Top 1200 Digging A Hole Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Digging A Hole quotes.
Last updated on October 11, 2024.
Keep digging, Flynn. Six feet makes a grave.
If I hadn't done this I might have ended up digging the roads.
The music is at its best when people are truly digging in. — © Gerard Cox
The music is at its best when people are truly digging in.
I had spent 10 days of my life digging for garbage.
Writing isn't hard - no harder than ditch digging.
You have to be optimistic about golf. I mean it's physically demanding, particularly if you're on one leg. But it's psychologically demanding regardless of your physical infirmities. I mean, it's a tough sport. You've got to be disciplined and optimistic. And if you have a bad hole, you've got to be optimistic that you'll do well on the next hole.
I'm a big believer in digging deep when I travel to a new place.
Oh, I like going down the rabbit hole. You know, that's kind of my job. When you play Macbeth, you gotta dive down that one. The trick is figuring out how to do it with love and a sense of humor so you can pop back out again. But, kind of the actor's job is to go down the rabbit hole.
Pushing yourself and digging into something new, that's what being a musician is all about.
We are an overfed and undernourished nation digging an early grave with our teeth.
Adolescence is about digging out the iron inside irony.
A gunshot rang out, blasting a hole in the door. A crossbow quarrel zinged through the hole and stuck quivering into the opposite wall. Seth heard the rocking horse clattering down the staircase, the twang of bowstrings, and the overlapping beat of several other projectiles thudding against the door. "That was awesome," Seth told Kendra. "You're psychotic," Kendra replied.
If you are digging for excellent or suggestive renderings, this is among the richer mines. — © Steven T. Byington
If you are digging for excellent or suggestive renderings, this is among the richer mines.
IBM uses what I like to call the 'hole-in-the-ground technique' to destroy the competition..... IBM digs a big HOLE in the ground and covers it with leaves. It then puts a big POT OF GOLD nearby. Then it gives the call, 'Hey, look at all this gold, get over here fast.' As soon as the competitor approaches the pot, he falls into the pit
It is a good thing to follow the First Law of Holes: if you are in one, stop digging.
The biggest differences between Omaha and Hold'em is that you get four hole cards in Omaha as opposed to two in Hold'em, and in Omaha, you can only use two of your hole cards and must play three cards from the board.
In Christ are treasures that will require digging to the end of the world.
I first met my wife in the tunnel of love. She was digging it at the time.
Then I’ll do some digging. (Fury) You just can’t help this kamikaze streak you have, can you? (Sasha)
I don't want to be the person digging my own grave.
Have you not heard of the man who was digging in the earth for roots and found a treasure?
We must read our Bibles like men digging for hidden treasure.
If you can't pigeon-hole yourself, who can you pigeon-hole?
If you want to see a black hole tonight, tonight just look in the direction of Sagittarius, the constellation. That's the center of the Milky Way Galaxy and there's a raging black hole at the very center of that constellation that holds the galaxy together.
I had a hole in my voice. I still do. We call it a hole, but it's an area in the voice where it's air. And my classical teachers were just so frustrated with me because I would have these deep, low notes that were really strong, and the higher register was strong, but right in the middle area, it was really hard.
We've got the most prosperous culture in human history and we've also got the biggest spiritual hole in human history. People are saying, "I can't fill the hole with money. I can't fill it with alcohol, or drugs, or sex, so what do I need to fill it with?"
Tracking the shiny is so much easier than digging for gold!
Out of all my friends, I believe I'm the only kid whose dad made us work to cut rebars; we laid bricks in construction sites and did other real work every summer for minimum wage. Our dad said that it's important in the future that when we tell people to dig a hole, that you personally know how long it will take to dig that hole.
The first rule of holes: When you're in one stop digging.
RECONCILIATION, n. A suspension of hostilities. An armed truce for the purpose of digging up the dead.
If you put a little pin in the middle and you make a little space, a little circle, then the nature of the mirror shines through. So now you know the mind is not dust, that behind that dust there is this mirror-like nature of the mind, and if it's a big enough hole, you might be so transfixed by the hole you don't notice the rest of the dust.
Acting in the movies is just like ditch-digging
Sungold blew impatiently and began to dig a hole with one foot. She booted his elbow with her toe and he stopped, but after a moment he lowered his head and blew again, harder, and she could feel him shifting his weight, considering if she might let him dig just a small hole.
My work was done, so it was time to start digging my grave again.
Someone is digging your grave right now.
The first rule of holes is when you're in one, stop digging. When you're in three, bring a lot of shovels.
People are digging into house music even from other genres.
Backhoes can save us a lot of digging. But of course, you can misuse it. — © Geoffrey Hinton
Backhoes can save us a lot of digging. But of course, you can misuse it.
He who thinks he is raising a mound may only in reality be digging a pit.
As a father I can't imagine the pain of digging my own child's grave.
If I were the devil, one of my first aims would be to stop folk from digging into the Bible.
If you can imagine digging into something and trying to fit all the pieces together, that's recruiting for us.
I want to thank you my sweet darling for digging in the mud and picking me up.
It is often to be observed, that as in digging for precious metals in the mines, much earthly rubbish has first to be troublesomely handled and thrown out ; so, in digging in one s soul for the fine gold of genius, much dulness and common-place is first brought to light. Happy would it be, if the man possessed in himself some receptacle for his own rubbish of this sort: but he is like the occupant of a dwelling, whose refuse cannot be clapped into his own cellar, but must be deposited in the street before his own door, for the public functionaries to take care of.
The answer to this riddle has a hole in the middle, And some have been known to fall in it. In tennis it's nothing, but it can be received, And sometimes a person may win it. Though not seen or heard it may be perceived, Like princes or bees it's in clover. The answer to this riddle has a hole in the middle, And without it one cannot start over.
There used to be a huge hole in my life that I wrote many albums about. I didn't realise it was a wife-and-daughter-shaped hole. They've plugged that gap. Everything I do, I do for them now. When daddy goes to work, it's daddy going to work, not Rob going to work. I feel like there's a purpose to everything.
It is wretched business to be digging a well just as thirst is mastering you.
There's a hole in the world like a great black pit and the vermin of the world inhabit it and its morals aren't worth what a pig could spit and it goes by the name of London. At the top of the hole sit the privileged few Making mock of the vermin in the lonely zoo turning beauty to filth and greed... I too have sailed the world and seen its wonders, for the cruelty of men is as wonderous as Peru but there's no place like London!
A banquet is probably the most fatiguing thing in the world except ditch digging. — © Mark Twain
A banquet is probably the most fatiguing thing in the world except ditch digging.
Pray for rain while digging a well.
Writing was like digging coal. I sweat blood. The spell is on me.
We who are interested in relative truth have to keep digging for it and not let ourselves be sucked under.
When you're thirsty, it's too late to think about digging a well.
I was good at digging holes. It was the rest of life I sucked at.
Pleasure and pain at once register upon the lover, inasmuch as the desirability of the love object derives, in part, from its lack. To whom is it lacking? To the lover. If we follow the trajectory of eros we consistently find it tracing out this same route: it moves out from the lover toward the beloved, then ricochets back to the lover himself and the hole in him, unnoticed before. Who is the subject of most love poems? Not the beloved. It is that hole.
I probably sensed the serious formality of the ceremonies and felt what others were feeling then. Looking back, I'd guess that it had opened up a gaping hole in my psyche. In the process of creating art, I might be trying to fill that hole, or to reduce its depth, or to make it feel less hollow. I think that making art could have helped from that moment on.
First law on holes - when you're in one, stop digging!
You don't become an 'artist' unless you've got something missing somewhere. Blaise Pascal called it a God-shaped hole. Everyone's got one but some are blacker and wider than others. It's a feeling of being abandoned,cut adrift in space and time-sometimes following the loss of a loved one. You can never completely fill that hole-you can try with songs,family,faith and by living a full life...but when things are silent, you can still hear the hissing of what's missing.
Keep digging your well. Water is there somewhere.
I met my fathers in prison, they too a part of a scene; digging death.
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