, this manifesto about what we wanted to do. We wanted to find work that was relevant socially and that didn't take audiences for granted.
I am a Christian. That obliges me to be a Communist.
There was a manifesto in the late '60s/early '70s, and it basically laid out what 'black art' was and that it should embrace black history and black culture. There were all these rules - I was shocked, when I found it in a book, that it even existed, that it would demarcate these artists.
I'm a communist, man. I'm going to break the rules. — © Skip Bayless
I'm a communist, man. I'm going to break the rules.
We defeated communist Japan.
I don't pay a lot of attention to communist infiltrators.
Marihuana leads to pacifism and communist brainwashing.
Any man who is not a communist at the age of 20 is a fool.
The Declaration of Independence to which these great men affixed their signatures is much more than a political document. It constitutes a spiritual manifesto-revel ation, if you will-declaring not for this nation only, but for all nations, the source of man's rights.
There's a communist living in the White House!
I'm a Communist by day and a Catholic as soon as it gets dark.
Not everyone voted for me, but the fact that we have so far approximately 32 seats in the 50 seat parliament demonstrates the enthusiasm and the faith and the trust the Fijian people have had for both the track record of my government and FijiFirst manifesto.
Times have been tough, the economy has been tough. But I want to bring forward a fantastic manifesto for taking the city forwards.
I write a manifesto and I want nothing, yet I say certain things, and in principle I am against manifestoes, as I am also against principles.
Agential realism is not a manifesto, it does not take for granted that all is or will or can be made manifest. On the contrary, it is a call, a plea, a provocation, a cry, a passionate yearning for an appreciation of, attention to the tissue of ethicality that runs through the world.
So these Red Sox... are they a Communist organization?
The 'Bohemian Manifesto' represents those that actually have to step out of society because they cannot join, but then they become the saviors of society because they create the actual possibilities of change.
We went back on a very similar manifesto to things I believe in. The difference is that after eighteen months to two years he did the biggest U-turn on policy of all time and started to go the wrong way. In the end, that cost us the next election.
I've been called communist, socialist, anti-American.
I've never said I'm a communist.
In our manifesto we have said that we will focus on reducing the demand for liquor through awareness campaigns. We will also make it an offense to serve liquor to anyone below the age of 23.
I ain't a Communist necessarily, but I been in the red all my life.
I speak only of myself since I do not wish to convince, I have no right to drag others into my river, I oblige no one to follow me and everybody practices his art in his own way." - Tristan Tzara "Dada Manifesto 1918
I started at HSN in May of 2006, and by October, we had rolled out a new brand image, a new tagline, a new vision statement, a new customer manifesto, and new advertising.
The existing U.N. can be found in the writings of early Communist leaders.
I'm not a communist, just a media theorist.
Joseph F. Smith probably authorized Apostles Clawson and Cowley to marry their plural wives after the second Manifesto of 1904, since he did authorize a close friend to perform one plural marriage as late as 1906, and o.k.'d another one that occurred in 1907.
I can't understand Karl Marx, so how can I be a Communist?
I'm not a communist, a socialist or a radical. But these issues have to be addressed. — © Edward Snowden
I'm not a communist, a socialist or a radical. But these issues have to be addressed.
Everybody has their manifesto; let them talk their language, come to the people, and the people will decide. In a democracy, no party or candidate wins or loses. If you, the people, chose a wrong man, you lose; if you chose the right one, you win.
I would live in a communist country providing I was the Queen.
It was not Soviet people who formed the American Communist Party.
Without armed struggle neither the proletariat, nor the people, nor the Communist Party would have any standing at all in China and it would be impossible for the revolution to triumph. In these years [the eighteen years since the founding of the Party] the development, consolidation and bolshevization of our Party have proceeded in the midst of revolutionary wars; without armed struggle the Communist Party would assuredly not be what it is today. Comrades throughout the Party must never forget this experience for which we have paid in blood.
Our manifesto, whatever it will be called, will come from the people who are really in charge of this country, and that's the American people.
I have nothing to hide, and I call upon those who are scared by the National Front to look up the National Front's manifesto. It's quite easy on the Internet.
When an actor ventures into politics, I want to know, what is his manifesto, how would he understand problems being faced by people like me. If I am convinced, my vote will go in favour of him and his party.
[Dalton] Trumbo himself was a terrible Communist.
Remember that the Communist Party is a meritocracy in China.
If literature or music can make you think or become aware, then it's done something. That's what we've always wanted to do, just ignite sparks in people's minds. We can't offer a manifesto of how to make your life better.
I'm a Communist, fully convinced and dedicated to my cause. — © Italo Calvino
I'm a Communist, fully convinced and dedicated to my cause.
America I used to be a communist when I was a kid and I'm not sorry.
I want to leave this world as a Communist.
The proper drinking of Scotch whisky is more than indulgence: it is a toast to civilization, a tribute to the continuity of culture, a manifesto of man's determination to use the resources of nature to refresh mind and body and enjoy to the full the senses with which he has been endowed.
I never accepted Communist dogma or theory.
Taken as a whole, the Chinese revolutionary movement led by the Communist Party embraces the two stages, i.e., the democratic and the socialist revolutions, which are two essentially different revolutionary processes, and the second process can be carried through only after the first has been completed. The democratic revolution is the necessary preparation for the socialist revolution, and the socialist revolution is the inevitable sequel to the democratic revolution. The ultimate aim for which all communists strive is to bring about a socialist and communist society.
I am not a communist.
Too many younger Americans have been misled by the Green New Deal, which is a socialist manifesto more than a climate proposal. The GND's reckless energy policies would punish American workers while allowing China to pollute at will.
I didn't have a manifesto. I had some discontent. It seemed to me that midcentury mainstream American science fiction had often been triumphalist and militaristic, a sort of folk propaganda for American exceptionalism.
I am not a communist and neither is the revolutionary movement.
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