Top 1200 Short Period Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Short Period quotes.
Last updated on September 20, 2024.
The one you can get mad at only for a short period because you have important stuff to tell them.
There has never been an unexpectedly short debugging period in the history of computers.
I really like the city of Vienna. I like its art, its music and its architecture. In short, I like the culture that Vienna represents. What really captures me is the period around 1900 - the time of Freud, Schnitzler and Klimt. This is the period in which the modern view of mind was born.
I've seen Congress do some remarkable things within a short period of time. — © Anthony Foxx
I've seen Congress do some remarkable things within a short period of time.
If you have a lot of short-term debt, it means that all of that money can be demanded in a very short period of time. Technically, short-term debt means money that's coming due within a year. Typically, it means money that's coming due within 30 to 90 days.
We should perceive that man's period of historical existence, a period so short that his physical constitution has not been altered in the slightest degree, is insufficient to allow of any considerable mental change.
You want to achieve the most you can in the short period you have in your career as a professional footballer.
We're here for such a short period of time.
You can feel better about yourself in a very short period of time depending on the kind of magic that you are doing.
Baseball is a game of averages, but over a short period of time, to have a little luck going is not a bad thing.
If you're young enough, any kind of writing you do for a short period of time is a marvelous apprenticeship.
This mortal probation is a brief period-just a short span, linking the eternity of the past with the eternity of the future. Yet it was to be a period of tremendous importance. It is, in fact, the most vital period of our entire eternal existence. In this mortal state we come face to face with innumerable temptations and pressures. Sometimes we come in contact with advocates of wrongdoing, disobedience, and sin. Lucifer is going about tempting those who can be tempted to see if he can lead them astray.
It's very exciting to go from a short to the opening night film within a three year period.
A lot of the state-sponsored growth in India was just too fast. You went from cradle to Nirvana in a short period of time. — © Jerry A. Webman
A lot of the state-sponsored growth in India was just too fast. You went from cradle to Nirvana in a short period of time.
When you sit, you've put a place on the island of the tonal for the possibility of your thoughts stopping for a short period of time.
Life is just a short period of time in which you are alive.
Songs give you incredible opportunity to convey a tremendous amount in a relatively short period of time.
Having a child is a big life change, but the really hectic period is relatively short. You can get through it.
He'll learn that many women can satisfy for a short period of time, but when he falls in love, only one will sustain him forever.
I never heard so much content in so short a period.
Twitter lets me hear from a lot of people in a very short period of time.
I had abandoned Catholicism, but even during my short militant atheist period I maintained an interest in western religious art and music.
I think the advantage we had with "MacGruber" is the speed we had to put it together. We had a such a short period to write the movie and such a post-[production] period, it was almost like the way that the show worked, where everything is happening so fast you have to go with your gut.
Humans more easily remember or learn items when they are studied a few times over a long period of time (spaced presentation), rather than studied repeatedly in a short period of time.
In space for a short time, I think most people could survive that. If you're sending an average person who's healthy for a short period of time, I think that's quite doable.
Nationalism is like alcoholism: a short period of exaltation followed by a long period of headaches.
You can't do good work on a short-term contract. You need to be engaged over a period of time.
You do a film for a short time period - you put it all out there and move on.
Basketball is a short period of time, and you've got to take advantage of it.
I think that for the next short period of time, our No. 1 priority is Congress needs to do its work and extend the payroll tax cut.
Honeymoon: A short period of doting between dating and debting.
Problems of 35 years cannot be resolved in a short period of time.
For us, there is no such thing as failure. You can't miss a deadline; you can't come up short on an assignment. You have to perform, period.
Sleep deprivation over quite a short period of time can make you paranoid.
It was just a very short period of time that I had a brief marriage.
I knew that I'd be able to climb the mountain, but in such a short period? I didn't think so. I mean, 'SmackDown Live' is the land of opportunity, and I'm a living proof of that.
We had to get on food stamps for a short period of time, so I understand the need for those.
Without a doubt, rowing is the hardest thing you can attempt to learn in a short period of time.
I love experiencing other people's realities, seeing the world through their eyes for a short period of time. — © Josh Lucas
I love experiencing other people's realities, seeing the world through their eyes for a short period of time.
Fantasies were safe. It was a break from reality. A chance to act on desires for a short period of time.
You have to be very productive in order to become excellent. You have to go through a poor period and a mediocre period, and then you move into your excellent period. It may be very well be that some of you have done quite a bit of writing already. You maybe ready to move into your good period and your excellent period. But you shouldn't be surprised if it becomes a very long process.
The average mutual fund holding period for equity or fixed income is only about three years. It's too short.
We're only on the earth for a short period of time. Movies aren't enough. I want to take my success and parlay it into something bigger and better.
I have had a strong and a long relationship on national security, I've been involved in every national crisis that this nation has faced since Beirut, I understand the issues, I understand and appreciate the enormity of the challenge we face from radical Islamic extremism. I am prepared. I am prepared. I need no on-the-job training. I wasn't a mayor for a short period of time. I wasn't a governor for a short period of time.
You do a movie. However long it lasts, it begins and it ends in a relatively short period of time. In a given period of time, let's say a year, you can have three, four, or five different experiences which is exciting.
Mortality is, in reality, a very, very short period. It is literally a snap of the fingers compared to an eternity. It is so short that we can do it. We can prevail. Why, you can stand your foot in a vise for a while if you know it's going to be released soon. Yes, earthly probation is short compared to eternity, but so very much is riding on how we handle the trials and temptations of the flesh.
I like the idea that I can make a big difference to a startup in a short period of time.
You can write when you're dyslexic, you just can't read it. But I started writing short stories as a child and I found the short story format a real nice one. I love short stories and I love short documentaries or short films of any kind.
There's never been a presidency that's done so much in such a short period of time, and we haven't even started the big work yet. — © Donald Trump
There's never been a presidency that's done so much in such a short period of time, and we haven't even started the big work yet.
I'm very proud of my work at Watford in what has been a short period.
Only God knows why I didn't make it with the Mets, but yes, in a short period of time, I got the opportunity with the Phillies.
Initially let your food do the talking. You'll be surprised how far you go in a short period of time.
In a very short period of time, actors can become kind of relevant and hot.
We lost three very young, very talented drivers in a really short time and that had a lot of influence, too. Certainly Dale's death was a huge smack in the face to everybody, but all those deaths in such a short period of time was awful. It forced people to look at it and say, 'Hey, this isn't a coincidence. There's something going on'.
When I was younger, playing piano and guitar were all things that I wanted to do for a short period of time, like any kid.
We tend to overestimate what we can do in a short period, and underestimate what we can do over a long period.
The genius of Republican liberty, seems to demand on one side, not only that all power should be derived from the people; but, that those entrusted with it should be kept in dependence on the people, by a short duration of their appointments; and, that, even during this short period, the trust should be placed not in a few, but in a number of hands.
Sometimes doing a movie for a short period of time is better than committing eight months to a television show.
In order to be in control, you have to have a definite plan for at least a reasonable period of time. So how, may I ask, can man be in control if he can't even draw up a plan for a ridiculously short period of time, say, a thousand years, and is, moreover, unable to ensure his own safety for even the next day?
Prose cannot compete with the economy of poetry, the ability to have a full artistic experience in a short period of time.
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