Top 1200 Real Women Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Real Women quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
The real motivation of the campaign to criminalize abortion is to establish the principles that women's bodies belong to the state and that women bear the responsibility for sex.
Women are the real reason we get up every day. I'm talking about real men. If there were no women, I would not even have to bathe, because why would I care? These are guys I'm hanging with. I wake up for a woman every day of my life to make it happen for her.
My goal is to help women learn to walk out their lives with real faith in a real Jesus who changes real lives forever. — © Cynthia Garrett
My goal is to help women learn to walk out their lives with real faith in a real Jesus who changes real lives forever.
Women's Day Women are the real architects of society.
I try to write about real women, real people - in other words flawed characters.
I don't think that most women have to prove that they're real women. You live long enough, you graduate to being real.
Real change will come when powerful women are less of an exception. It is easy to dislike senior women because there are so few.
The reason I became an actress is because I wanted my acting to reflect life as it is. I want to put truth on the screen. I want real women to see real women on the screen.
Women's Liberation calls it enslavement but the real truth about the sexual revolution is that it has made of sex an almost chaotically limitless and therefore unmanageable realm in the life of women.
A lot of actresses are doing incredible work right now, playing real women, complicated women. I don't feel despairing at all. And I'm more looking with hope for something fascinating.
Most women in pageants love the actual pageant - the competition, the show. They don't understand that it is actually a real job that you are paid a real salary for.
There could be a powerful international women's rights movement if only philanthropists would donate as much to real women as to paintings and sculptures of women.
'That's What She Said' is not Hollywood's standard picture of women: preternaturally gorgeous, wedding obsessed, boy crazy, fashion focused, sexed up 'girl' women. These are real women, comically portrayed, who are trying to wrestle with the very expectations of womanhood that Hollywood movies set up.
Women were real box office stars in the '40s, more so than men. People loved to see women's films. I think it was better then, except for the studio system. — © Gwyneth Paltrow
Women were real box office stars in the '40s, more so than men. People loved to see women's films. I think it was better then, except for the studio system.
In those days spirits were brave, the stakes were high, men were real men, women were real women and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were real small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri.
Among the real heroines in the world who will come into the Church are women who are more concerned with being righteous than with being selfish. These real heroines have true humility, which places a higher value on integrity than on visibility. Remember, it is as wrong to do things just to be seen of women as it is to do things to be seen of men. Great women and men are always more anxious to serve than to have dominion.
Women must do a better job of supporting each other. However, real change will happen when both men and women unite to demand diversity.
When I'm working in the real world with real women and we're shopping, we find that fashion seems to end when you get any larger than a size 12. How ridiculous is that?
Aren't most romance heros, or heros in fiction of any kind, generally superior to real men? Same goes for heroines and real women.
Victoria's Secret should highlight real women that actually purchase their clothing. I would love for them to start featuring more real bodies and diverse women. Victoria's Secret has the ability to tell people, 'It's okay,' when they wake up in the morning. They have the ability to change lives.
I think that women of my generation have had a real need to form networks and friendships because it's been, as they say, a man's world, and women have felt excluded and isolated to a large degree. When women get together in numbers their strength compounds and is seen and felt by themselves and others.
I am able to talk about my life in a way that helps other women - and men, but mostly women - understand their own life. I feel real proud of that.
Here are examples of real women who have done real things: good, bad, and in between. We're expanding not just the definition of the female or feminine hero, but also villains and more complex, nuanced female characters. Too often I hear men say, "I don't know how to write women." Here you go, here are five incredible women you can use to inspire your own stories.
Since we all came from a women, got our name from a women, and our game from a women. I wonder why we take from women, why we rape our women, do we hate our women? I think its time we killed for our women, be real to our women, try to heal our women, cus if we dont we'll have a race of babies that will hate the ladies, who make the babies. And since a man can't make one he has no right to tell a women when and where to create one
Today, despite all of the gains we have made, neither men nor women have real choice. Until women have supportive employers and colleagues as well as partners who share family responsibilities, they don't have real choice. And until men are fully respected for contributing inside the home, they don't have real choice either.
My music is for real women and it's about real women and I am a real woman.
What's surprising to me now is that now that I'm talking to a lot of women about this, so many women are doing this. Straight women, lesbian women, bisexual women, poor women, White women, immigrant women. This does not affect one group.
Women are often written as one thing - the ingenue or the vamp - but real women are many things.
There's not a lot of stories for women told by women in a very real, true voice.
I want to play real people. Real women. I want to be where the fun is - closer to humanity.
People say I'm into black women. Robert De Niro is into black women. I'm just into women who are real, and they happen to be black.
The only women who don't believe that sexual harassment is a real problem in this country are women who have never been in the workplace.
I think most women we go through a stage in relationship, this is men and women where I'm trusting you, but now I got to test it, I have to make sure your the real deal.
There's a difference between hot women and beautiful women. Hot women are everywhere; they abound. They are beautified, not beautiful. Beautiful women, on the other hand, are rare and a real mystery. Hotness speaks to our impulses. Beauty speaks to our imagination.
I've been lucky enough to play lots of real women - flawed, strong, independent women - and I love it.
I think we're in a really interesting moment for women globally just in terms of, like, historically, I think we're in an interesting moment for women. Because, it's important to remember, there have always been funny, funny women. Mae West was real funny. Marilyn Monroe was in one of the greatest comedies, Some Like It Hot, ever made. I mean, it's not like we're lacking. I just think the percentage of women in positions of power in all aspects of our culture is improving and women are standing up and demanding to be heard.
It is unmanly. It is not some expression of macho virtue. It is the absolute antithesis of this. Real men don't bully women and children. Respect for women ... is so important.
Ads featuring real women and real beauty are such a necessary component to offset the potentially dangerous programming out there for little girls. — © Rashida Jones
Ads featuring real women and real beauty are such a necessary component to offset the potentially dangerous programming out there for little girls.
The characters that I want to play are interesting women. I don't care if they're good women or bad women or vulnerable women or women with a lot of faults or women that we dislike intensely who are malicious.
I think that our culture is doing something to women - let's say women in their late 30s and 40s and probably even 50s, - where they really are expected to keep this insane level of fitness and youth. I find that just a real waste of women's lives. I really do think that.
I'm always scared of trends. The runways are always so trend-oriented, but I always feel for the women. The real women that buy cosmetics want to see the trends, but they don't necessarily go for them. And I always encourage women to find what looks best on them.
Marjan. I have told him tales of good women and bad women, strong women and weak women, shy women and bold women, clever women and stupid women, honest women and women who betray. I'm hoping that, by living inside their skins while he hears their stories, he'll understand over time that women are not all this way or that way. I'm hoping he'll look at women as he does at men-that you must judge each of us on her own merits, and not condemn us or exalt us only because we belong to a particular sex.
This is not just about women. We men need to recognize the part we play, too. Real men treat women with the dignity and respect they deserve.
It's really important for women in the public eye to be open - these pop stars who don't look, behave, speak like real women - that's not fair on women. Being real, honest, authentic - too many women in the public eye are afraid to be authentic because they are afraid they will be judged.
I would like to see both parties aggressively compete for the women's vote and talk about what they will do to unleash the economic power of women, to protect women's health, to provide the right policies that provide for real family stability and real family values.
All women are strong, and we don't need to write stronger female roles; what we need to start writing is real women that have emotions and have real-life thoughts.
People should realize women aren't just whores or virgins, I want to see women who are real human beings.
It was really unusual that the crews on 'Spooks' were a real mix of men and women, and you'd struggle to see many women with parts that weren't cliched back in the late '90s.
For women, the need and desire to nurture each other is not pathological but redemptive, and it is within that knowledge that our real power is rediscovered. It is this real connection, which is so feared by a patriarchal world.
I'm very much for helping create women who are going to be successful women. I don't like women who imitate men, who want to emasculate men. I think women should be feminine. That does not mean a 'air-brain' or someone who is not strong. I think real strength is strength of character, not the ability to push everyone around.
I am delighted to be part of this Women's Aid campaign - the statistics are frightening. I've spent time with the victims of these cowardly acts, and it's heartbreaking. Everyday women and children are being abused in their own homes. I am standing up and saying that I am a Real Man, and that violence against women and children has to end.
I have always admired women that have a strong sense of self, complemented by femininity. I especially appreciate the presence of these women in traditionally male-dominated industries, such as real estate.
It takes a real designer to design for real women. — © Leslie Jones
It takes a real designer to design for real women.
I found that the best way to go about [ Black men ] is to produce better men. And I think if we get them at a younger age, and start teaching these young brothers the principles of manhood: That real men go to work everyday; Real men honor God; Real men respect and adore women - that's what real men do.
You've got to remember that men are men and women are women. And although a lot of similarities, there are some real differences.
I was shocked to find out that 1 in 4 women are affected by domestic violence at some point in their lifetime. So many women never tell anyone that they are being abused by their partner. I have joined the 'Real Man' Women's Aid campaign to show that real men don't abuse women and that a real man will always stand up against domestic violence.
It's easy to pretend 'to be fierce and fearless because living your truth takes real courage. Real fearless and fierce women admit mistakes and they work to correct them. We stand up and we use our voices for things other than self promotion. We don't stand by and let racism and sexism and homophobia run rapid on our watch. Real fearless and fierce women complement other women and we recognize and embrace that their shine in no way diminishes our light and that it actually makes our light shine brighter.
Women in general interest me. I like how women are more liable to talk about real things, personal things.
It's easy to make clothes for a model, but when you can put them on real women and real curves, that's the test.
For men to focus on controlling women's reproduction to solve a society's problems seems nothing short of mad or, at best, superstitious. But men's superstition or insanity has real and dire consequences for the women who are its object. And states, too, home in on women's bodies, perhaps to create the illusion that men are in control of uncontrollable forces. Indeed, almost all governments try to control women's bodies and regulate their appearance in some way.
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