Top 298 Resembles Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Resembles quotes.
Last updated on September 29, 2024.
History often resembles myth, because they are both ultimately of the same stuff.
Develop a mind so filled with love that it resembles space.
Galactica' resembles 'Bonanza' because it's all theater. — © Lorne Greene
Galactica' resembles 'Bonanza' because it's all theater.
The world resembles a stage on which every man is playing a part.
Nothing resembles a person as much as the way he dies.
A feeling of sadness and longing, That is not akin to pain, And resembles sorrow only As the mist resembles the rain.
COMMENDATION n. The tribute that we pay to achievements that resembles but do not equal our own.
Nothing so resembles a daub as a masterpiece.
Evil is everywhere. But to believe that this is a country that resembles the Jim Crow-era is ludicrous and disingenuous.
WFMU is so experimental that you can go hours without hearing something that resembles an actual song.
Thinking very often resembles napping, but the intent is different. --Stephanie Plum
My nickname in college was talentless midget who has a lazy eye is missing teeth resembles a shaved troll doll because I'm a talentless midget who has a lazy eye is missing teeth resembles a shaved troll dol
I have a birthmark on the inside of my left knee that resembles an upside-down sea horse. — © Gabourey Sidibe
I have a birthmark on the inside of my left knee that resembles an upside-down sea horse.
The supposition that the future resembles the past, is not founded on arguments of any kind, but is derived entirely from habit.
Focus group research has created a composite No-Man who resembles no-one anyone has ever met.
I'm into weird kind of, anything that resembles magical realism.
An American presidential campaign resembles a forced march through enemy country.
The corporation, like the psychopathic personality it resembles, is programmed to exploit others for profit.
Life resembles Gobelin tapestry; you do not see the canvass on the right side; but when you turn it, the threads are visible.
He who has dreamed for long resembles his dream.
Admiration: Our feeling of delight that another person resembles us.
Only thought can resemble. It resembles by being what it sees, hears, or knows; it becomes what the world offers it.
... Nothing resembles reality less than the photograph. Nothing resembles substance less than its shadow. To convey the meaning of something substantial you have to use not a shadow but a sign, not the limitation but the image. The image is a new and different reality, and of course it does not convey an impression of some object, but the mind of the subject; and that is something else again.
Like Rousseau, whom he resembles even more than he resembles Voltaire, Shaw never gave a social form to his assertiveness, never desired to arrive and to assimilate himself, or wield authority as of right.
Dementia resembles delirium in the same way an ultra-marathon resembles a dash across the street. Same basic components, vastly different scale. If you've run delirium's course once or twice in your life, try to imagine a version that never ends.
If the birth of a genius resembles that of an idiot, the end of a Havana Corona resembles that of a 5-cent cigar.
I have put many elements in 'Sanam Re' which resembles my personal life.
If there's somewhere that in no way resembles Eastern Europe, it's Australia.
I need Christ, not something that resembles Him.
Linnea.... A plant of Lapland, lowly, insignificant, disregarded, flowering but for a brief space - from Linnaeus who resembles it.
The act of love strongly resembles torture or surgery.
The emotional state that leads to achievements resembles that of a worshiper or the lover.
If we are to judge of love by its consequences, it more nearly resembles hatred than friendship.
The sound of the harpsichord resembles that of a bird-cage played with toasting-forks.
Writing a novel resembles a journey with only the sketchiest of maps.
Christianity was preached by ignorant men and believed by servants, and that is why it resembles nothing ever known.
If there is such a thing as a good marriage, it is because it resembles friendship rather than love.
A man of feeble character resembles a reed that bends with every gust of wind. — © Magha
A man of feeble character resembles a reed that bends with every gust of wind.
He that can live alone resembles the brute beast in nothing, the sage in much, and God in everything.
The government increasingly resembles somebody who is trying to give the kiss of life to a corpse.
Artificial inflation of stocks must be considered a crime as serious as counterfeiting, which it closely resembles.
The sun of a prince's good graces resembles that in the skies in that it shines most kindly upon the blackest people.
That prudery which survives youth and beauty resembles a scarecrow left in the fields after harvest.
Good music resembles something. It resembles the composer.
The Yankee: In acuteness and perseverance, he resembles the Scotch. In frugal neatness, he resembles the Dutch. But in truth, a Yankee is nothing else on earth but himself.
The novel is perhaps the highest art form because it so closely resembles life: it is about human relationships. It's technique, page by page, resembles our technique of living day by day-a way of relating.
Nothing resembles selfishness more closely than self-respect
If we judge love by most of its effects, it resembles rather hatred than affection. — © Francois de La Rochefoucauld
If we judge love by most of its effects, it resembles rather hatred than affection.
Without doubt the striker who resembles me the most is Alberto Gilardino, but also Paloschi.
Caribbean reality resembles the wildest imagination.
Wit resembles a coquette; those who the most eagerly run after it are the least favored.
It's amazing how much 'mature wisdom' resembles being too tired.
Genius unrefined resembles a flash of lightning, but wisdom is like the sun.
I am bored in France because everyone resembles Voltaire.
Moderation resembles temperance. We are not so unwilling to eat more, as afraid of doing ourselves harm by it.
The past resembles the future more than one drop of water resembles another.
Nothing resembles pride so much as discouragement.
A pig resembles a saint in that he is more honored after death than during his lifetime.
The heart that is generous and kind most resembles God.
In the whole range of human activities, war most closely resembles a game of cards.
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