Top 1200 Huge Part Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Huge Part quotes.
Last updated on September 20, 2024.
I like to laze around. I think that's a huge part of creativity. You have to let your mind relax and then another part of your brain suddenly connects with the solution you're trying to find.
From the age of four, I was a huge comic fan and still am. When Lost in Space came along it was like being in a huge comic so we jumped at the chance of being part of that project and it proved to be a good choice.
My heritage is a huge part of everything I do; it is, after all, part of what has made me who I am. — © John Rocha
My heritage is a huge part of everything I do; it is, after all, part of what has made me who I am.
That's one of the nice things. I mean, part of the beauty of me is that I'm very rich. So if I need $600 million, I can put $600 million myself. That's a huge advantage. I must tell you, that's a huge advantage over the other candidates.
Led Zeppelin is part of my life, a huge part, that I enjoy immensely. But I don't want people to think this is all that I do. There is a creative side to my brain that needs to be fed, too.
All roads seem to have come back to Doctor Who in our life. But, no, it was a huge part of my growing up. I was a massive fan and it certainly inspired me to get into acting and to be ... one of those people that tells stories on TV. That was a huge part of my childhood.
I'm a huge, huge fan of Blu-ray. I think the picture and the sound quality is just such a massive improvement, and I think for movies like 'Event Horizon,' where the image is a key part of that film, and also the sound, as well, in any scary movie is an important element.
Atlanta is a huge part of the music scene and a large part of Hollywood now.
I think the locker room is a huge part of the football team and often is a part thats overlooked. The chemistry in your locker room has a lot to do with how youre going to go out there and perform.
I know for me, music was the best drug for anxiety. So that's why I wanted to write the music that I do, because it always suits my anxiety. It's a huge part of my life, and being able to make music that can help people with their anxiety is a huge thing for me.
'Boom Bang a Bang' was a huge part of me, maybe a part that I didn't relish, and there might be psychological reasons for that - I was a child being made to do things I didn't want to do. I was perhaps an elitist, a bit of a snob.
Music has been a huge part of my life, and I feel like it's a part of everyone's.
Great actors are people who just meld into the part without calling attention to the fact that they are so-and-so doing this part. They may never become huge stars, but will always, in memory, stay respected actors.
Where you come from is such a huge part of who you are today. — © Deborah Ann Woll
Where you come from is such a huge part of who you are today.
It's a huge challenge, a huge responsibility. Bond is a huge iconic figure in movie history. These opportunities don't come along very often so I thought, 'Why not?'
Even though I felt, at times, 'My goodness, you're among the upper echelon,' there is still a huge void there. A huge void. It is about self-esteem. That's a thing that has always been a real complex part of my life.
There are two worlds here in the U.S., especially here in Los Angeles. All the Latinos have watched my shows for 30 years, but Americans haven't seen them. So I am living in this world where I am a huge star for part of the population and a nobody to the other part.
I'm a huge, huge, huge fan of Steve Carrell and Tina Fey for years.
Religion has been a huge part of my life.
A huge part of my life as an actor has revolved around fashion and beauty - just by default. It's such a big part of the business.
Dancing was a big part of my life, but I would never consider myself a dancer. I adore singing, and music has always been a huge part of my life, but I also enjoy acting.
Podcasting - it's a huge, huge thing now. 'The Fighter and the Kid' and the 'Big Brown Breakdown' reaches more people than a lot of shows on networks right now as far as television goes. It's such a loyal fan base, and I know my boxing. I'm really into it. I'm really honored to be a part of something like this. I feel like a glitch in 'The Matrix.'
My mom is my manager and handles day-to-day business to keep the DeGarmo machine up and running! She's a huge, huge part of my career and my life.
Role-playing games have been a huge part of my life and a huge part of my training as a performer - learning social skills, meeting friends, and being a generally competent person - so I owe a lot to role-playing games.
Technology is a huge part of our lives and it's only a matter of time that it becomes a part of every corner of your home, even part of something like furniture.
Improv is such a huge part of my background, and a huge part of character discovery is really being inside the character and trying to think through them without the limitations of the script.
The family you were raised in, the time period you were born in, and the part of the country you're in absolutely shape your view on sex, which shapes a huge part of anybody's personality.
I'm so excited to be a Coppertone brand ambassador because as an athlete, taking care of my body is a huge part of my job, and sunscreen is a vital part of that.
I listen to music because that's such a huge part of my process; not to sound super pretentious, but that's a big part of what helps me get in character.
Luck was a huge part of the Netflix story.
Seriously, I don't find not being able to hear an obstacle or a boundary. For me, and for many of us, it is an advantage, and it's a part of my identity, in fact. It's a huge part of who I am.
Music is obviously a huge part of the Marley family identity. But that music is part of a larger idea - love.
I am a huge, huge, huge fan of index funds. They are the investor’s best friend and Wall Street’s worst nightmare.
I've got nothing against big-budget values. I mean, I was very proud of 'The Avengers,' the part that I played in it, albeit a small one. It was thrilling to be part of it. But it's so huge that you can never really wrap your mind around it.
I am thrilled to be taking part in 'Hogfather.' I am a huge fan of Terry Pratchett's books, and to play the part of Albert is going to be great fun.
Meditation is a huge part of my life. And prayer.
Sports have always been a huge part of my life and my conversations. It is a thrill and an honor to be a part of this ground-breaking show. I am a competitor at heart, but a true sports fan to my core.
We're absolutely American and distinctly so, I think. That's part of what people respond to outside of this country, part of the reason that we're such a huge band outside of the U.S., where we're not so popular now as we were 10 or 12 years ago.
Fashion is a huge part of my life. — © Jay Sean
Fashion is a huge part of my life.
The things I learned early on from my granddad, the things he instilled in me, are still to this day a huge part and a huge priority of my own life. Even the little stuff like my granddad always telling me to tuck in my shirt at church. It sticks with you.
Boom Bang a Bang was a huge part of me, maybe a part that I didnt relish, and there might be psychological reasons for that - I was a child being made to do things I didnt want to do. I was perhaps an elitist, a bit of a snob.
It's been a long struggle. But we've made huge progress. I mean, when I started at Berkeley, women weren't allowed to be part of the band. No women were allowed into the male faculty club. I mean, I was there. I remember that! The worlds were so divided. So the change has been huge.
The Sunni Arabs began to realize that they had made a huge mistake by not voting in the election of 2005 and by not being part of the new Iraq. They had reasons for this: They were effected by the disestablishment of the military and by de-Baathification (the dismantling of Saddam Hussein's party) in winter 2007-2007. They increasingly recognized that their future lay in being part of the solution rather than a continuing part of the problem.
I'm a very big believer that the reason you've seen this huge surge in superheroes both on television and in film is...part of it of course is zeitgeist. There's no denying that there's a huge appetite on the part of the audience in both TV and film for these kind of adventures.
I have speakers all over my house because music is such a huge, huge part of who I am.
I think everything's a part and parcel of being in this profession, rejection being a huge, huge part of it, and I can't tell you how grateful I am for all those rejections because one thing that I understand is that you have to be really, really strong headed, you have to be very level headed, If you want to be in this industry.
A huge part of my identity is being a woman, and that's really important for me, and that's a big part of my self-expression, so I think it's really interesting sort of exploring what it means if someone doesn't have that.
Ronda Rousey has done... she was a huge part of the women's revolution all over the world and part of the WWE, and now she's coming to WWE. It's going to be absolutely amazing.
My kids are a huge part of my life. — © Andrea Leadsom
My kids are a huge part of my life.
Oh, my father's had a huge, immense impact on my career. I grew up on movie sets that he was working on, and it just become a part or was a part, was the only part of my life because I spent my whole childhood traveling and being on film sets.
My friends are a huge part of my inspiration.
I never want to forget that I'm doing an impossible thing. How rare is it that you get to be part of something people love? It's really special. It's a very out-of-body experience to be a part of something so huge.
Art and music is part of what it means to be a human being. And if you're neglecting that, you're basically ignoring a huge side of the brain and a huge side of what it means to be human.
I've got nothing against big-budget values. I mean, I was very proud of The Avengers, the part that I played in it, albeit a small one. It was thrilling to be part of it. But it's so huge that you can never really wrap your mind around it.
Summerslam was a huge part of my childhood.
Queen Latifah has been a huge part of my career. She has been a huge, huge part of my career since the very beginning.
Appa is a huge part of my life and he will always be an important part of it.
Reading is such a huge part of my life.
She's very active. My mom is my manager and handles day-to-day business to keep the DeGarmo machine up and running! She's a huge, huge part of my career and my life.
Tea is a huge part of my life.
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