Top 1200 Real Talent Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Real Talent quotes.
Last updated on October 5, 2024.
Real talent doesn't always win championships, like real music doesn't always win Grammys.
My real talent was for losing clients.
Nobody has enough talent to live on talent alone. Even when you have talent, a life without work goes nowhere. — © Arsene Wenger
Nobody has enough talent to live on talent alone. Even when you have talent, a life without work goes nowhere.
Maybe if I didn't have the talent in chess I'd find the talent in something else. The only thing I know is that I have talent in chess, and I'm satisfied with that.
What I have noticed which I'm not nuts about that the trend that a lot of shows are hiring the American Idol type of talent without real training and real technique and I think that audiences are smart and sometimes seeing that things are not as high caliber as they were before.
I've met some real talents that were...real talents and I've met some real talents that were incredible people.People like Al Williamson, Gray Morrow, to a certain extent Jim Steranko, who is an institution all to himself. What a talent. What a genius talent.
Again, talent is the real import of being in the business.
Talent! There's no such thing as talent. What they call talent is nothing but the capacity for doing continuous hard work in the right way.
Everybody has talent and it's just a matter of moving around until you've discovered what it is. A talent is a combination of something you love a great deal and something you can lose yourself in - something that you can start at 9 o'clock, look up from your work and it's 10 o'clock at night - and also something that you have a talent, not a talent for, but skills that you have a natural ability to do very well. And usually those two things go together.
Much of the real computer talent today is concentrated in the private sector.
But then if you lied to a man about his talent just because he was sitting across from you, that was the most unforgivable lie of them all, because that was telling him to go on, to continue which was the worst way for a man without real talent to waste his life, finally. But many people did just that, friends and relatives mostly.
Never be frightened by those you assume have more talent than you do, because in the end energy will prevail. My formula is: energy plus talent and you are a king; energy and no talent and you are still a prince; talent and no energy and you are a pauper.
Real talent will get through whatever the obstacles. — © Kim Wilde
Real talent will get through whatever the obstacles.
Obviously you have to have talent in order to play so you can't overlook that, but we won't overlook the character issue when it comes to talent because if they have talent and they don't have character, it's going to be very difficult to coach that person.
The key ingredient is talent - you've got to have talent. If you look at the regular season, they've got the best record in the entire league, so they've got the talent.
Talent? That's not talent. Talent is Liza Minnelli tap dancing and singing at the same time. What I just saw was devastation. Dying man on the cross. Salvation in B minor.
Women have a real talent for bearing up under hard times.
A noble soul and real poetic talent are almost always inseparable.
Talent warms-up the given (as they say in cookery) and makes it apparent; genius brings something new. But our time lets talent pass for genius. They want to abolish the genius, deify the genius, and let talent forge ahead.
Any coach needs talent. You start with talent. Without talent, we're all in the soup.
Real talent is a mystery, and people who've got it, know it.
I say that being a smart writer doesn't make you a good writer. There's obviously a difference between talent and intelligence. And it may be that at some point intelligence begins to impinge on talent, or talent on intelligence.
There are two kinds of talent, man-made talent and God-given talent. With man-made talent you have to work very hard. With God-given talent, you just touch it up once in a while.
I'm all about talent. I love talent and I want to work with as much great talent as possible. My job as editor in chief is making the most of everybody's talent and pulling that together into a format that's even better than an individual.
Many people don't have the ability to be rich, because they're too lazy or they don't have the desire or the stick-to-itiveness. It's a talent. Some people have a talent for piano. Some people have a talent for raising a family. Some people have a talent for golf. I just happen to have a talent for making money.
Money follows art. Money wants what it can't buy. Class and talent. And remember while there's a talent for making money, it takes real talent to know how to spend it.
Real Madrid are always after the best talent.
What motivates me is true talent, it's golden when talent acknowledge talent.
Actors are real. It's a real skill, and it exists, and talent really exists.
The executive female talent gap is real, and that's why it's critical to champion women throughout their careers.
The separation of talent and skill is one of the largest misconceptions in modern society. Talent is something you born with, but skill can only be attained through Hours and Hours of hard work perfecting your talent as a craft. Which is why Talent will fail you without skill.
There's nothing as human as hunger. There's no creation without talent, I give you that, but talent is cheap. Talent goes begging. Hunger is the piston of art.
Because you cannot keep real talent hidden for long.
Talent is to actors what luck is to card players. It's not really anything; it's just a fictitious word that people have created and labeled things. Talent is like, you know, I never really believed in talent, I believed in drive and determination and preparation, but talent is sort of like luck.
nerve, not talent, is the one necessary and sufficient trait for success. (Wouldn't it be ideal if it were talent? But talent with no nerve is like the sound of one hand clapping.
In the contest between talent and hard work as to which is the more important element of success, there's no comparison. A mediocre talent with lots of hard work will go further than a stellar talent who coasts.
In the end it all comes down to talent. You can talk all you want about intangibles, I just don't know what that means. Talent makes winners, not intangibles. Can nice guys win? Sure, nice guys can win - if they're nice guys with a lot of talent. Nice guys with a little talent finish fourth, and nice guys with no talent finish last.
I like talent. I respect talent. I teach talent. — © Roger Ailes
I like talent. I respect talent. I teach talent.
I like to work with really good professional people - anyone with real talent.
We try to cast very real kids who have raw talent.
If it [talent] isn’t strong enough to take the gaff of real training, then it’s not worth much.
Real seriousness in regard to writing being one of the two absolute necessities. The other, unfortunately, is talent.
It can be a real struggle to accept that sometimes appearance can be more important than talent or intelligence.
The talent, including the talent for history - and I do think there are people who just have a talent for it, the way you have a talent for public speaking or music or whatever - it shouldn't be allowed to lie dormant. It should be brought alive.
I like playing a character that admires real musicianship, and real talent and hard work. I think that's a good message for everyone.
I think we judge talent wrong. What do we see as talent? I think I have made the same mistake myself. We judge talent by people's ability to strike a cricket ball. The sweetness, the timing. That's the only thing we see as talent. Things like determination, courage, discipline, temperament, these are also talent.
Talent is to actors what luck is to card players. Its not really anything; its just a fictitious word that people have created and labeled things. Talent is like, you know, I never really believed in talent, I believed in drive and determination and preparation, but talent is sort of like luck.
Any fool can buy talent; only real leaders develop it. — © Margaret Heffernan
Any fool can buy talent; only real leaders develop it.
I really believe you can predict when someone has a great attitude, a real well of talent.
Talent for talent's sake is a bauble and a show. Talent working with joy in the cause of universal truth lifts the possessor to new power as a benefactor.
I didn't have time for talent shows and stuff like that. I was into books and studying real hard.
The truth of the matter is the real industry is in LA and the cream of the talent is there.
There was a perception that reality-show people are just mere personalities, that they don't have real talent, and I worked real hard to change peoples' minds, one show at a time, and proved a lot of people wrong. I'm proud I was the first to do that for 'Idol' on Broadway!
The key is grow your talent, attract talent, and then you'll attract the institutions that want to be around talent - and that, to me, is what we need to do at the national level.
Real talent shines through regardless of how many others there are around you.
The real issue is not talent as an independent element, but talent in relationship to will, desire, and persistence. Talent without these things vanishes and even modest talent with those characteristics grows.
Talent is talent, and everybody knows somebody who has talent or ability, but they never really converted it into a productive performance for whatever reasons.
I can cook really complicated recipes, but it takes a real talent to do the perfect egg.
Practice is a talent. Perseverance is a talent. Hard work is a talent.
Artistic talent is far more common than the talent to nurture artistic talent.
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