Top 113 Appoint Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Appoint quotes.
Last updated on October 1, 2024.
Selectors can't please everyone, but I am OK if they are working for the benefit of Indian cricket. It's an administrative decision to appoint a selection committee, and I would like to let them do their job.
I believe we should appoint a cabinet-level position that will be solely and fully devoted to ending poverty as we know it in America.
I appoint the laziest person to do the hardest job as they'll find the easiest way to do it — © Bill Gates
I appoint the laziest person to do the hardest job as they'll find the easiest way to do it
When I was appointed deputy president, I accepted it, and it is the president's prerogative to appoint or remove anyone to the Executive.
I was very proud, on just my second day in office, to appoint a gender-balanced cabinet - one of only three in the developed world.
If I resign any time this year, he [President Obama] could not successfully appoint anyone I would like to see in the court. ... [A]nybody who thinks that if I step down, Obama could appoint someone like me, they're misguided.
I will appoint captains to rule my cities, for it is in the compelling zest of high adventure and of victory, and in creative action, that man finds his supreme joys.
If you see a snake, just kill it - don't appoint a committee on snakes.
The time frame is very small to disarm the militia, to bring about a security situation in which the governing council, the 24 Iraqis or however many others they appoint, can govern the country.
Would Jove appoint some flower to reign, in matchless beauty on the plain, the Rose (mankind will all agree). The Rose the queen of flowers should be.
You don't expect to get the letter saying, Her Majesty would like to appoint you Knight Commander of the British Empire! It was just a completely overwhelming and exciting day.
Ok to appoint atheists or agnostics-no litmus test of faith.
I would appoint judges that interpreted the Constitution rather than invented it, understood the difference between being a judge and being a legislator.
President Obama has two years left as president. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets to appoint two new Kardashian husbands. — © David Letterman
President Obama has two years left as president. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets to appoint two new Kardashian husbands.
The standard rumor at the time was that Rumsfeld, as chief of staff, had persuaded President Ford to appoint George H.W. Bush as director of Central Intelligence, assuming that that got rid of a potential competitor for the presidency.
Great God of the Ants, thou hast granted victory to thy servants. I appoint thee honorary Colonel.
I will work with local police and appoint the best prosecutors and federal investigators, whose mission will be to ensure every American is safe.
[Donald Trump] will appoint an attorney general, who will send very clear messages about how law enforcement is to be pursued in this country.
Let us die as soon as possible, and by whatever process God shall appoint. And when we are dead to the world, and nature, and self, we shall begin to live to God.
Lovers are angry, reconciled, entreat, thank, appoint, and finally speak all things, by their.
I will appoint an attorney general who will reform the Department of Justice like it was necessary after Watergate.
We ought not to forget that the government, through all its departments, judicial as well as others, is administered by delegated and responsible agents; and that the power which really controls, ultimately, all the movements, is not in the agents, but those who elect or appoint them.
We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.
We are going to appoint justices ­­ this is the best way to help the Second Amendment. We are going to appoint justices that will feel very strongly about the Second Amendment, that will not do damage to the Second Amendment.
What's next? Shall we appoint elephants to teach zoology?
When you appoint someone, you appoint somebody because of their character, their convictions, their abilities. And not because you have a belief, a confidence, in a foreordained outcome in any given decision.
I don't want to call it audacity, it's too good a term, to appoint Jefferson Beauregard Sessions as attorney general should damn well be respectful of John Lewis.
Every time I appoint someone to a vacant position, I make a hundred unhappy and one ungrateful.
In their nomination to office they will not appoint to the exercise of authority as to a pitiful job, but as to a holy function.
Donald Trump's insulting comments about women go hand in hand with his plans to defund Planned Parenthood and appoint Supreme Court justices who will end legal abortion.
I've come to feel very strongly, not as a joke, that if you appoint a committee of more than four people, their efficiency starts to deteriorate.
Congress seems drugged and inert most of the time... its idea of meeting a problem is to hold hearings or, in extreme cases, to appoint a commission.
If our system of cabinet government is to work effectively, the prime minister of the day must appoint ministers he or she trusts and then leave them to carry out that policy.
The unemployment numbers are down to the lowest in 25 years.... The principle credit goes to Janet Reno, who continued to appoint special prosecutors.
In the absolute majority of western democracies - elected officials are the ones who appoint the highest bench in the judicial system. There is no reason for us to lag behind.
Let me burn out for God. After all, whatever God may appoint, prayer is the great thing. Oh, that I might be a man of prayer!
The Constitution gives the president the power to appoint, upon the advice and consent of a majority of the Senate, and it plainly does not give a minority of senators any right to interfere with that process.
I'm a Christian woman, but I believe in human rights. I do not go into people's bedrooms. I appoint people based on their capabilities, not their sexual orientation.
Most people in Washington assumed if Obama made it to the White House he would appoint Biden as his secretary of state, a position Biden openly admitted he wanted. — © Richard Grenell
Most people in Washington assumed if Obama made it to the White House he would appoint Biden as his secretary of state, a position Biden openly admitted he wanted.
Like the other Republican candidates, Mr. Trump is pro-life, pro-marriage and will appoint conservatives to the courts.
If people want to change the law, they should vote so that we can appoint pro-life judges. I believe the law should be changed.
I don't think that a Justice should have uppermost in her mind, 'A Democratic president appointed me, so I must leave to be sure that another Democratic president can appoint my successor.'
In appointing someone to serve on the Alabama Supreme Court, it is imperative to appoint someone with impeccable legal credentials and with unquestioned character and integrity - Judge Brad Mendheim exceeds those requirements.
I think there is a need to have more women running companies, but you can't... appoint women just to appoint women, just to satisfy a particular condition. What you want more than anything is to develop women in the organisation who will, when they get to the top, be fully capable of delivering and doing the job effectively.
I feel that the justices that I am going to appoint - and I've named 20 of them - the justices that I'm going to appoint will be pro-life. They will have a conservative bent. They will be protecting the Second Amendment. They are great scholars in all cases, and they're people of tremendous respect. They will interpret the Constitution the way the founders wanted it interpreted. And I believe that's very, very important.
If Donald Trump is president, he will appoint liberals.
What I don't like is judges legislating from the bench. And as president of the United States, I will appoint justices who uphold the Constitution and who don't see themselves as a super legislature.
My decision to appoint an inspector is not taken lightly. I hope it sends a strong signal that robust processes are in place to investigate allegations of failures in financial management and governance in local government.
As president, I will appoint tough, independent authorities to strengthen anti-trust enforcement and really scrutinize mergers and acquisitions, so the big don't keep getting bigger and bigger.
I would first recommend we appoint a Police Director that commands the respect of the rank and file. — © Vincent Frank
I would first recommend we appoint a Police Director that commands the respect of the rank and file.
By twice born men a widow must not be appointed to ,cohabit with any other ,than her husband , for they who appoint ,her to another ,man , will violate the eternal law.
This is a true story. The day after Reagan won, I was walking into the courthouse when someone said that they'd bet Reagan would appoint me U.S. attorney.
If an incompetent chieftain is removed, seldom do we appoint his highest-ranking subordinate to his place
I don't think we should have justices appointed that decide what they want to hear. It's all about the Constitution the way it was meant to be. And those are the people that I will appoint.
Michael Moore put out a tweet. He said tell your senators and house members now, you want them to cease all business until they appoint a special committee on [Donald] Trump and the Russians.
As Governor I, and my office, have the responsibility to appoint members to various boards and commissions; this executive order ensures that we will no longer appoint registered lobbyists to those positions.
When the going gets tough in Washington, presidents appoint 'blue ribbon' commissions.
We're going to appoint great justices to the United States Supreme Court to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States.
I went along with it, and wanted to appoint a significant figure in Malcolm Fraser. I didn't have high hopes that they'd be able to do anything, but something was worth a try.
President Obama. He is the man. I've tried the rest, and he is the best. My dream is for him to appoint me to be the Secretary of Humor. My first act will be to make whatever Larry the Cable Guy is doing illegal.
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