Top 511 Outdoor Recreation Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Outdoor Recreation quotes.
Last updated on October 8, 2024.
I'm not a good outdoor shooter, I've come to realize.
The natural historian is not a fisherman who prays for cloudy days and good luck merely; but as fishing has been styled "a contemplative man's recreation," introducing him profitably to woods and water, so the fruit of the naturalist's observations is not in new genera or species, but in new contemplations still, and science is only a more contemplative man's recreation.
Art is both creation and recreation. Of the two ideas, I think art as recreation or as sheer play of the human spirit is more important. — © Lin Yutang
Art is both creation and recreation. Of the two ideas, I think art as recreation or as sheer play of the human spirit is more important.
I love Australia; it's such an outdoor life.
The preservation of parks, wilderness, and wildlife has also aided liberty by keeping alive the 19th century sense of adventure and awe with which our forefathers greeted the American West. Many laws protecting environmental quality have promoted liberty by securing property against the destructive trespass of pollution. In our own time, the nearly universal appreciation of these preserved landscapes, restored waters, and cleaner air through outdoor recreation is a modern expression of our freedom and leisure to enjoy the wonderful life that generations past have built for us.
When I was young, I did varied after-school activities - I did art, drama, science, math. I'm not the sporty kind of person, but I did get a certificate on outdoor recreation.
Video games and outdoor sports - that was my childhood.
The Dead's best venues were the outdoor concerts. I've been to a few, including one outside of Kansas City on the Fourth of July, but my fave was Shoreline Amphitheatre - a beautiful outdoor arena built on a landfill.
To find recreation in amusement is not happiness.
My favorite show is 'Parks and Recreation.'
Translation is an act of recreation.
The affluent society has built well in terms of economic progress, but has neglected the protection of the very water we drink as well as the values of fish and wildlife, scenic, and outdoor recreation resources. Although often measureless in commercial terms, these values must be preserved by a program that will guarantee America some semblance of her great heritage of beautiful rivers.
I'm not an outdoor girl. I can barely swim. I don't ride a horse. — © China Machado
I'm not an outdoor girl. I can barely swim. I don't ride a horse.
I love outdoor sports, like volleyball, and I play them whenever I can.
Art is both creation and recreation.
A recreation is not the same as a remix. A recreation has a new element added to it. There are new lyrics added to it. A new composition is introduced within the existing one and I feel that's tougher to do.
There are no outdoor sports as graceful as throwing stones at a dictatorship.
Chess is only a recreation and not an occupation.
Fishing is more than fish; it is the vitalizing lure to outdoor life.
Make thy recreation servant to thy business, lest thou become a slave to thy recreation.
Outdoor stadiums scare me to death.
Pleasure is far sweeter as a recreation than a business.
Theater is a recreation. It can be much more, but unless it's recreation, I don't see the point of it.
Barring love and war, few enterprises are undertaken with such abandon, or by such diverse individuals, or with so paradoxical a mixture of appetite and altruism, as that group of avocations known as outdoor recreation. It is, by common consent, a good thing for people to get back to nature. But wherein lies the goodness, and what can be done to encourage its pursuit?
Nevada contains an extraordinary diversity of outdoor landscapes and recreation experiences. Red Rock Canyon, Black Rock Desert, Lake Tahoe and the Great Basin are each a part of our history, our character and our way of life.
We all recognize that Colorado and our nation have a long and storied tradition of gun ownership for hunting, outdoor recreation and self-defense. However, I am not convinced that combat weapons are necessarily part of that heritage.
I really enjoy taking an outdoor shower.
Fishing has been styled 'a contemplative man's recreation,' ... and science is only a more contemplative man's recreation.
A war fitness conference some time ago declared that the highest form of recreation is to go to church. The word recreation should be written re-creation. More real rest can be gained from an hour and a quarter of worship under these circumstances than by eighteen holes of golf.
The detective story is the normal recreation of noble minds.
What if more and more parents, grandparents and kids around the country band together to create outdoor adventure clubs, family nature networks, family outdoor clubs, or green gyms? What if this approach becomes the norm in every community?
. . . what humanity most desperately needs is not the creation of new worlds but the recreation in terms of human comprehension of the world we have -- and it is for this reason that arts go on for generation to generation in spite of the fact that Phidias has already carved and Homer has already sung. The creation, we are informed, was accomplished in seven days with Sunday off, but the recreation will never be accomplished because it is always accomplished anew for each generation of living men.
I prefer more of outdoor exercises than gyming.
The gospel of cheerfulness, I had almost said the gospel of amusement, is preached by people who lack experience to people who lack vitality. There is a vague impression that the world would be a good world if it were only happy, that it would be happy if it were amused, and that it would be amused if plenty of artificial recreation - that recreation for which we are now told every community stands responsible - were provided for its entertainment.
The man who works 52 weeks in the year does not do his best in any one week of the year, Daniel Guggenheim, onetime head of the greatest smelting and mining family in America, impressed upon me. Real recreation quickens aspiration. The true purpose of recreation is not merely to amuse, not merely to afford pleasure, not merely to kill time, but to increase our fitness, enhance our usefulness, spur achievement.
I have an outdoor kitchen at home in Georgia, and I try to never eat inside.
The best recreation is to do good.
Outdoor tennis plays into my strengths a little better. — © John Isner
Outdoor tennis plays into my strengths a little better.
I'm very keen on outdoor things, lots of running and cycling.
I'm probably the highest paid outdoor entertainer since Cleopatra.
It takes all sorts of in and outdoor schooling To get adapted to my kind of fooling.
My job is what millions of people do for recreation. How can you not like that?
Any outdoor sport like volleyball can also be played as a workout.
Connecticut has an incredible mix of tourism offerings - from arts and cultural venues and restaurants, to lodging properties and outdoor recreation areas - all of which help generate business sales, tax revenues, and statewide jobs benefitting our communities.
The establishment of the National Park Service is justified by considerations of good administration, of the value of natural beauty as a National asset, and of the effectiveness of outdoor life and recreation in the production of good citizenship.
Enjoying outdoor recreation is not only good for physical health, but also for improving mental health, and I encourage everyone to explore some of the beautiful opportunities our state has to offer, particularly at those smaller, less explored state parks.
Outdoor hockey is what it is all about.
I had never been much for outdoor activities. — © Amanda Blake
I had never been much for outdoor activities.
Conservation must become before recreation.
Life is best enjoyed when time periods are evenly divided between labor, sleep, and recreation...all people should spend one-third of their time in recreation which is rebuilding, voluntary activity, never idleness.
I worked for the recreation and parks department for a year.
Spring and summer in Pittsburgh mean outdoor festivals.
I love the outdoor festival feeling.
Men cannot labor on always. They must have intervals of relaxation. They cannot sleep through these intervals. What are they to do? Why, if they do not work or sleep, they must have recreation. And if they have not recreation from healthful sources, they will be very likely to take it from the poisoned fountains of intemperance. Or, if they have pleasures, which, though innocent, are forbidden by the maxims of public morality, their very pleasures are liable to become poisoned fountains.
I actually like indoor track and field more than outdoor.
We Americans are a funny people. We say that our favorite outdoor recreation is 'walking for pleasure' (or so it is reported in Outdoor Recreation Trends). Yet the average housewife will jump into the family car-or one of them-to go around the corner for a bottle of aspirin and a television guide. The businessman who walks four blocks to an appointment is the exception rather than the rule.
The national parklands have a major role in providing superlative opportunities for outdoor recreation, but they have other people serving values. They can provide an experience in conservation education for the young people of the country; they can enrich our literary and artistic consciousness; they can help create social values; contribute to our civic consciousness; remind us of our debt to the land of our fathers.
Anyone serious about playing indoor, you should play outdoor.
Recreation is not a secondary concern for a democracy. It is a primary concern, for the kind of recreation a people make for themselves determines the kind of people they become and the kind of society they build.
I'm into outdoor sports like hiking, windsurfing, water-skiing.
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