Top 1200 Staying Together Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Staying Together quotes.
Last updated on October 16, 2024.
For me, staying in place might mean staying with my own thoughts, even if the body keeps traveling. I might be experiencing new things, but I'm also here, with myself.
Ability gets you so far, but having bottle and staying strong when you're getting pounded, staying in a game, that's a mental quality.
Staying together is a challenge. We all have to accept qualities in other people that aren't always exactly what we want or need. — © Jack Nicholson
Staying together is a challenge. We all have to accept qualities in other people that aren't always exactly what we want or need.
One thing I'm not going to do is chase staying alive. You spend so much time chasing staying alive, you won't live.
A family's love is often the best medicine, and in difficult times, I believe that our military families deserve the option of staying together.
It's about just staying fit, staying strong and staying ready.
I get sick of that old rationalization, "We're staying together because of the children." Kids couldn't be more miserable living with parents who can't stand each other. They're far better off if there's an honest, clean divorce.
I believe in everyone staying as they are, and when you meld together, you get something more accurate and democratic.
I remember, when Paul Collingwood first came into the dressing room, we did everything together. We practised together, trained together, had dinner together; we batted together and did well in games together - we were thick as thieves. When he got established, he just binned me.
Staying grounded, eating healthy, doing yoga, staying out of the sun to protect my skin - I think that the daily decisions we make to protect our bodies are the best ways we can care for them.
When I look at my parents I'm like, 'This is easy. Staying together for 35 years? How hard is that?' They're like, 'Very hard.
It's time to hand back responsibility for being an adult to everyone in the situation. You're not helping anybody by staying in a romantic relationship that isn't good for you or staying in a work relationship that sucks or staying in a friendship where you hate the other person. That's not helping anyone.
I don't believe in this fairy tale of staying together for ever. Ten years with somebody is enough. In ten years, you can give a lot of love. — © Jim Carrey
I don't believe in this fairy tale of staying together for ever. Ten years with somebody is enough. In ten years, you can give a lot of love.
What was your greatest challenge? Staying alive as a business, staying ahead of the game, and melding my business life with my personal life.
People get so trapped by their technology now. Real life is so much better. I love talking with my mother and father. We really enjoy staying in and making a meal together. I'm very close with all four of my older sisters as well.
It's not so much staying alive, it's staying human that's important. What counts is that we don't betray each other.
We walk together, we move together, we think together, we resolve together, and together we take this country forward.
It's hard for two actors to be together. Take the traveling, for instance. It winds up being a long distance relationship, all the time, because one’s working here and one’s working there, or one’s staying at home and one’s off someplace else.
My Carmen," I said (I used to call her that sometimes) "we shall leave this raw sore town as soon as you get out of bed." "... Because, really," I continued, "there is no point in staying here." "There is no point in staying anywhere," said Lolita.
Research shows that couples who have a lot of similarities, including intellectual compatibility, end up staying together.
Let us learn together and laugh together and work together and pray together, confident that in the end we will triumph together in the right.
When I came back from filming 'Abduction', I told my agent: I'm staying in London now. If it takes doing children's theater from the back of a van in Kilburn, that's OK. I need to be with my family. My job is to keep the family together and provide for them.
"We're staying together," he promised. "You're not getting away from me. Never again."
I know it starts at home, but all families are not staying together.
The important thing is staying together if you want to do something special.
Couples who have been together for a long time say the key to staying together is to work as a team toward the greater good, tolerating some tough (even tragic) times to grow together and work toward a mature kind of union.
There's absolutely no purpose for me ever to embarrass an actor by not getting the best possible performance. So, if it takes staying longer, then we'll staying longer and work through it.
Staying focused is hard work and staying married is even harder.
Staying silent, staying away from him... that was the hardest thing I've ever done.
I've been in the gym, I've been training and I've been getting the Ws. I think that played a factor in me staying out of trouble outside the ring, staying focused on what's in front of me, and that's my boxing career.
Staying present and staying myself in the midst of others is important.
I think the important thing about staying creative and staying sharp and original is not to look back too much.
Getting married is easy. Staying married is more difficult. Staying happily married for a lifetime is among the fine arts.
Unlike most U.S. presidents out of power, the Obamas are staying in Washington, D.C., so their younger daughter can finish school. But let's be honest, they're also staying so they can respond to the new administration.
I can't complain. I'm making a living out of what I do, which is really rare for a lot of actors. The hard part is staying confident and staying with it.
Let us break through some of the inhibitions that have existed to talk together across the flimsy line of separation of faith: to talk together, to study together, to pray together and ultimately to sing together His Holy name.
I hate when people think you're broken because your parents are divorced. And I really reject the idea of staying together for the kids. If they're growing up in a house that's not healthy, it's better to know that's not the model of what marriage should be.
The key to staying together is making sure you guys like each other and need each other. — © Chris Rock
The key to staying together is making sure you guys like each other and need each other.
You know, I feel like people in this country who feel really strongly about a man and a woman being the only -- the sole sort of gatekeeper of marriage should also support people staying together. I mean, a lot of heterosexual couples don't stay together, and I think that's as upsetting as two people who are really committed and loving and have been monogamous for many years wanting to ... be married and have -- share some of the same rights that this country is so uniquely qualified to give people.
I was strong and tough enough and charming. / How else is a fat Jew lesbian poet gonna get by? / Listening to the radio, staying home, staying alone, like / they mean us to. / Who means you to be left out? / Who don't?
The twentieth century was about getting around. The twenty-first century will be about staying in a place worth staying in.
The fun of sitting around Pangong Lake with 40 guys around a fireplace, having a glass of wine... staying in one camp together... that's an experience. Waking up at 5 in the morning, watching the sun come up. You don't do these things in Bombay.
Even if you have a big tune, live crowds can get sick of it. It's not just about the song but also the staying power and if people have connected with it in a certain way. I know that the tracks I put more emotion and depth into are the ones that have the staying power in clubs.
Nothing said in words ever came out quite even. Things in words got twisted and ran together, instead of staying straight and fitting together.
I would like to believe that most people don't get married anticipating divorce. When I reached that crossroad, I felt like such a failure. After years of therapy together, I realized that staying together was emotionally destructive.
Just staying together is not a real virtue, if you're not happy. Or you're being denied. Or one person is being squashed. Or you really don't love each other; you're just there out of habit. That doesn't work, no matter how many years you stay together.
Getting married, having children, and staying together long after all love has died, saying that it's for the good of the children (who are, apparently, deaf to the constant rows).
It's hard for two actors to be together. Take the traveling, for instance. It winds up being a long distance relationship, all the time, because one's working here and one's working there, or one's staying at home and one's off someplace else.
Making the majors is not as hard as staying there, staying interested day after day. It's like being married. The hardest part is to stay married. — © Hank Aaron
Making the majors is not as hard as staying there, staying interested day after day. It's like being married. The hardest part is to stay married.
I'm not a proponent of staying together and being miserable and damaged and coming through actually a more battered person.
For me, conscious parenting is staying attuned to your child, being really open and in the moment. It means staying as present as possible in your own breath for the betterment of your whole family.
Divorce is the hardest obstacle I've had to overcome in my life. I would like to believe that most people don't get married anticipating divorce. When I reached that crossroad, I felt like such a failure. After years of therapy together, I realized that staying together was emotionally destructive. My husband didn't want the divorce, but I did. So there was a lot of bitterness initially. Although we are still divorced, we still call each other "family." It was a journey to get there, but it's a beautiful place to be.
Better take the keys and drive forever. Staying won't put these futures back together. All the perfect drugs and superheroes wouldn't be enough to bring me back to zero.
We’re staying together,” he promised. “You’re not getting away from me. Never again.” Only then did she understand what would happen. A one-way trip. A very hard fall. ”As long as we’re together,” she said. She heard Nico and Hazel still screaming for help. She saw sunlight far, far above- maybe the last sunlight she would ever see. Then Percy let go of his ledge, and together, holding hands, he and Annabeth fell into the endless darkness.
My mother always worked and thought staying at home was a bit twee, and that you should get your act together and do something useful. Now I think that's the most useful thing you can do: bring up some non-criminals.
Coming together is a beginning, and staying together is progress, but only when teams sweat together do they find success.
I can't imagine life without my wife, but I don't think you should get a prize for staying together a long time.
Learning appears as a way of staying young, perhaps of staying alive, and also as a way of growing up, perhaps facing death.
Leadership means bringing people together in pursuit of a common cause, developing a plan to achieve it, and staying with it until the goal is achieved.
When COVID-19 was declared a pandemic and the news was out that a lockdown would be imperative, Hrithik and I decided that staying together in the same home would be the more intelligent and soulful decision for our sons, and for us.
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