Top 213 Convicted Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Convicted quotes.
Last updated on September 20, 2024.
If you have truly been born again, it was the Holy Spirit who convicted you of sin and drew you into a relationship with Jesus.
People are tried and convicted in the newspapers and on television before they ever see a courtroom.
The drunkard is convicted by his praises of wine. — © Horace
The drunkard is convicted by his praises of wine.
Victims want to know that the true perpetrators of their crime are convicted - legal aid helps achieve this.
Rapists who might've been convicted were free to assault other women.
Much as we do not permit convicted pedophiles to teach kindergarten or convicted hijackers to board airplanes, common sense dictates that individuals who have been imprisoned for plotting violence against abortion clinics should never again be permitted anywhere near such facilities.
Those parts of myself that are too ugly or dangerous are precisely the things I feel convicted to share.
It’s very difficult to trace convicted paedophiles
Now is the hour we should humbly prostrate ourselves before God, willing to be convicted afresh of our sins by the Holy Spirit.
Obviously, we think it's important to make sure that firearms do not get in the hands of people who are criminals, convicted felons or adjudicated as mentally ill.
With the advent of DNA, we know that people have been convicted and sentenced to death who later proved not to be guilty of the crime.
The fact is I have never been convicted of a crime.
Federal law prohibits anyone convicted of a felony from owning a gun. Seems like kind of a good idea, no? — © Timothy Noah
Federal law prohibits anyone convicted of a felony from owning a gun. Seems like kind of a good idea, no?
In our criminal justice system, we say it's better for 10 guilty people to go free than for even one innocent person to be wrongly convicted.
I just think it's so outrageous that fifteen years is the kind of minimum amount of time that any wrongfully convicted person spends in prison.
All wrongfully convicted people are portrayed as monsters. But there's a special kind of monster that is a woman.
(on forgiveness) Didn't he and I stand together before an all seeing God convicted of the same murder? For I had murdered him with my heart and my tongue.
Martha Stewart was convicted of four counts of lying and obstruction of justice and could serve up to 20 years in Congress.
I've never been disbarred, committed or convicted of moral turpitude, and the only time I was arrested, it was a case of mistaken identity...I didn't know the guy I hit was a cop.
I was convicted of three misdemeanors of willful failure to file a form.
Most convicted felons are just people who were not taken to museums or Broadway musicals as children.
I confess. If the law had been appiled to me properly for what I did in Vietnam, I'd have been convicted for high treason.
In a legal sense, I am a convicted criminal.
I'm not a convicted felon.
I hate it when people are wrongly convicted.
A Pennsylvania woman convicted for shoplifting was sentenced to wear a badge that reads "Convicted Shoplifter." However, her lawyers hope to plea bargain down to a bumper sticker reading "I'd Rather Be Stealing!.
If he is convicted, Dr. Kevorkian says he will die a martyr's death by going on a hunger strike.
I would not be convicted by a jury of my peers, still crazy after all these years.
After my conviction, I was devastated. I had never believed that I would be convicted.
A guilty man is punished as an example for the mob; an innocent man convicted is the business of every honest citizen.
My arrest in Egypt happened in 2002, and I was convicted to five years as a political prisoner.
We are challenged these days, but not changed; convicted, but not converted. We hear, but do not; and thereby we deceive ourselves.
Had the jury convicted on proper instructions it would be the end of the matter. But juries are not bound by what seems inescapable logic to judges.
Anybody who understands the justice system knows innocent people are convicted every day.
Most people fancy themselves innocent of those crimes of which they cannot be convicted.
Discrimination in public benefits is also perfectly legal. Under federal law, people convicted of drug felonies are deemed ineligible even for food stamps.
The code of Hammurabi in ancient Babylon prescribed this punishment for a doctor convicted of inept surgery: amputation of the hands.
The treason of which I stand convicted loses all its guilt, has been sanctified as a duty, and will be ennobled as a sacrifice. — © Thomas Francis Meagher
The treason of which I stand convicted loses all its guilt, has been sanctified as a duty, and will be ennobled as a sacrifice.
The United States remains deeply concerned that, to date, no individuals have been convicted for the 1999 killings of U.S. citizens Agron, Ylli, and Mehmet Bytyqi.
We don't want you convicted for condiment theft. You go to that prison, you'll meet big-time operators. Maple syrup stealers.
I have never been able to soothe myself with the sugary delusions of religion; for these things stand convicted of the utmost absurdity in light of modern scientific knowledge.
Millions of Americans have already convicted Mrs. Clinton on many, many things. They will never vote for her.
Kiss the hand of him who can renounce what he has publicly taught when convicted of his error, and who, with heartfelt joy, embraces truth, though with the sacrifice of favourite opinions.
For the rest of your life you must check the box on employment applications asking the dreaded question: "Have you ever been convicted of a felony?" And once you check that box, the odds are sky high that your application is going straight to the trash. Hundreds of professional licenses are off-limits to people convicted of felonies.
Criminals look at identity theft and say only 1 in 700 criminals gets convicted of it. And they look at check forgery and they know that for every 1,400 forgers arrested, only about 123 get convicted and about 26 go to jail. So the rewards are great, but the risks are very slim. So that's one of the reasons that make it very popular.
You too must be of good hope as regards death, gentlemen of the jury, and keep this one truth in mind, that a good man cannot be harmed either in life or in death, and that his affairs are not neglected by the gods. What has happened to me now has not happened of itself, but it is clear to me that it was better for me to die now and to escape from trouble. That is why my divine sign did not oppose me at any point. So I am certainly not angry with those who convicted me, or with my accusers. Of course that was not their purpose when they accused and convicted me, but they thought they were hurting me, and for this they deserve blame.
No family should have to endure the loss of a loved one at the hands of a previously convicted violent criminal.
Martha Stewart's a convicted felon and they gave her another television show. What's next, the Scott Peterson Fishing Hour? — © Christopher Titus
Martha Stewart's a convicted felon and they gave her another television show. What's next, the Scott Peterson Fishing Hour?
I just spent 11 and a half months in a maximum-security jail, got shot five times, and was wrongly convicted of a crime I didn't commit.
The gospel will persuade no one unless it has so convicted us that we are transformed by it.
I've been a good boy, I've never really been convicted of serious crime.
Women are necessarily capable of almost anything in their struggle for survival and can scarcely be convicted of such man-made crimes as “cruelty.
Recognition should come to the reporter who uncovers public cheating or proves a convicted man innocent.
People are sometimes losing their homes before being convicted of a crime, or their cash or their cars.
One is a criminal to some people and an artist to others. I can understand that. In a legal sense, I am a convicted criminal.
Many of the Nazis were convicted after the war, but they were not convicted for being 'unreasonable'. They were convicted for being gruesome murderers.
A man convicted of murder is twenty times more likely than a woman convicted of murder to receive the death penalty. Since the 1976 reinstatement of the death penalty, 120 men and only 1 woman have actually been executed. The woman, from North Carolina, said she preferred to be executed. In North Carolina, a man who commits second-degree murder receives a sentence on average of 12.6 years longer than a woman who commits second-degree murder.
We have one of our priests in prison right now for his antiwar actions, and three of us in the community are forbidden to visit him because we're all convicted felons.
You keep accusing me of blasphemy all of the time, but I cannot be convicted of a victimless crime.
A statute that lets some wrongfully convicted individuals seek restitution but denies that right to others is an unjust and unequal application of the law.
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