Top 1200 Large-Scale Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Large-Scale quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
Anything you build on a large scale or with intense passion invites chaos.
Longing on a large scale makes history.
Scale is a mental - you can say that a lounger has scale, a building has scale, or an object has scale, or a page, or whatever if it's just right. A scale is a relationship to the object and the space surrounding it. And that dialogue could be music, or it could be just noise. And that is why it is so important, the sense of scale.
Scale is of prime importance and I think that oversized scale is better than undersized scale. — © Nancy Lancaster
Scale is of prime importance and I think that oversized scale is better than undersized scale.
The very large units of production and exchange have access to credit on a large scale, sometimes without any cover at all, merely upon the prospect of their success, and always upon terms far easier than are open to their smaller rivals. It is perhaps on this line of easier credit that large capital today does most harm to small capital, drives it out and ruins it.
Everything that can be found in the universe on a large scale is reflected in a human being on a small scale.
If you do not look at things on a large scale, it will be difficult to master strategy.
Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have sparked a booming industry of so-called influencers - people with large-scale followings who are paid considerable sums by large companies to tout their products or ideas.
That was the most exciting period, I think: at first, when you get the success on that really large scale.
Woman is, by habit or nature, queen of the household. She is not designed to organize on a large scale.
I loved doing 'Rock of Ages' in N.Y. and that, but its such a large scale, and so many things go into it.
When e-commerce companies build scale, cost comes down. Companies that can handle scale and reduce costs over time will win. Margins will come from reducing costs over time and not by increasing prices. Technology is the answer at large scale.
I'm grasping with how you do something on a large scale with multiple operations and not have quality decrease.
The most remarkable feature about the magnitude scale was that it worked at all and that it could be extended on a worldwide basis. It was originally envisaged as a rather rough-and-ready procedure by which we could grade earthquakes. We would have been happy if we could have assigned just three categories, large, medium, and small; the point is, we wanted to avoid personal judgments. It actually turned out to be quite a finely tuned scale.
'Clothespin' was the first city monument on a large scale that could compete with the architecture around it. — © Claes Oldenburg
'Clothespin' was the first city monument on a large scale that could compete with the architecture around it.
The drive to scale in almost every endeavor. The British went very large scale in ship building and a few other industries. Their steel plants were bigger and much more advanced than ours after the Civil War, but we had blown past them by the mid-80s.
Kotter International is about leading large-scale change, not just managing it.
America's development began with a large-scale ethnic cleansing, unprecedented in human history.
All necessary measures shall be taken to encourage and stimulate immigration of Jews into Palestine on a large scale.
The breadth and scale of the capabilities we provide end-to-end across strategy, consulting, digital, technology, and operations are absolutely unique in the marketplace. And this is why Accenture remains the partner of choice for the world's leading companies in executing large-scale transformation programs.
Geoengineering means changing the Earth's fundamental large-scale processes.
I believe that the only true agents of change on a large scale, in this country or anywhere, are young people.
There does seem to be a sense in which physics has gone beyond what human intuition can understand. We shouldn't be too surprised about that because we're evolved to understand things that move at a medium pace at a medium scale. We can't cope with the very tiny scale of quantum physics or the very large scale of relativity.
... placing economic activity in the context of the whole earth requires attention to the question of scale. Bigger is obviously not better, so the optimum scale of human economy in relation to the total economy becomes basically a question of sustainability. When the effects of the economy on the environment undercut the possibility of its own continuance, the scale is too large.
Given the scale of the ecological crisis we are facing this is the appropriate scale of expansion. Occupying the streets to bring about change as our ancestors have done before us. Only this kind of large-scale economic disruption can rapidly bring the government to the table to discuss our demands. We are prepared to risk it all for our futures.
The observation that money changes induce output changes in the same direction receives confirmation in some data sets but is hard to see in others. Large-scale reductions in money growth can be associated with large-scale depressions or, if carried out in the form of a credible reform, with no depression at all.
We're hoping that there is large-scale recognition that CTE is a risk when playing football.
From building a fire one can learn something about artistic composition. If you use only small kindling and large logs, the fire will quickly eat up the small pieces but will not become strong enough to attack the large ones. You must supply a scale of sizes from the smallest to the largest. The human eye also will not make its way into a painting or building unless a continuum of shapes leads from the small to the large, from the large to the small.
'Ides of March' I did for scale - scale as a director, scale as an actor, scale as a writer.
The main source of my income is through the commissions of the large-scale works and big sculptures, the projects.
With things that I'm going through, whether they be on a small scale or a large scale, I'm thinking, 'Who else is going through this? And how can I address it and bring it to light to help someone else?'
One should do what one is best at on as large a scale as possible.
If the Government gets into business on any large scale, we soon find that the beneficiaries attempt to play a large part in the control. While in theory it is to serve the public, in practice it will be very largely serving private interests. It comes to be regarded as a species of government favor and those who are the most adroit get the larger part of it.
Industrialisation only can generate large-scale employment.
The very idea of a bird is a symbol and a suggestion to the poet. A bird seems to be at the top of the scale, so vehement and intense is his life, large-brained, large-lunged, hot, ecstatic, his frame charged with buoyancy and his heart with song.
Is an intelligent human being likely to be much more than a large-scale manufacturer of misunderstanding?
The total number of Dirichlet's publications is not large: jewels are not weighed on a grocery scale.
Science fiction has these obsessions with certain sciences - large scale engineering, neuroscience.
Evolution on the large scale unfolds, like much of human history, as a succession of dynasties. — © Edmund Beecher Wilson
Evolution on the large scale unfolds, like much of human history, as a succession of dynasties.
History is neither more nor less than biography on a large scale.
If you paint a building shocking pink, that has no scale, it is just a huge mistake, but it's not in the scale of the city to have things like that. You know. So, not only because it's not appropriate, not only because it's offensive to the environment, I mean but among them also because that quantity of that color in the urban scale, is out of scale.
Large-scale philanthropy, based in the private - not the public - sector, is a relatively recent historical development.
Indeed, linear extrapolations make no large-scale sense in a universe that has spatial and temporal curvature.
Large-scale public projects require the agreement of large numbers of people.
In the charitable world, I find myself giving to large projects that I think can make a large-scale impact.
The cost of building large airships can be prohibitive. The entry barrier is considerable and could be a show-stopper for large-scale projects.
We control the world basically because we are the only animals that can cooperate flexibly in very large numbers. And if you examine any large-scale human cooperation, you will always find that it is based on some fiction like the nation, like money, like human rights.
That is one trouble about trading on a large scale.You cannot sneak out as you can when you pike along.
War is the slaughter of human beings, temporarily regarded as enemies, on as large a scale as possible.
We need to confront honestly the issue of scale... You may need a large corporation to run an airline or to manufacture cars, but you don't need a large corporation to raise a chicken or a hog. You don't need a large corporation to process local food or local timber and market it locally.
Planets were very large places, on any scale but that of the spaces in between them. — © Ursula K. Le Guin
Planets were very large places, on any scale but that of the spaces in between them.
The effect of boredom on a large scale in history is underestimated. It is a main cause of revolutions.
Modi's impact on Punjab is zero because of large-scale corruption.
Anything is grand if it's done on a large enough scale.
Out of some persistent sense of large-scale ruin, we kept inventing hope.
The frontiers of science, on the very small scale and very large scale, require large investments and international effort.
The emergence of a unified cognitive moment relies on the coordination of scattered mosaics of functionally specialized brain regions. Here we review the mechanisms of large-scale integration that counterbalance the distributed anatomical and functional organization of brain activity to enable the emergence of coherent behaviour and cognition. Although the mechanisms involved in large-scale integration are still largely unknown, we argue that the most plausible candidate is the formation of dynamic links mediated by synchrony over multiple frequency bands.
The detection of gravitational waves is truly a triumph of modern large-scale experimental physics.
I was born behind the Iron Curtain, and I remember heated discussions about large-scale terra-forming projects, such as reversing the direction of the river Ob or putting up large reflectors into space to heat up Siberia.
As humanity goes online, it's becoming an extremely advanced, large-scale processing unit.
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