Top 143 Unconstitutional Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Unconstitutional quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
When did it become unconstitutional to exclude homosexual couples from marriage? 1791? 1868, when the 14th Amendment was adopted?
Stop-and-frisk was found to be unconstitutional and, in part, because it was ineffective. It did not do what it needed to do.
The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer. — © Henry Kissinger
The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer.
It is surely only a matter of time before some federal judge finds the Constitution unconstitutional.
Rule of law has prevailed over Obama's unconstitutional executive overreach.
It means that we must abandon the method of civil disobedience, non-cooperation and satyagraha. When there was no way left for constitutional methods for achieving economic and social objectives, there was a great deal of justification for unconstitutional methods. But where constitutional methods are open, there can be no justification for these unconstitutional methods. These methods are nothing but the Grammar of Anarchy and the sooner they are abandoned, the better for us.
NATO cannot accept that the unconstitutional coup in Ukraine has not led to the subjugation of the whole Ukrainian nation.
The tenet of the separation of church and state is an unconstitutional doctrine.
Here is a good bill that's needed in America. If it's unconstitutional, let the U.S. Supreme Court reverse its opinion and get in line with New Hampshire and that will make it constitutional.
Legislation that names a specific private organization to defund (rather than all organizations that engage in a particular activity) is improper and arguably unconstitutional.
I'll lift up the good work that is happening and hold officers or departments that engage in unconstitutional policing accountable.
The Supreme Court has made God unconstitutional.
The very idea of marriage is basic to recognition as equals in our society any status short of that is inferior, unjust, and unconstitutional. — © Ted Olson
The very idea of marriage is basic to recognition as equals in our society any status short of that is inferior, unjust, and unconstitutional.
A Supreme Court decision that concessions of this sort were unconstitutional would have taken them off the table and actually increased the effective sovereignty of elected officials.
President Trump's threat to weaponize federal funding is not only unconstitutional but emblematic of the cruelty he seeks to impose on our most vulnerable communities.
The words 'In God WE trust' are not only unconstitutional, they aren't even accurate.
Stop-and-frisk was ruled unconstitutional in New York, because it largely singled out black and Hispanic young men.
I'm sort of suspicious of most economic development projects, but the ones that encourage taxpayer-funded relocation bidding wars should be declared unconstitutional.
The real threat, as seen by the ACLU, is that religious behavior might give secular behavior a bad name, and that is, surely, unconstitutional.
We don't agree with the notion of the government to remove governors. It is unconstitutional.
Respect for sovereignty means to not allow unconstitutional action and coup d'états, the removal of legitimate power.
[Bill] Binney designed ThinThread, an NSA program that used encryption to try to make mass surveillance less objectionable. It would still have been unlawful and unconstitutional.
I think it's unconstitutional on the 10th Amendment front.
I'm opposed to the death penalty not because I think it's unconstitutional per se-although I think it's been applied in ways that are unconstitutional-but it really is a moral view, and that is that the taking of life is not the way to handle even the most significant of crimes...Who amongst anyone is not above redemption? I think we have to be careful in executing final judgment. The one thing my faith teaches me-I don't get to play God. I think you are short-cutting the whole process of redemption...I don't want to be the person that stops that process from taking place.
I thought what the military was doing was unconstitutional.
Obamacare was ruled to be unconstitutional. We've always known that Obamacare was unconstitutional.
Limiting the designation of marriage to a union 'between a man and a woman' is unconstitutional and must be stricken from the statute.
Calls to ban Muslims from entering the US are offensive and unconstitutional.
Banning prayer in school in effect made God unconstitutional.
The 'anchor baby' thing needs to be fixed... Anchor babies are an unconstitutional declaration of citizenship to those born of non-Americans. It's wrong, and it's immoral.
Nonetheless, so whether it's unconstitutional or not [for judges to overruling presidents], I leave to others.
The conditions in the prisons operated by the Mississippi Department of Corrections are absolutely inhumane and unconstitutional.
The very idea of marriage is basic to recognition as equals in our society; any status short of that is inferior, unjust, and unconstitutional.
In an unconstitutional partnership with the state, the church can impose the most irresistible, if covert, controls conceivable.
Police cannot be allowed to continue aggressive, violent, and often unconstitutional policing with impunity.
If the Supreme Court rules that rent control is an unconstitutional taking of property, it would put all sorts of zoning rules in danger.
The first thing [Donald Trump] is going to do is roll back the fiat executive orders that were unconstitutional.
I am opposed to any individual taxes until we eliminate all of the unconstitutional agencies, and I suspect we wouldn't need a tax after that. — © Michael Badnarik
I am opposed to any individual taxes until we eliminate all of the unconstitutional agencies, and I suspect we wouldn't need a tax after that.
We can achieve much more in peace than we can ever achieve in these needless, unconstitutional, undeclared wars.
Congress seems to want to cure every ill known to man except unconstitutional government and high taxes.
Be the responsibility on their heads who raise this novel and extraordinary question of reception, going to the unconstitutional abridgment, as I conceive, of the great right of petition inherent in the People of the United States.
Certainly, the president is expected to safeguard the Constitution by vetoing unconstitutional acts of Congress. This is especially true because many laws can only be brought before the courts in a collateral way, if at all.
The utopian schemes of leveling and a community of goods, are as visionary and impractical as those which vest all property in the crown. These ideas are arbitrary, despotic, and, in our government unconstitutional.
In 1967, in DeKalb v. DeSpain, a court (255 F.Supp. 655. N.D.Ill. 1966.) took a 4-line nursery rhyme used by a K-5 kindergarten class and declared the nursery rhyme unconstitutional. The court explained that although the word 'God' was not contained in this nursery rhyme, if someone were to hear the rhyme, he might think that it was talking about God - and that would be unconstitutional!
You know, we've been right on everything, haven't we? We told people about drones five years ago, didn't we? We told people about the NSA five years ago, didn't we? We told them about indefinite detention. We told them you can't come after the internet, that's unconstitutional. You can't do warrantless searches, that's unconstitutional.
Anything called a "program" is unconstitutional.
You dislike the emancipation proclamation; and, perhaps, would have it retracted. You say it is unconstitutional - I think differently.
Respecting the sovereignty means preventing coups, unconstitutional actions and illegitimate overthrowing of the legitimate government. All these things should be totally prevented.
I am in agreement with income-tax protesters that the tax, as commonly applied, is unconstitutional, unfair, and immoral. — © G. Edward Griffin
I am in agreement with income-tax protesters that the tax, as commonly applied, is unconstitutional, unfair, and immoral.
If you condemn someone who has committed a crime to be tortured, that would be unconstitutional.
I will say this: I've had more pro-life bills, I believe, I ruled unconstitutional - but I tried - than the entire total membership of Congress together.
Invalidating laws has absolutely nothing to do with judicial activism. It depends on whether the law is unconstitutional or not. That's really the key point.
I always worked very hard against the unconstitutional individual mandate in health care. I didn't praise it.
Whether you're gay, straight, you can't tell anybody who to love and who to marry. It's unconstitutional and it's morally wrong.
It is always possible for the court to overreach its proper bounds and perhaps declare a lot of laws unconstitutional and frustrate the will of the majority in a way that it ought not be frustrated.
And what I would say now is, yes, if a state enacted a law permitting flogging, it is immensely stupid, but it is not unconstitutional. A lot of stuff that's stupid is not unconstitutional.
The biggest problem with the deficit is programs that are unconstitutional and wasteful.
In the case Stone v. Graham, the Supreme Court ruled that - under 'separation of church and state' - it was unconstitutional for a student in school to even see a copy of the Ten Commandments.
Comments that suggest that Muslims should be banned from the United States are offensive and unconstitutional.
The layman's constitutional view is that what he likes is constitutional and that which he doesn't like is unconstitutional.
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