Top 1200 Love Unconditionally Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Love Unconditionally quotes.
Last updated on October 21, 2024.
While I am a convinced pacifist there are circumstances in which I believe the use of force is appropriate - namely, in the face of an enemy unconditionally bent on destroying me and my people.
By regarding ourselves with kindness, we begin to dissolve the identity of an isolated, deficient self. This creates the grounds for including others in an unconditionally loving heart.
Honesty before God requires the most fundamental risk of faith we can take: the risk that God is good, that God does love us unconditionally. It is in taking this risk that we rediscover our dignity. To bring the truth of ourselves, just as we are, to God, just as God is, is the most dignified thing we can do in this life.
There is within each one of us a potential for goodness beyond our imagining; for giving which seeks no reward; for listening without judgment; for loving unconditionally.
The meaning of self-esteem is to feel lovable and capable. As parents, we must love our children unconditionally and give them a sense of being nurtured. That's the lovable part. Then, we must provide structure - rules, boundaries, daily or weekly household tasks that give them a sense they are making a contribution. That's what helps kids grow up feeling capable.
We are to extend forgiveness to others in the same way that God did to us: Unconditionally. — © David Jeremiah
We are to extend forgiveness to others in the same way that God did to us: Unconditionally.
There is some pressure when you are a woman doing what I do that you must support all other women unconditionally, no matter what they're projecting, or writing, or producing, or putting forth as their art. I think that's equally arbitrary and random and unfair, and kind of sexist. The secretly sexist way. I have really high standards for what I think is funny. I have that for everything, and I think it would be disingenuous of me to blanket-ly love everything a woman has produced simply to make a statement that we're all in this together.
Reflecting back on my childhood, I know it wasn't functional. I was very unconditionally loved and accepted, I felt, by my father.
Peace we achieve When we do not expect anything From the world, But only give, give, and give Unconditionally What we have and what we are.
I want to tell you about a woman I have been married to for ten years, my wife, Ann, who speaking truthfully, saved me from myself. Who saved me from destroying myself because of my background. Who saved me from wasting my life, drinking my life away, never fulfilling my dreams because of what I had come from, and truly believing and loving - truly the first person to ever truthfully, unconditionally love me.
Germany has concluded a Non-Aggression Pact with Poland. We shall adhere to it unconditionally. We recognize Poland as the home of a great and nationally conscious people.
Almost no germ is unconditionally dangerous to man; its disease-producing ability depends upon the body's resistance.
I'm sure as an infant, no matter what I looked like, I felt like the most loved kid getting those massages. So I really think that was a big part of my growing and my brain developing. Most of all however, I think it was the love that was given to me unconditionally and I felt that my whole life. It certainly wasn't that my parents always liked what I was doing, even my becoming a doctor, my father preferred I went into business so he could help me, but I wanted to be a doctor.
All Party organizations should maintain implementing the Party's lines and policies as the major line of Party work, and carry every one of them to completion unconditionally.
Love. How do we define this word? We love our family. We love food. We love the weather. We love our shoes. Love that music. Love someone's work. Love a movie. Love a celebrity. Love that time in life. Love love love!
As for gays, the church needs to be more loving, unconditionally, and willing to see these people as human beings, to minister to them and try to understand.
What does the gay movement mean when it says tolerance?...It means absolutely unconditionally accepting it as perfectly normal, healthy, natural and something that should be integrated into every part of society.
We will unconditionally worship Rahul Dravid and Sachin Tendulkar, partly because we approve of their well-mannered modesty. They are non-threatening, good hearted blokes - the boys we take home to Momma.
I don't think international cinema is ready to embrace mainstream Indian cinema unconditionally. Even Mira Nair's 'Monsoon Wedding' didn't get to the Oscars after being nominated for the Golden Globe Awards.
Mom is the most unconditionally loving person I will ever know, and she has always supported me on every level. — © Rashida Jones
Mom is the most unconditionally loving person I will ever know, and she has always supported me on every level.
The goal of pacifism is possible only though a supranational organization. To stand unconditionally for this cause is the criterion of true pacifism.
To be shaken out of the ruts of ordinary perception, to be shown for a few timeless hours the outer and the inner world, not as they appear to an animal obsessed with words and notions, but as they are apprehended, directly and unconditionally, by Mind at Large-This is the experience of inestimable value to everyone.
History has never been dominated by majorities, but only by dedicated minorities who stand unconditionally on their faith.
We all enter the world with fairly simple needs: to be protected, to be nurtured, to be loved unconditionally, and to belong.
I get people to truly accept themselves unconditionally, whether or not their therapist or anyone loves them.
The only answer to fear is faith in God, knowing He loves you unconditionally and individually.
When I came out, everybody in my life that said they loved me unconditionally turned around and said, 'Never mind!'
Let's get real: would any American president seriously open up their borders unconditionally to Mexico as the U.K. has done to the whole of the E.U.? No chance.
While I unconditionally support the First Amendment, inciting violence against others due to their political affiliation is not constitutionally protected speech.
Prosecution I have managed to avoid; but I have been arrested, charged in a police court, have refused to be bound over, and thereupon have been unconditionally released - to my great regret; for I have always wanted to know what going to prison was like.
I've discovered new parts of my manhood, places I couldn't get to without loving someone else unconditionally and putting others before myself.
I have read true piety defined as: loving one’s destiny unconditionally – and there is something in it. That is to say: I think that in a way this sort of “religiousness” is the condition for real happiness.
The thing about being a parent it puts priorities in order. Thank God, you're not totally focused on yourself anymore. You get to put your energy out, as opposed to worrying all the time about your own stuff. It's such a relief, but when you think about it, it's like an extension of you. It's like a safer way; you feel less indulgent about it, but they are extensions of yourself, and I think you're freer to love them so unconditionally. That, we're not able to do with our own selves.
We all learned valuable lessons from that crop. The Lord showed us the importance of walking by faith, and not by sight, of trusting him unconditionally and never giving up.
Any situation that pushes our buttons is a situation where we don't yet have the capacity to be unconditionally loving.
genius accepts genius unconditionally
You may be good, but what are you good for? You've got to be good for something. You've got to be about some project, some task that requires you to be humble and obedient to the universal principles of service. You've got to live a life of complete and total integrity in order to give this kind of service. This integrity enables you to love other people unconditionally, to be courageous and kind at the same time, because you have integratedness inside your own soul.
Music like religion, unconditionally brings in its train all the moral virtues to the heart it enters, even though that heart is not in the least worthy.
It will be admitted on all hands, that with the exception of the powers surrendered by the Constitution of the United States, the people of the several States are absolutely and unconditionally sovereign within their respective territories.
People win medals in all shapes and sizes! And I can't help but say that finding a fiance who loves me unconditionally at any size has played a huge role in my body confidence.
Every market has some rules and boundaries that restrict freedom of choice. A market looks free only because we so unconditionally accept its underlying restrictions that we fail to see them.
I'm so lucky to have such a great family. I respect them so much professionally, and they've been unconditionally supportive in the choices that I've made. It's been very good having them on my side.
I love the '40s. I love the '50s. I love the style, I love the clothes. I love how the women looked. I love the dances. I love the music. I love the amber of the light. I'm just in love with the cars. I'm in love with all of it.
Imagine the world we would live in if we dared to see all of life as sacred - unconditionally. — © Stephanie Dowrick
Imagine the world we would live in if we dared to see all of life as sacred - unconditionally.
Everyone should unconditionally accept that Israel is an indispensable element of the Middle Eastern mosaic.
The splendor of a human heart that trusts it is loved unconditionally gives God more pleasure than Westminster Cathedral, the Sistine Chapel, Beethoven’s “Ninth Symphony”, Van Gogh’s “Sunflowers”, the sight of 10,000 butterflies in flight, or the scent of a million orchids in bloom. Trust is our gift back to God, and he finds it so enchanting that Jesus died for love of it.
I had to constantly try and fit in it and it really exhausted and tired me. I don't regret it because that was my learning to learn to come to this point of loving myself unconditionally.
Minnie loves everyone, unconditionally. That's the way she sees the world, which is probably one of the reasons she is as popular as she is.
My philosophy when it came to pets was much like that of having children: You got what you got, and you loved them unconditionally regardless of whatever their personalities or flaws turned out to be.
I repeat my demand that the occupier leave the land of our beloved Iraq unconditionally, without retaining bases or signing agreements.
Nothing makes me want to obey more than knowing that God unconditionally loves me and forgives me even when I disobey.
There are few relationships that give as unconditionally as food. I have opened and shut down restaurants and slept on the streets, but I have always bounced back because my belief in the relationship has been strong.
My theory is that one needs to be loved completely, unconditionally, and unfettered by parental disapproval, if one is to get happily through life which, after all, presents its own hurdles.
God loves you unconditionally, as you are and not as you should be, because nobody is as they should be.
The direction of all economic affairs is in the market society a task of the entrepreneurs. Theirs is the control of production. They are at the helm and steer the ship. A superficial observer would believe that they are supreme. But they are not. They are bound to obey unconditionally the captain's orders.
Socialism and interventionism.  Both have in common the goal of subordinating the individual unconditionally to the state. — © Ludwig von Mises
Socialism and interventionism. Both have in common the goal of subordinating the individual unconditionally to the state.
Don't worry about your future. God knows you completely, accepts you unconditionally and loves you wholeheartedly. You can trust Him.
It's not our job to play judge and jury, to determine who is worthy of our kindness and who is not. We just need to be kind, unconditionally and without ulterior motive, even - or rather, especially - when we'd prefer not to be.
God accepts us unconditionally, and in his view we are all precious and priceless. Focus on this and you will not waste any time and effort trying to be someone you're not.
I basically raised her. Ariana and I are 10 years apart, and she grew up with a really gay brother who just loves her unconditionally, and it's reciprocated.
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