Top 1200 Wise Decision Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Wise Decision quotes.
Last updated on October 17, 2024.
The man who walks with wise men becomes wise himself.
No one in my family had ever done anything acting-wise or entertainment industry-wise.
We can learn much from wise words, little from wisecracks, and less from wise guys. — © William Arthur Ward
We can learn much from wise words, little from wisecracks, and less from wise guys.
None of us was born knowing or wise; but men become wise by consideration, observation, experience.
O' youth do not disobey the words of the wise. Its better than fortune if the wise-one gives you advice.
A film, I feel, is a state of mind. A film eventually comes from an idea: based on an idea, you make a decision, and once you make the decision, you keep comparing everything to that, but don't question the decision itself.
The difference between a 'wise guy' and a wise man is plenty!
Every man wishes to be wise, and they who cannot be wise are almost always cunning.
In most movies, they show you somebody who is perfect looks-wise, and skills-wise, and the movie doesn't give you a choice.
History never recorded this phrase: 'The Mass of Wise.' Because the wise is not too abundant to form masses!
We have no words for speaking of wisdom to the stupid. He who understands the wise is wise already.
In New Mexico, my local church did a nativity play, and I was cast as Wise Man #3. Of course, Wise Man #3 had no damn lines. Wise Man #1 had all the lines! I stood there thinking, 'I could do that role so much better!' From that moment on, I knew I wanted to be an actor.
If you obsess over whether you are making the right decision, you are basically assuming that the universe will reward you for one thing and punish you for another. The universe has no fixed agenda. Once you make any decision, it works around that decision. There is no right or wrong, only a series of possibilities that shift with each thought, feeling, and action that you experience.
Decision is the spark that ignites action. Until a decision is made nothing happens. — © Wilferd Peterson
Decision is the spark that ignites action. Until a decision is made nothing happens.
Moderately wise each one should be, Not overwise, for a wise man's heart Is seldom glad (Norse Wisdom)
They're mutually incompatible I feel; being a wise thief and a wise father.
My decision was, and the decision of the different institutions, and the decision of the different officials in Syria - I'm on top of them - was to have dialogue, to fight terrorists, and to reform as a response at the very beginning, response to the allegations, let's say, at that time, that they needed reform in Syria, we responded.
Wise men are not wise at all hours, and will speak five times from their taste or their humor, to once from their reason.
If you ever make a decision that doesn't put the kids first, it is the wrong decision.
Lots of old people don't become wise, but you don't get wise unless you age.
The wise man must be wise before, not after, the event.
Every leader has the courage to make decisions. No decision is usually the worst decision.
The only real difference between a wise man and a fool, Moore knew, was that the wise man tended to make more serious mistakes—and only because no one trusted a fool with really crucial decisions; only the wise had the opportunity to lose battles, or nations.
When you realize that your history books and your science books and your literature books are not the result of experts sitting down and making it a wise decision, but of political pressure groups coming to the state textbook hearings, this is wrong.
I always tell people when it's time to make a decision to stay or go [at a job], if it's a difficult decision, you should stay. If it's an easy decision, you should go.
A wise man once said that a person is known by the company he keeps, but could then also add that the character of the company is known by the people it keeps for the longest days, especially at the strategic decision making level.
Where wise actions are the fruit of life, wise discourse is the pollination.
He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.
To the wise man, to the wise nation, the mistakes of the past are the torches of the present.
So, it was a tough decision to leave Facebook, but it was definitely the right decision. I haven't regretted it at all.
If thou desire to be held wise, be so wise as to hold thy tongue.
Advice is a dangerous gift, even from the wise to the wise, and all courses may run ill.
The wise people are in New York because the foolish went there first, that's the way the wise men make a living.
To be wise doesn't always mean to have a wrinkled face and sparkly eyes. To be wise means to be still inside.
Being a senior doesn't automatically make one wise but the wise & foolish alike have things to teach us.
Better a good decision quickly than the best decision too late.
Let men be wise by instinct if they can, but when this fails be wise by good advice.
By associating with wise people you will become wise yourself. — © Menander
By associating with wise people you will become wise yourself.
Everything begins with a decision. Then, we have to manage that decision for the rest of your life.
Many would be wise if they did not think themselves wise.
Other than my marriage, the decision to get a Ph.D. was probably the best decision of my life.
The decision is 'trust fund' versus 'no more Medicaid' - and that shouldn't be a tough decision.
If you don't make a decision about how you are going to live, then you have already made a decision, haven't you?
In Korea, the director has the final word. If the director makes a decision, that decision is final. In Hollywood, every decision needs to go through the producer, the studio, and sometimes even the main actor. There is a certain procedure that needs to be followed.
It comes down to your decision-making and obviously you can get better and better as a decision-maker as you play, and get reps and go through experiences and learn but football's the same as life, you got to be a great decision maker to have success.
On an important decision one rarely has 100% of the information needed for a good decision no matter how much one spends or how long one waits. And, if one waits too long, he has a different problem and has to start all over. This is the terrible dilemma of the hesitant decision maker.
If you young fellows were wise, the devil couldn't do anything to you, but since you aren't wise, you need us who are old.
There's no greater sign of being a poor philosopher and wise man than wanting all of life to be wise and philosophical.
What is a decision? It's a tool to remove confusion! Are you confused? If so, then make the decision and let's move on! — © Brian Valentine
What is a decision? It's a tool to remove confusion! Are you confused? If so, then make the decision and let's move on!
Almost every wise saying has an opposite one, no less wise, to balance it.
Do something today you've been afraid to do. A decision based on fear is the wrong decision.
When team members openly and passionately share their opinions about a decision, they don't wonder whether anyone is holding back. Then, when the leader has to step in and make a decision because there is no easy consensus, team members will accept that decision because they know that their ideas were heard and considered.
One is more apt to become wise by doing fool things than by reading wise sayings.
I'm going forward with my plans for life. I'm looking at things not only basketball-wise, but personal-wise.
My decision to start a new one is just that, a decision, since I never get inspirations.
If an important decision is to be made, they [the Persians] discuss the question when they are drunk, and the following day the master of the house where the discussion was held submits their decision for reconsideration when they are sober. If they still approve it, it is adopted; if not, it is abandoned. Conversely, any decision they make when they are sober, is reconsidered afterwards when they are drunk.
Friendship of the wise is good; a wise enemy is better than a foolish friend.
Almost any decision is better than no decision -- just keep moving.
In the West the wise are usually thought of as leaders. In the East, the wise are very often though of as followers.
One wise decision I made was buying a plot of land with planning permission in Richmond, and building my own five-bedroom home on it. I sold three years after I completed the building and more than doubled my money. I like Richmond and always have my eyes open for other properties in the area.
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