Top 1200 Enjoying The Moment Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Enjoying The Moment quotes.
Last updated on October 6, 2024.
It is not done to let anybody be too happy. The moment two people seem to be enjoying one another's company, a good hostess introduces a third element or removes the first.
If you miss one moment of enjoying your own life and relationships because you're trying to punish someone else, the bad guy wins.
I have finally become a husband and I am genuinely enjoying every moment of it. — © Akshay Kumar
I have finally become a husband and I am genuinely enjoying every moment of it.
The good guest is almost invisible, enjoying him or herself, communing with fellow guests, and, most of all, enjoying the generous hospitality of the hosts.
I'm enjoying the struggle, and I'm enjoying how I'm able to grow and really learn from it every single day.
I would definitely write to the kid that I was before, to embrace the moment. I think that often times when you're coming of age or growing up you look forward and you work really hard instead of sitting back and relaxing and enjoying the moment.
I'm dating somebody. I am enjoying it very much, and having a really nice time at the moment. I'm very happy.
I'm not pushing myself forward in denial of the moment. I'm pushing myself forward and enjoying every moment voraciously. I'm thinking about the next thing but not at the expense of the present.
I find that every day is not about where I'll be tomorrow, but it's about what I'm doing today and staying in the moment. By doing that, I'm truly enjoying all of my todays.
They were enjoying the happy hour that seldom comes but once in any life, the magical moment which bestows youth on the old, beauty on the plain, wealth on the poor, and gives human hearts a foretaste of heaven.
When I came here in 2008, nobody knew who I was. I didn't know who I was. I was just enjoying the moment and I won. So, now, coming back being the person I am with all the accomplishments, it kind of puts things in perspective.
I'm enjoying my years, I'm enjoying my life, I'm enjoying my family. I'm just happy - a happy person.
Maybe sometimes I don't look like that I'm really enjoying being on the court and playing tennis, but inside, I'm really enjoying it.
And now the moment. Such a moment has a peculiar character. It is brief and temporal indeed, like every moment; it is transient as all moments are; it is past, like every moment in the next moment. And yet it is decisive, and filled with the eternal. Such a moment ought to have a distinctive name; let us call it the Fullness of Time.
Today was not about times, it was about getting in there, enjoying the race, and enjoying the atmosphere
At the moment I'm enjoying a new challenge at the Royal Opera House, but I'm also keen to pursue my interest in television and particularly in science.
I'm enjoying my retirement, enjoying my life. I have two kids and a lot of my time is spent chasing these two animals.
I think anyone's success depends on working hard, Industriousness and Enthusiasm, enjoying what you are doing. You can't work your best if you're not enjoying what you are doing. No way you can force yourself to.
I am just a person who is human, down to earth enjoying life... whatever god blesses you with. Enjoying life for me is just normal.
I'm talking about enjoying and finding pleasure and interest and happiness and curiosity every moment. — © Valerie Harper
I'm talking about enjoying and finding pleasure and interest and happiness and curiosity every moment.
Enjoying the least things - a chill glass of water, a moment of play with the cat, the sight of sunlight caught in the frost spangling the locust twigs - is a form of prayer.
I'm really, really enjoying myself, I seem to have a lot of purpose in my life. I'm enjoying what I'm doing, you know, and people are liking it. So, it's great, you know.
Americans often have trouble enjoying the present moment.
There are essentially two main reasons to hold a phone up at a show. First, to capture a memory for yourself, a reminder of the moment you're enjoying. And second, to share that moment with someone - to express your emotions socially. Both seem perfectly legitimate to me.
At the moment, I'm enjoying John Grisham quite a bit.
If I wake up in the night terrified, I try to find a way to not let the fear have me. Every moment you spend in fear of cancer is a moment you've wasted enjoying life. Replace that fear - get in the moment and enjoy it.
I'd tell myself to not feel pressure about time, that every moment you invest on watching, exploring, studying and enjoying what you love to do, that all becomes part of becoming what you want to be.
My goal is go out, try and be an entertainer, try to have the best match I can but be smart about it. If people are enjoying it, enjoying what I'm doing, then that's awesome because I'm enjoying what I'm doing, and I'm very passionate about what I'm doing.
The best gift we can have is living in the present moment and really enjoying it for what it is; and, not being in our heads and getting sidetracked.
I am just a person who is human, down to earth enjoying life.. whatever god blesses you with. Enjoying life for me is just normal.
As long as you are enjoying your wrestling and enjoying what you are doing, that's all that really matters.
I'm doing it by enjoying what I do in the gym, really enjoying my foods.
Next to enjoying ourselves, the next greatest pleasure consists in preventing others from enjoying themselves, or, more generally, in the acquisition of power.
Befriending Pro Bowlers and future Hall of Famers is pretty cool, but I'm just enjoying the ride, looking at every day in the NFL as a memorable moment.
I think I'm teaching my teammates that they can still be successful while having fun and enjoying the moment rather than being a stone cold brick.
I think I am difficult to satisfy, because when I win something, I'm already thinking about the next step, and that is maybe a problem for me. I'm not enjoying the moment. I'm already on the mission to win the next trophy.
God has to let you be there, and then you just have to have good fortune for whatever reason. I'm enjoying every moment of my life. We are so fortunate just to be alive.
This is the first time in 10 years I don't know what I'm doing next, and I'm rather enjoying it. Soon I'll be climbing the walls no doubt, but right now, it's not clear, I'm just enjoying the freedom.
I remember in grade school having a group of friends and enjoying that sense of community, enjoying living in an imaginary world that wasn't just by yourself or your sibling but a whole group of people.
This is the first time in 10 years I don't know what I'm doing next and I'm rather enjoying it. Soon I'll be climbing the walls no doubt, but right now, it's not clear, I'm just enjoying the freedom.
It's funny, because '1600 Penn' was the first time I really started to read the reviews, because I am an executive producer and I wanted to see what people were enjoying and not enjoying as a means to an end, right?
It is our great collective misfortune that the scientific community made its decisive diagnosis of the climate threat at the precise moment when an elite minority was enjoying more unfettered political, cultural, and intellectual power than at any point since the 1920s.
I'm not reading any kind of fantasy [for young adults] or Hunger Games or anything like that. It's more just like geeks with crushes. It's very sweet, and I'm enjoying how honest they are, and I'm enjoying the humanity in them.
Wonder blasts the soul - that is, the spiritual - and the skeleton, the body - the material. Wonder interprets life through the eyes of eternity while enjoying the moment, but never lets the moment's revision exhaust the eternal.
I'm just enjoying my life at the moment. — © Eric Cantona
I'm just enjoying my life at the moment.
I'm not qualified to do anything else. So there better be another job. I'm kind of stuck now. I'm enjoying my life and I'm enjoying my work, and I'm enjoying the fact that the work I'm doing is garnering some interest and that's great. I just hope that it continues.
When I try to appreciate something, it feels like my hands are around the moment, trying to squeeze it. It's when you really release yourself of the responsibility to be enjoying things that you actually do.
I'm enjoying the Premier League; I'm enjoying playing for Southampton - I love the club, and I love the supporters.
You take yourself out of the moment and knock yourself off balance when you judge and think about what you are doing, rather than experiencing and enjoying what you are doing.
I am really not looking further than my next trip. I'm enjoying being in the moment.
I haven't really made plans for the future; I'm just enjoying the moment, going with the flow. I haven't really had time to mortify myself thinking about the future.
The constant nagging in your mind of undone things pulls you out of the present--tethers you to a mind-set of the future so that you're never fully in the moment and enjoying what's now.
I can't tell you how much I enjoy being single. I am enjoying it every moment, every second.
It's a fine balance for an athlete in enjoying the moment and being really satisfied, say, with a run, and with your day, and knowing you can make it better in the future.
I can't pretend to be enjoying this. I can't pretend I'm enjoying going out there and playing this style. — © Tiffeny Milbrett
I can't pretend to be enjoying this. I can't pretend I'm enjoying going out there and playing this style.
I think, as a lot of kids, I had a dream to play Major League Baseball, but I think I was pretty good about enjoying the moment, enjoying my high school years, enjoying my time in college and not looking too far ahead, and just appreciating where I was at the time.
The key to enjoying the moment is to always carry a list of "Things I Gotta Do That Can Wait.
As the time goes by, you change, your learn new things, your attitude is different. For the moment, I'm still enjoying ski racing so much that it would be difficult for me to think about ending my career.
We're enjoying sluggish times, and not enjoying them very much.
I'm either enjoying myself or I'm not. And if I'm not enjoying myself, something's gone terribly wrong.
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