Top 1200 Great Mood Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Great Mood quotes.
Last updated on October 6, 2024.
Try not to catch a girl when she's not in a great mood, tired or distracted.
Don't wait until you're 'in the mood.' Get into the mood by writing.
Running is a quick trigger for a good mood. The great thing about endorphins, you don't have to be in great shape to get them. — © Mindy Kaling
Running is a quick trigger for a good mood. The great thing about endorphins, you don't have to be in great shape to get them.
When my inner mood is positive, I also feel great on the outside.
I don't always know what's going to go on in terms of the mood of the story. Sometimes I start with the mood, but sometimes I just try to work toward discovering it. But I do think often there's a mood or unsettling quality, in which the reality of the world seems to be taken away, that I really love, and it's something that I almost always unconsciously move toward.
I have no problem telling people I have a great stunt double. I'm not that guy who's like, 'I do all my own stunts.' Like, no, no, no - it's make-believe, and I'm not in the mood to die. I'm not in the mood to get hurt. I have a wife and kids!
By painting colors and lines and forms seen in quickened mood I was seeking to make this mood vibrate as a phonograph does. This was the origin of the paintings in The Frieze of Life.
All moods have a cause. If you change the root cause, then your mood will follow suit. Furthermore, mood is a choice. It may not be a completely free choice, but you can choose which mood you spend the most time in.
Like all designers, sometimes my mood can be very flashy, but sometimes it can be dark. Or happier. It all depends on my mood.
It is often quite impossible to gauge the mood of the Chamber in advance, particularly on big occasions. One moment, it is relaxed and good-humoured; at the next, it can be angry and querulous, and the House in this mood can be a formidable arena.
My alter ego does not look in too great a mood today.
My mood has changed now. And the sun has gone behind the clouds. I'm in this mood I feel occasionally... this mood where there's a very good friend nearby who I should be phoning. If only I could reach that friend and talk, then everything would be just fine. The dilemma is, of course, I just don't know who that friend is. But in my heart I know my mood is merely me feeling disconnected from my true inner self.
No sign of pleasure greeted the announcement. The mood in the hall was leaden. My mood was livelier. Fright is livelier than lead.
We must always work, and a self-respecting artist must not fold his hands on the pretext that he is not in the mood. If we wait for the mood, without endeavoring to meet it halfway, we easily become indirect and apathetic.
When Satan's not in the mood, virtue triumphs. Hasn't even Satan a right not to be in the mood once in a while? — © Gunter Grass
When Satan's not in the mood, virtue triumphs. Hasn't even Satan a right not to be in the mood once in a while?
You can't just turn on creativity like a faucet. You have to be in the right mood. What mood is that? Last-minute panic.
We fear our neighbor's hostile mood because we are afraid that this mood will lead him to penetrate our secrets.
In a good mood I call my hair Chestnut with Gold Glints. In a bad mood, I call it mousy brown
I stood under the awning for a moment, but finally I decided that being in a bad mood with your friends beats being in a bad mood without them.
I dress according to my mood. Some days I don't want to dress up, while some days I want to look great and so I make an extra effort to put on some Kajal and beautiful dresses, but it all depends on my mood.
Every once and a while somebody writes a script, but even regardless of what age you are, most of the actors would all agree that it's all based upon material and the material has got to spark with you. It may be great material but you think it's great material for somebody else. Or it's great material and I'm perfect for it. So, you just have to make that judgment and if you feel in the mood to do it.
When one being gets into the mood of life he can bring millions to life. When one fellow gets into the suicidal mood, he can kill thousands along with him.
I got my wife a mood ring. It works real good! When shes in a good mood it turns blue, but when shes in a bad mood theres a red mark across my forehead
I'm in a mood, Dave. A bad mood, a very bad mood! I was fired from my ice cream truck job today! No more Fudgicles!
Freedom is only to be found where there is burden to be shouldered. In creative achievements this burden always represents an imperative and a need that weighs heavily upon man’s mood, so that he comes to be in a mood of melancholy. All creative action resides in a mood of melancholy, whether we are clearly aware of the fact or not, whether we speak at length about it or not. All creative action resides in a mood of melancholy, but this is not to say that everyone in a melancholy mood is creative.
What has mood to do with it? You fight when the necessity arises—no matter the mood! Mood's a thing for cattle or making love or playing the baliset. It's not for fighting.
With writing ... you must keep in the habit. After a lapse it will take you not an hour, but a week, a month, maybe, to find your mood again - that mood in which things drop from heaven. There's no forcing it; you can't set your notions in front of you, and stare at them till they take shape; they have to come to you whether you ask them or not. ... And you have to be in the habit of that mood! Of inspiration!
Om is a living phenomenon and it has its own mood. Depending on its mood the meaning will be revealed to you.
If I waited to be in the mood to write, I'd barely have a chapbook of material to my name. Who would ever be in the mood to write? Do marathon runners get in the mood to run? Do teachers wake up with the urge to lecture? I don't know, but I doubt it. My guess is that it's the very act that is generative. The doing of the thing that makes possible the desire for it.
I feel I should warn you, I’m in a really bad mood. (Syn) You’ll be in a worse mood when we haul you in dead! (a Partini) ‘Syn grimaced in pain at a comment so stupid it didn’t even rate a snotty comeback.’ (Syn)
I try to make my mood uplifting and peaceful, then watch the world around me reflect that mood.
Mood reflects the biology of the brain. How you feel is affected by the chemicals in the brain, and these are the same chemicals that form the basis of mood-altering drugs. You may use yoga, meditation, cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) or exercise to alter your mood, or revert to healthy eating, regular exercise and getting enough sleep.
You can only be in a bad mood for so long before you have to face up to the fact that it isn't a bad mood at all; it's just your sucky personality.
Depression seems to be related to fear, anger and frustration. When you're in a bad mood, even if you meet with your friends, you don't take pleasure in their company. But when you're in a good mood, even if things go wrong, you can cope with them without difficulty. This is why putting yourself in a good mood, making a point of developing a sense of loving kindness gives you greater inner strength.
I wanted to marry somebody who wasn't someone I had to be in any particular mood to want to be around - with close friends, you can be with them no matter what mood you're in.
I got different moods. Like, if I'm in a good mood, I listen to 'Up' by Thug. If I'm not in a good mood, I'll listen to 'King TROUP' - that's a real emotional one.
There are only couple songs that you can just hear and it'll put you in a great mood.
Mood evidently affects the operation of System 1: when we are uncomfortable and unhappy, we lose touch with our intuition. These findings add to the growing evidence that good mood, intuition, creativity, gullibility, and increased reliance on System 1 form a cluster. At the other pole, sadness, vigilance, suspicion, an analytic approach, and increased effort also go together. A happy mood loosens the control of System 2 over performance: when in a good mood, people become more intuitive and more creative but also less vigilant and more prone to logical errors.
Sometimes I'm in a bad mood, sometimes I'm in a good mood. It's like everyone else. — © Tricky
Sometimes I'm in a bad mood, sometimes I'm in a good mood. It's like everyone else.
How I dress is the way I feel. If I'm wearing bright colors, I'm probably in a great mood.
The music I listen to while writing is really scene-specific. It's just a great motivator, a way to put myself in the mood.
In television, there's no time. You can't walk around and get into the mood. Nobody is going to wait for you. They're like, "Let's go!," and I'm like, "Wait, I haven't gotten in the mood!"
When you work on animation, the music has a great task: to create a sound and melodies and mood and atmosphere and energy dedicated to these extraordinary characters.
I come out before the matches because it's important the fans see I am in a good mood. When I get to the club, my mood is always lifted. You can be in a terrible mood, but once you are at Fulham, you are happy.
My idea of a perfect surrealist painting is one in which every detail is perfectly realistic, yet filled with a surrealistic, dreamlike mood. And the viewer himself can't understand why that mood exists, because there are no dripping watches or grotesque shapes as reference points. That is what I'm after: that mood which is apart from everyday life, the type of mood that one experiences at very special moments.
I don't go out there and put on any sort of front for people. If I'm in a good mood, I appear in a good mood on TV, and if I'm in a bad mood, I just go out there and look like I'm in a bad mood.
My style is super versatile and doesn't pertain to any one category. It can be best compared to a mood ring. It is very dependent on the mood I am feeling for the day.
Sometimes I write from personal experience, but so much depends on what mood I'm in. If I'm in a good mood, I'll write happier songs.
Neil Lennon was a great manager; he really got your team in the mood and wanting to play for him.
I have a constant kind of soundtrack going on at all times. I almost always have a song in my head. I'm very musically inclined. It feeds my soul. It definitely helps me get into a mood or get out of a mood. Or inspires a mood. Honestly, it is one of my therapists - cheaper and always available.
To me, a WrestleMania Sunday is 'I serve at the behest and at the pleasure of my beast.' I'm there to lighten the mood. I'm there to keep the mood light and not make it too heavy, and to keep the pressure off Brock Lesnar.
A good smell puts me in a great mood and even inspires my creativity. — © Maria Canals Barrera
A good smell puts me in a great mood and even inspires my creativity.
The familiar mood that awaits the sensitive young who are poor and dispossessed is a mood of sharp and painful inferiority, of violently angry tensions, of desperate and overwhelming longings.
When you're in a good mood, bring up the past. When you're in a bad mood, stick to the present. And when you're not feeling emotional at all, it's time to talk about the future.
Craving that old sweet oneness yet dreading engulfment, wishing to be our mother's and yet be our own, we stormily swing from mood to mood, advancing and retreating-the quintessential model of two-mindedness.
When I go on the set, I'm so rushed. When I see the actors at rehearsal, when I love it, I want to keep the mood - my mood and the actors' mood also. So I have to push the crew faster. I don't want to lose the mood.
To me, running is therapy. It's mood-altering and gets my endorphins going. It's also a great release and a great energy builder.
Getting into shape helped get me into a better mood, and when I'm in a better mood, I'm funnier. My general attitude is better.
I'm not encouraging massive boycotts of turning off the news. That's what the left does. I'm just telling you my own personal experience. I'm just in a much better mood. I'm in a good mood anyway, but I'm in a much better mood day in and out. I look at things entirely differently not watching that crap. It's all I'm telling you.
When I'm in a bad mood, I feel better listening to someone else who sounds like they're in a bad mood. That was especially true when I was a kid, and I was mad at my mom or dad for whatever reason.
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