Top 1200 New Friendship Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular New Friendship quotes.
Last updated on October 16, 2024.
It is a great folly to be willing to violate the friendship of God, rather than the law of human friendship.
Yet friendship, I believe, is essential to intellectuals. It is probably the growth hormone the mind requires as it begins its activity of producing and exchanging ideas. You can date the evolving life of a mind, like the age of a tree, by the rings of friendship formed by the expanding central trunk. In the course of my history, not love or marriage so much as friendship has promoted growth.
I don't think life offers any greater experience than the joyful sense of recognition when one finds in a new acquaintance a real friend, or when an old relationship deepens into friendship, or when one finds an old friendship intact despite the passage of years and many absences.
Under every friendship there is a difficult sentence that must be said, in order that the friendship can be survived. — © Zadie Smith
Under every friendship there is a difficult sentence that must be said, in order that the friendship can be survived.
In all holiest and most unselfish love, friendship is the purest element of the affection. No love in any relation of life can be at its best if the element of friendship be lacking. And no love can transcend, in its possibilities of noble and ennobling exaltation, a love that is pure friendship.
False friendship, like the ivy, decays and ruins the walls it embraces; but true friendship gives new life and animation to the object it supports.
Friendship above all ties does bind the heart; And faith in friendship is the noblest part.
Of what use the friendliest disposition even, if there are no hours given to Friendship, if it is forever postponed to unimportant duties and relations? Friendship first, Friendship last.
My aim is to create a happy society with genuine friendship. Friendship between Tibetan and Chinese peoples is very essential.
To want friendship is a great fault. Friendship ought to be a gratuitous joy, like the joys afforded by art or life.
In the past, friendship was a huge thing. But it's hard for us to think of friendship as a calling, because it's not a vocation.
What is Friendship, Definition of Friend, True Friendship - All about the meaning of true friends, what friendship means, meaning of friendship bracelets, poems, ring
Do you not know how bashful friendship is? Friends - comrades - do not look at each other. Friendship would be ashamed.
My theme is, 'The spirit of friendship is the balance of life.' Not money. Not the World Series. It's friendship. The relationships I have with people, that's enough to keep me happy.
Drink in the beauty of friendship. In this world of constant change, we need the comfort of friendship more than ever before. — © Susan Jeffers
Drink in the beauty of friendship. In this world of constant change, we need the comfort of friendship more than ever before.
Great power can come from memorizing scriptures. To memorize a scripture is to forge a new friendship. It is like discovering a new individual who can help in time of need, give inspiration and comfort, and be a source of motivation for needed change
There can be no friendship where there is no freedom. Friendship loves a free air, and will not be fenced up in straight and narrow enclosures.
I think the most important feeling in the world is friendship. The friendship between Michiru and Haruka is so strong, that it becomes love.
A friendship has to be cultivated. A friendship you have to give time.
When I was working on my first novel, 'The Quilter's Apprentice,' I knew I wanted to write about friendship, especially women's friendship and how women use friendship to sustain themselves and nurture each other.
Between men and women there is no friendship possible. There is passion, enmity, worship, love, but no friendship.
To be born again is, as it were, to enter upon a new existence, to have a new mind, a new heart, new views, new principles, new tastes, new affections, new likings, new dislikings, new fears, new joys, new sorrows, new love to things once hated, new hatred to things once loved, new thoughts of God, and ourselves, and the world, and the life to come, and salvation.
I want to show a new vector of policy that will be there when I will become a president. And my vector is friendship with America and friendship with European Union.
The other Dons in the room applauded and rose to shake hands with everybody in sight and to congratulate Don Corleone and Don Tattaglia on their new friendship. It was not perhaps the warmest friendship in the world, they would not send each other Christmas gift greetings, but they would not murder each other. That was friendship enough in this world, all that was needed.
Make new friends, but keep the old; Those are silver, these are gold. New-made friendships, like new wine, Age will mellow and refine. Friendships that have stood the test - Time and change - are surely best; Brow may wrinkle, hair grow gray, Friendship never knows decay. For 'mid old friends, tried and true, Once more we our youth renew. But old friends, alas! may die, New friends must their place supply. Cherish friendship in your breast- New is good, but old is best; Make new friends, but keep the old; Those are silver, these are gold.
Friendship's the wine of life: but friendship new... is neither strong nor pure.
A quarrel between friends, when made up, adds a new tie to friendship.
I'm continually astonished with myself how different people bring out things in me that I never knew I had inside me. Each new friendship can make you a new person, because it opens up new doors inside of you.
Friendship is also a vital and wonderful part of courtship and marriage. A relationship between a man and a woman that begins with friendship and then ripens into romance and eventually marriage will usually become an enduring, eternal friendship.
To have a friendship with God, all I really have to do is have a friendship with my Self.
To memorize a scripture is to forge a new friendship.
Most guys I know are assholes. I have some great asshole friends, but that's not the point. Friendship has got nothing to do with that. It's can you hang, can you talk about this without any feeling of distance between you? Friendship is the diminishing of distance between people. That's what friendship is, and to me it's one of the most important things in the world.
Your notions of friendship are new to me; I believe every man is born with his quantum, and he cannot give to one without robbing another. I very well know to whom I would give the first place in my friendship, but they are not in the way, I am condemned to another scene, and therefore I distribute it in pennyworths to those about me, and who displease me least, and should do the same to my fellow prisoners if I were condemned to a jail.
Friendship with a man is friendship with his virtue, and does not admit of assumptions of superiority.
There is no God, but there is certainly a quality I call godliness. It comprises compassion, love, friendship, joy, creativity. It brings you new songs, it brings you new dances. It brings you the truth, and the immersion of you into the truth.
Friendship with a man is friendship with his virtue.
Truth and tears clear the way to a deep and lasting friendship. True friendship is never serene.
The reward of friendship is itself. The man who hopes for anything else does not understand what true friendship is.
Our friendship was based on my payouts. That wasn't a friendship when - as, for example, it's me, my friends, we are friends for many years, and it doesn't matter for me what the position is, where they work; we simply are friends. And with Mr. Berezovsky, our friendship was based on my payoffs.
In politics, there are different categories of friendship. My friendship with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, for example . — © Jean-Claude Juncker
In politics, there are different categories of friendship. My friendship with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, for example .
I define friendship as a bond that transcends all barriers. When you are ready to expect anything and everything from friends, good, bad or ugly... that's what I call true friendship.
I was in high school - and I went to an all-boys Catholic high school, a Jesuit high school, where I was focused on academics and athletics, going to church every Sunday at Little Flower, working on my service projects, and friendship, friendship with my fellow classmates and friendship with girls from the local all-girls Catholic schools.
Friendship that insists upon agreement on all matters is not worth the name. Friendship to be real must ever sustain the weight of honest differences, however sharp they be.
There are three friendships which are advantageous, and three which are injurious. Friendship with the upright; friendship with the sincere; and friendship with the man of much observation: these are advantageous. Friendship with the man of specious airs; friendship with the insinuatingly soft; and friendship with the glib-tongued: these are injurious.
Each new friendship can make you a new person, because it opens up new doors inside of you.
Love is a blazing, crackling, green-wood flame, as much smoke as flame; friendship, married friendship particularly, is a steady,intense, comfortable fire. Love, in courtship, is friendship in hope; in matrimony, friendship upon proof.
We need to build a Biblical friendship, a friendship established on the principles of God's Word.
The sense of traveling this continent, also other continents. The friendship.I would say a non-competitive friendship. That is so amazing to me.
Friendship however is a plant which cannot be forced -- true friendship is no gourd spring up in a night and withering in a day.
The strong bond of friendship is not always a balanced equation; friendship is not always about giving and taking in equal shares. Instead, friendship is grounded in a feeling that you know exactly who will be there for you when you need something, no matter what or when.
Friendship is to be purchased only by friendship. A man may have authority over others, but he can never have their hearts but by giving his own. — © Thomas F. Wilson
Friendship is to be purchased only by friendship. A man may have authority over others, but he can never have their hearts but by giving his own.
Love is friendship set on fire. Hate is friendship burned.
Friendship is the complete explanation of what a Cheetah Girl is - if you have that true friendship, you can conquer anything you want.
Thy friendship oft has made my heart to ache: do be my enemy for friendship's sake.
As widowers proverbially marry again, so a man with the habit of friendship always finds new friends.
Most friendship groups will have someone who starts a new relationship, and you just don't see them for four months. And that's always kind of sad, almost like an inverted break up. I guess the ideal situation is that whoever the new partner is can be subsumed into the friendship group.
While friendship itself has an air of eternity about it, seeming to transcend all natural limits, there is hardly any emotion so utterly at the mercy of time. We form friendships, and grow out of them. It might almost be said that we cannot retain the faculty of friendship unless we are continually making new friends.
I think about my best friendship - which the Marnie-Hannah friendship in Girls is based on - as like a great romance of my young life.
My view is that friendship permeates human life and is involved in almost everything we think, feel, and do. For that very reason, there is no behavior that is characteristic of friendship. Two people can engage in the very same behavior - visiting someone in hospital, for example - and yet only one of them might be doing so out of friendship; moreover, friends can be doing absolutely anything together, even quarrel or fight. That means that it is difficult, if not impossible, to recognize a friendship simply on the basis of what people do.
We inspire friendship in men when we have contracted friendship with the gods.
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